Hello everybody
Like Bas said, we SP guys are all over the FL world lol
I bet you can find at least one server you can call your home, as most of the servers have their own mods and therefore, there is something for everyone.
Bas wrote:
Eh, this is a global community and you will find ppl from all over the world as well as from many different servers here.On a side note, to get a serverlist ingame you need to download “GLS Workaround” from www.flserver.de
You should also download the Freelancer Mod Manager. You will find it at the DL area of this site. 1.31 is the most bug-free, but a few mods require 1.4 or 1.51Beta.
…I will need an advice. I installed my Freelancer in a separate external HD so I do need to know in what folder I have to install this Mod Manager…
…another thing to know if I understood: so I have to download first 1.31 then 1.4 or 1.51Beta or both 1.4 and 1.51Beta?EDIT:
there is a problem…a BIG one. On the folder you told there is not an account It says:
and then
You do not have a Freelancer multiplayer accountbut when I installed the game it appeared as one of the first windows.
what does it mean? -
You can install FLMM into any folder you want to. You don’t need to install it into the game’s directory.
You just need one FLMM version. They aren’t build up as patches but as full versions. So just install that version you want.EDIT:
there is a problem…a BIG one. On the folder you told there is not an account It says:
NOT FOUNDand then
You do not have a Freelancer multiplayer accountbut when I installed the game it appeared as one of the first windows.
Yeah, you just got your install code then. But you need to get your MP code; you get it by entering the MP screen ingame. So all seems to be fine right now. Just try out.
Bas wrote:
Eh, this is a global community and you will find ppl from all over the world as well as from many different servers here.On a side note, to get a serverlist ingame you need to download “GLS Workaround” from www.flserver.de
You should also download the Freelancer Mod Manager. You will find it at the DL area of this site. 1.31 is the most bug-free, but a few mods require 1.4 or 1.51Beta.
Bas I only found the 1.31 so I installed it.
I downloaded Global Server Workaround v1.0 from flserver.de
so now I’m ready to play the MP freelancer?
When I installed this 1.31 a message compared:
do not use mods on multiplayer servers unless they specifically allow them.
and then it says something that I can be kicked out and/or banned.
That’s right, you CANNOT use mods on Vanilla servers. That’s a BIG no-no. But you CAN use mods on the servers they were intended for, especially because most mods edit the version number to prevent from using it on servers other than the official ones.
So, this warning only applies to using mods to cheat on Vanilla servers. You’re free to use them on their modded servers.
As an example: It might be not wise to use mods like “Friendly Universe” or “Speed mod” at servers which haven’t allowed them. THIS will get you banned very quickly. Just use the mod which is made for the specific server, for instance, “Shattered Worlds” mod for the server “Shattered Worlds”.
Without any offense, but I have the feeling that you are worried by far too much about anything. Just try out, you will soon understand that it isn’t even half that complicated as you might have guessed.
I agree with Bas on this one, it’s really simple even for a newbie to the MP game. Just download a server mod, activate it, and play on the server. No other worries, mate.
at least if FLMM 1.31 is concerned (dunno about newer versions on that point), it is wise to backup the built in mods and put them out of the mods folder. this way, the mod manager starts faster as long as you do not spam it full with mods you find but only with those ones you activate often.
My be feared is cause the language.
I’t hard for me understand all and I can make mistakes and do things not allowed only cause I don’t understand that I can’t do.
So my only problem is language.
Vale, don’t worry.
Here is some basic information for you and for any other new players that are worried how to start…
First of all: You need to have a good internet connection for Multiplayer, I used to play on a dial-up line and it was almost impossible to play because of lag (delays). If you only have dial-up then play anyway, but it will be frustrating.
Secondly: I advise you to not use any mod in the beginning. Play online multiplayer basic Freelancer for at least a couple of days so you get familiar with starting it and playing around with new friends.
Thirdly: You will always need the GLS workaround mod patch because if you don’t have it you will not see the list of online FL Servers and you will not be able to connect to any.
Because when the game was supported by Microsoft, Microsoft had a special server called the Global List Server (GLS), which kept an active list of the names and IPs of FLServers that players started. This was called the Global Server List. When you go online, your PC will check the Global List Server and show you the list of all online FL Servers, the Global Server List.
But a couple of years ago Microsoft stopped supporting Freelance and stopped the Global List Server. So some of our clever guys here designed a new way to provide us with the same list of servers and the way to connect to them. In fact there are two methods! But don’t worry, the patch contains both.
But we all need the GLS Workaround Patch to see the Global Server List. And this patch has been made into a mod that FLMM can activate, so it can be easily done.
So this is the reason we need the GLS Workaround patch.
When you start to use mods, you will find that almost all of the mods have the GLS Workaround patch already inside the mod, so you should NOT activate the patch for mods unless you know it does not contain the patch already.
To continue…
Here’s what you need to do…
I think the problem you are having is because your Freelancer is on your external hard disk. You can install it on your
drive if you have space. Don’t worry, it does not interfere with anything else and it is easy to remove when you want.
After you install FLMM (I use 1.31), find your GLS Workaround mod patch. It should be named “xxxx.flmod”. Double-click on it and FLMM will start automatically and open it, and prepare it for use. It will NOT activate it yet.
When you are ready to play, start FLMM. In the right-hand panel you will see the GLS workaround patch as a mod. Select it and click Activate. This will activate it and Freelancer should be started by FLMM.
If it does not start from FLMM don’t worry, just close FLMM and then just start Freelancer. When you click on Multiplayer, you should now be able to see the Freelancer servers. There will be many that you cannot connect to, those will be in grey letters. The ones you can connect to will be light blue letters. Just double-click on any one and you should be connected.
You may also be able to find one in Italy. If not - why don’t you start your own?
Here’s how to do that…
Instead of starting Freelancer, double-click on FLServer.exe
You may get a warning from your firewall to block MS DirectPlay8 Server and Freelancer - tell it to Always Allow for both. This is important.
In the FL Server configuration window that opens, type in the name for your server, for example “Freelancer Italia!” and a description, for example “Sorry - Only Italian is spoken here! Come in and learn how to curse in Italian!”. Check the box “Allow players to harm other players”, and be sure that the other 2 boxes are also checked. Don;t put a password unless you don;t want anyone to connect.
Then click the OK button.
Now start your Freelancer, and you should see your FLServer in the servers list.
You may have jerky gameplay because you are running FL Server and Freelancer on the same PC, but it’s manageable usually if you have a good internet connection. Later you may be able to set up your FL Server on another PC.
When you have some experience you should get one of the FLServer control programmes, I use IonCross FL Server Op. But its not needed in the beginning.
Well, it seems you are well enough in English to understand almost we write here, so there shouldn’t be any problems in MP. Even at most non-international servers there are admins and players who are able to speak English to you anyways.