The-Starport FLServer ?
I like the arcade Idea.
Vanilla is out there and not too attractive.
Mod showcase might compete with the shown mod.So:
Arcade - and possibly mix it with events. -
Right! Additional solutions - this is just jumps in demo systems of other mods (for this we must have vanilla files)
And a central arcade system, the core - a total conversion from TSP -
When I was talking about a showcase mod, I never actually ment a mod showcase. I was meening a mod to showcase all of the new features that is being unlocked practically on a daily basis around here. Like the graphical enhancements and all of the hax Adoxa and Wodka and everyone else that specialise in these kind of things do. Even new models and things that people produce can find a place in somthing like this.
Although I suppose I did contradict myself by saying keep it vanilla, how can you if you change so much I suppose.
i think it should be like this: there are systems representing famous mods and in the starting system there should be news advertising or explaining the special qualities. in addition simple missions should draw a path to the modded systems so you can see all of them without searching too long. all in those systems should be like in the mods but the players should be neutral to npc’s, so they can watch the action from beside. however, the cruise speed etc should be controled by zones covering the whole system rather than by a constant counting for every system. the modded systems should have all, graphic enhancements, different music tracks depending on zone, different ships, planets, stations, stats. the player however, could deside to stay there and learn the infrastructure deeper bying a starship there and getting fully into the ambience of the mod. once he likes it he can than go further to the certain server. on the other hand, a player can just fly somewhere else without having the problems of being shot down by advanced AI or ship stats without he wants to join the ambience.
I guess that would be a good idea too… but how to you confine graphics enhancements and cruise speeds to one system?
the cruise speed is to control easily as you can multiply it by a factor within a zone. graphics are in general only fx and this can be implemented easily too, to use fx in one system other textures and ales as in another. ofc you have multiple fx to manage that. the bloom fx is optional in every mod and can be implemented in every other mod additionally without any issues, so this we could let out or make an option for that, like others do. models and starspheres/textures are the last part of graphics but i think you won’t ask about managing this input, will you?
picks up pieces of his brain
OK, there are so many differences of opinion…
So how do we get to a majority favourite so the admins can make a decision?
youre inviting us for a voting. let’s call all active TSP members to vote for their prefered variant. i think, this is in terms of our society’s preference of democracy the most sensible solution for now. changing the mod due to changes on the available mods front is ofc necessary to keep our clients up to date.
If you want an arcade style “mod” that still looks like vanilla, then how about Ioncross Total War? Complete madness in 4 systems.
No offense, but this will not be voted on simply because in the end it’s up to us implementing all what has been proposed in here.
Its been great to hear the different suggestions, though, so if you have some more ideas, keep em coming.
Gibbon wrote:
If you want an arcade style “mod” that still looks like vanilla, then how about Ioncross Total War? Complete madness in 4 systems.I wouldnt call Ioncross “arcade” since you have a severe death penalty there and you need to be rather involved.
The idea for the TSP server would be to have something lightweight, simple team death match or capture the flag, or racing (thx F!R for the suggestion).
Mod teams could make special “maps”, showcasing the beauty of their mod, if they’d like to. -
I like that arcade-style suggestion. Never really played on ‘real’ servers because it’s so time consuming…
There’s only two real choices, either vanilla, or a mod.
If you go for a mod then either an individual or a group of people have to take responsibility for it, it opens a gigantic can of worms.
You’ll be competing openly against the wider mod community, no doubt the people making the mod would also be chancing drawing traffic away from their own mods. It can only end in tears as there are too many bones of contention.
A possible option that might avoid some issues would be an all out collaberation of the modders to make the best mod freelancer has ever seen, possibly combine the best of the best mods out there into a super mod of sorts filled with all the goodies you’ve all accumulated over all these years.
The possibilities of such a mod are mind boggling, you may as well just dump all personal projects and think of it as the only mod anyone is ever going to want to play ever again, because that would be the end result no doubt.
Can you imagine Shattered Worlds, NSU, Crossfire, Asylum51, FW-TOW, Underverse etc, etc all making their resources available and working together for a supermod? MIND = BLOWN!! I’d love it mind no doubt lol.
If you go for a vanilla facelift, there are no real issues to deal with as regards to the wider community. Think of it as a showcase of effects and facelifts.
One person has a great jump effect, another has an awesome missile effect, that guy does a good engine effect, good lazer effect, nice planet skin for manhatten, it would make freelancer look more 2010 without treading on anyones toes and all anyone would be doing is offering a little something special they have in their back pocket without compromising their own mod.
I like what W0dk4 had with the capture the flag/deathmatch concept.
I’d be MORE than happy to put together a TF2-esque mod.
I’ve got alot of free time coming up, as finals are next week. Not that i dont have alot of free time already.
So here’s what im thinking. You have a lobby start system. You pick what type of game you want to play with a pick-up group, and enter the proper arena system. We can figure out ways to enforce limits and rules, using the hook dock restrictions and such.
Gametypes: Capture the Flag, Assault (reverse CTF), TDM, DM
Others could include juggernaught style where one player has an object and everyone has to get that player and tractor in that object, maybe it can be a perishable and however long it lasts plays into how that game is won, ideas appreciated.
Also, there could be different themed arenas, since Capital Combat and Fighter Combat are so hard to balance, why even bother for this? Have a capital arena set and a fighter arena set, so everyone can have a taste of what they love.
Still thinking about this, everyone feel free to comment
I know it really sounds nice having everyone give everything into one mod, but it simply wont work for multiple reasons, be it inflated egos, or simply style differences of certain mods. Its already been discussed a lot and I really dont want to start the debate here. Also, with a real “TSP”-mod, we’d get in competition with the general FL scene which we want to prevent.
Same applies to vanilla Freelancer, or enhanced Freelancer btw., there are plenty of servers to play on (DFLS, Hamburg City, Procyon, etc…) -
Eh, do you still have the AA stuff around? What about just hosting it for the moment why we still continue the discussion? If it is fine, we might keep it then, maybe in an altered version, who knows….
Also, it would be nice to have a shoutbox at the forums to call friends quickly online to the server since there might be not such many players in the beginning plus stuff like AA can’t be really played without other players, eh?
Hence why a specifically designed mod would be best. I’ve no problem with using AA for the time being, but I think something built for TSP’s situation would have better odds and would be more fun (which is of course paramount).
I’m discussing something with a few people, there might be something going soon
There’s only two real choices, either vanilla, or a mod.
One real choice: TC compatible with vanilla
I’m for the simplest mod, little or no overhead for the admins, capture the flag or races or whatever…
How about just two or maybe 3 systems at the most:-
1. System 1 completely empty apart from a base station at each of the compass points (that means North, South, East and West for the Graddies here!! )
Those are just for players to dock at, in clans/groups/teams, for repairs, could sell all available equipment and 3 different ships each so that there could be a choice of 12 ships in the mod to keep things simple.
Any group combat or race or hare & hounds event can be staged here, admins can make the announcements for what event will take place.
2. System 2 would be an arena with however many stages you want, from Level 1 (easy, maybe 8 NPCs) to Level XX (dead in 2 seconds unless you’re brilliant, large numbers of NPCs at highest rank with extreme weapons loadout).
In our mod’s arena system we have 24 arenas, each is in a 10km vignette zone with a numbered marker buoy in the centre. NPCs turn up in encounters repeatedly until the player feels he can go to the next zone. The higher ones are very tough.
3. System 3 - Optional
Same as System 2 but NPC’s replaced by players, starting at the level 1 buoy - the players having to stay at that level until they defeat another player before moving to the next level.
And maybe after 5 repeated defeats a player should move down to the next lower level too.
Buoys could be dockable bases so players could park there until they defeat someone.
I think System 3 would be favourite because players could drop in for a few minutes blast, see who’s there, throw some insults & taunts, and go back to work again before the boss notices!
The mod creators could have a blast putting everything into 3 systems that they want for visuals, ships, weapons etc, this would keep server load low too, and maintaining the mod would be minimal, just adding nice things now and then.
Earning Money - starting with the base ship, money could be paid on NPC kills in the Arena system, or as mission payments if someone can control the mission sequence in levels from 1 to xx so that a player could not do a level 3 until he’s completed a level 2 mission.
In the player combat system money could be earned by big bounties paid on real players