How to increase mass to dynamic asteroids?
I already testet these things! Look at the third post above this.
Turns out dynamic asteroids are a given a mass of 1 when they’re initialised (via BuildIVP_Real). This plugin will recognise the mass value in the [DynamicAsteroid] section, with a 10% variance (so if it’s 10, you’ll get between 9 and 11). I did it as an update to DynAstHP, so hit_pts will work, too.
adoxa needs a own asteroid named after him on every Freelancer Server
Thanks again! -
Is there a possibility to apply the normal exclusionzones for asteroids to the dynamic asteroids?
Is there a mod that adds these dynamic asteroids?
88 Flak
MyP.S. Adoxa is very fast plugin maker, so i have version with hit points only at the moment :))
After colliding dynamic asteroid even with a very high mass(I used 1000000) nothing happens, I mean no damage is delivered to my ship. I tried altering COLLISION_DAMAGE_FACTOR, it works with static asteroids, but not dynamic, looks strange when you collide a huge asteroid at 600 m/s and get no damage at all. any solutions? Sur editing :-? ?
See if this helps. It seems to work, but test it out a bit more and if it really does I’ll add it to the plugin.
freelancer.exe, 124E7C & 124E7F, 03->01
Dynamic asteroids are type 0x4001, normal asteroids are 0x1003. It’s the missing bit 1 that causes a different damage calculation, but changing to 4003 doesn’t work (4001 is tested in multiple places, by the looks).
Wait, so I understand this right, we now have dynamic asteroids that cause damage?
what “other” objects…. im intrigued
that might just be a good thing.
Because it might crash. As it turns out, it doesn’t work, anyway. I’m sure I took damage that first time, but I’m not registering any now. I’ll keep trying, but dynamic asteroids (CObject) and normal asteroids (CSimple) might just be too different for it to work. BTW, normal asteroids have a mass of 1000.
No, I don’t think it’s going to work. I believe what’s happening is that damage is done server-side, but dynamic asteroids are only client-side, so the server has no object to work with. It might be possible to just do it client-side, but I’ll leave that for another day.