CMP to SUR Conversion Tests
**Actually the holdup has been the mesh rebuilder. I have completed that part of the code but unfortunately the mesh isn’t being recognized by FL. I believe the problems lies in the Fix format. After studying multiple different Fix, Pris and Rev nodes in binary, something is amiss in the current knowledge about those node types. Maybe Adoxa might be willing to help determine what values are actually used (hint, hint)
The current is for Fix…
Parent name string
Child string at offset 0x40
Center x,y,z at 0x74
Position offset at 0x80
3x3 rotation matrix at offset 0x8c
Next part at offset 0xb0I’ve noticed the 0x70 is always 0x00000000
The position is always valid floats so that part looks good.
The rotation matrix is a different story, the only consistent values are the x,y,z floats, ie at 0x8f, 0x9f & 0xaf, the rest sometimes contain totally invalid float values such as 0x0000000F or 0x80000000 (infinite value, same as 0x7FFFFFFF). For a matrix this doesn’t work since it invalidates the matrix.Everything else seems to work at the present time, the UTF editors and HardCMP have no trouble loading the rebuilt cmp files, any help would be appreciated.**
Here’s all the Cons nodes (from the XML Project - when I said it decoded everything I really meant it).
struct Vector { float x, y, z; }; struct Matrix { Vector i, j, k; }; // \Cmpnd\Cons\{Fix,Trans,Loose} // Trans isn't in any of the vanilla files struct FIX { char parent[64]; char child[64]; Vector position; Matrix orientation; }; // \Cmpnd\Cons\{Pris,Rev} struct REV { char parent[64]; char child[64]; Vector position; Vector offset; Matrix orientation; Vector axis; float minmax[2]; // don't seem to be used }; // \Cmpnd\Cons\Cyl struct CYL // not in any of the vanilla files { char parent[64]; char child[64]; Vector position; Vector offset; Matrix orientation; Vector axis; float minmax[4]; // don't seem to be used }; // \Cmpnd\Cons\Sphere struct SPHERE { char parent[64]; char child[64]; Vector position; Vector offset; Matrix orientation; float minmax[6]; // don't seem to be used }; ```I've called it **position** here, but after looking at the UTF Editor, I probably should have stuck with **origin**. I only think it's minimum and maximum angles, but a quick play with the debugger showed they were never read; the problem is some of the bases uses really large values, which seems to belie their use as angles. I've used Matrix as three Vectors, because that's how Paul Isaac defined it in **View UTF**, a mod utility for Conquest: Frontier Wars. (It's a bit temperamental, which is why I've never mentioned it before now. There's also an unpack utility, which should create/extract UTF files, but it didn't work at all.)
**Thanks, thats pretty much the same layout I’m using for each of the nodes. Hadn’t seen the CYL type though, good find. I have seen sphere used in the cityscape models.
In this case I will simply run FL in debug mode and see why it’s giving me a ‘can’t create compound part’ error. It gives me exactly the number of errors as there are new parts. Odd since the program completely rebuilds the Fix node from the data it reads and also has all of the children for the VMeshRef’s + the Cmpnd entries…**
Shaved my long grey beard off, thinking I would have LS’s utility by now and have to do some fast serious work needing sleek streamlined facial lines…
It’s so cold without it!
And I notice some stray mice have moved in here too…
**After bugging FF for awhile about FL Dev
Ok, the model rebuilder is not working which means the sur builder is not working….
Something is missing in the understanding of the cmp model format. I have generated Cons-Fixed entries, VMeshRef entries and all of the Cmpnd entries perfectly according to the layout that is currently understood to be the proper formats. Unfortunately this is is not working…
HardCmp displays it correctly…
UTF editor shows the nodes in the proper place and exports the data as it should be…
FL only shows the the original VMeshRef’s sometimes…One thing I found during this is that ‘lod1’ is NOT a requirement, look at nomad_lair.cmp for an example…
Any help would be appreciated, files upon request…**
LancerSolurus wrote:
Something is missing in the understanding of the cmp model format. I have generated Cons-Fixed entries,
Errm… I hope you mean Cons-Fix ??
Not Cons-Fixed!!
P1p3r’s .cmp exporter also caused a Cons-Fixed problem, we have to rename those nodes as Cons-Fix.
Any progress pals?
Lancer? Yoo-hoooooo!!! Lan-cer?
Anyone seen him? No posts at digitalbrilliance either!
Maybe he’s burning the midnight oils on this utility? Nah? Sure? Hmmm…
Has he been captured by the Thyroids? Toroids? Er… Tannoys? Triffids? Teletubbies! Aha! They’re the ones!
Okay ST, I’m sorry but don’t post in this topic again. This is spam, plain and simply, and if you don’t want me to consider you a spambot and deal with you as I would with them, cut the chatter.
LS will post back when he has progress and that’s all there is to it.
Hello and I hope this is not considered spam.
I was and still having troubles with a mob of mine, i was pointed here and found the beta, or alpha of this cmp to sur convertor. and it has helpped nail down one of the possable problems my Sur file.
My ship is still invisable, but thanks to this program it is taking hits like it should. I’m wondering if the Mat exportor i have for Milkshape 128 is faulty or messed up. It is the “freelancer mat 0.1” exporter.
You’d be best off to use the topic you already have created on the subject or make a new one if you don’t have one.
Just to give you some possible angles of attack, LODRanges? Groups are named right? Files are referenced properly? Errors in the logs?
OK FF, no offence meant.
The reason I keep bumping is that it keeps disappearing, goes way down the forum list, and out of sight out of mind.
I have a serious need for this tool.
As you see I gave up on your FL Dev after you explained your commitments, but I am still waiting for that too.
I will desist, but let it be recorded that I believe I have contributed enough help here to be given some lee-way when I get grumpy or throw in some humourous remark that is irrelevant?
Go back, check your posts and count the number of “irrelevant” posts of yours I’ve let through. I think I’m being lenient enough
I just don’t want this to devolve into a bump fest. LS isn’t the kind of guy to forget about something like this and it’s far more efficient to remind him on MSN anyways
He’s just a busy man and aren’t we all? Give him time, he’ll respond.
Um not to brust your bubbles but according to this site/topic. The project is DEAD, Due to math needed to make it work, as well as a TOTAL hard drive crash.
Please look at the date of the topic…
If you don’t see it, it’s 2008
So, as FF said, give LS some time. Thanks.
**No, I haven’t forgot about this project. It’s just come to a standstill for the time being while I work on something that may make it into a commercial game…
Adoxa, I will send you a link within a couple of days of the model. It’s probably something dumb anyways, for some reason it usually turns out that way
, btw, thanks for your help in this project and the little hack I asked for a few days ago! Worked perfectly!
Anyways, this will be my last major project for FL, I am itching to get back on my game engine and get it completed since most of the basic functionality is built and working.
An offer though, I will release the code to somebody who is competent to finish this project, only thing is you can’t release the code. I’ve spent 12 years building my library and I don’t want it in the public domain…
@ lonestar - hehe, that was the original project 2 years ago, this project was built from scratch and has no connection to that one.**
Oh lol, Silly me facepalms, but misses palm and facedesks instead
But on the side note, The beta 02 works perfectly and so far its not got a bad sur for my Eve-online mod. I’m going to create you for the Surs for my mod. Becasue without this cmp to sur conversion i’d have to mess around myself and make tons of mistakes.
Lonestar -
Good to see you Lancer!
Just as a reminder to all:
The beta is already fab for one-group models, and is absolutely fine for small ships.
This is because only one sur part is created by the beta, and that part covers the entire model in a tight-fitting convex shroud.
So if there are gaps between parts of the ship it really doesn’t matter when the ship is small, because hits will register on empty space but it is small space.
The utility Lancer is still working on is going to be great for large ships where the gaps between booms etc is huge, like the gap between the engines on the Enterprise 1701-A type for example, and shots that should pass through will be hitting the ship spaces instead.
This version will create one sur part per group, so it is important that the model is created (or modified) in sensible groups, for example for the Enteprise there should be the following MilkShape/.cmp groups:
1. Saucer
2. Main hull
3. Saucer Pylon
4. Left Engine
5. Left Engine Pylon
6. Right Engine
7. Right Engine PylonEach group of the ship will then have its own sur, so that there will be gaps in between the groups, and shots will pass through all the gaps instead of hitting.
In the .cmp each Group can (and should) have sub-parts for detail, but these should not be separate groups - you can determine this by placing each part under the main group that it belongs to in the MilkShape Groups list, and then in the .cmp exporter by setting the right Group Quantities (count of the parts plus the main Group itself) for each Group.
But you MUST make your ship in this way for this to be effective.
ST going into hybernation and long sulks after being told off by FF.
Let me know if you want me back.
<tearful sobs=“”></tearful>