Cruisers, battleships in game
The engine and power are to small. Use the li cruiser engine (look in the engine_equip for “lc_”.
The SFX is not a crash reason. It just adds some rumbling sound to your ship, so it sounds big.Oh and: fuses are no equipment for ships. Fuses are fuses.
Just remove the 3 fuses for testing. -
explosion_resistance = 0.900000 <<–- WTF??? on a shiparch??
try removing that first, Engine & power won’t crash unless its not defined… there are no restrictions in the normal game, any engine/power will mount on any ship via a goods entry… you’ll just get a lower underpowered one… and with BS ships…& a trader loadout you’ll probably just sit there with not enough power to do anything.
try stripping the goods line by line… you only really need the following to work
addon = ship_engine_01, internal, 1 addon = ship_power01, internal, 1 addon = ge_s_scanner_01, internal, 1 addon = ge_s_tractor_01, internal, 1
& any lights/contrails you want active
Battleships don’t normally have shields either -
If you think that this is needed, just do it! It’s your cruiser.
Oki… lets look at this a second
In short… yes, when in doubt… make your own to test with… that’s the joy of modding really. This applys to almost every aspect of making anything… EVER… so… that bita wisdom aside…
You are starting to get the idea here Davis, yes a traders engine won’t have the necessary thrust to counter the battleship/cruisers mass… you can in theory have a powerplant with small values and still have a functional ship… but the engine is key to flight here and here’s where you should start, regardless of your crash … its just good practice.
Now… There’s a whole bevy of engines already in the game that cater for all classes but in my experience when working on bringing back the Battleships & Other non flyables for player use… its best to just leave the originals alone and make some “copys” … why? you ask… well balance really… and agian… its good practice
and easy too for what your doing you can even use the same IDS numbers (though not desired) just tag them differently in the INI IE: my_bs_engine01
also… try to get as close to possible to the original from the start (for anything) then “mod up” from there… make it work… then mod it… well that’s what works for me anyways lol & when in doubt, revert back to your previous backup (you do make backups i hope?) and start again after sleeping on it a bit 8-)
@ Xarian
Ive never made new powerplants, engines (except recoloring) nor capitals ingame thats why i asked about it.
Just because i have an idea thats not sure to gonna work, and get CTD every time, is not enjoyable, at least to me, and when im on the verge of givin up, i rather ask, if nobody responds i continue, and sooner or later i find something. But thats dead-time and a bit boring, and why do i get headache if someone knows the solution or spots the problem, next time i will take care of it.Anyway your guideline is fine, i will try what you mentioned.
Thanks a lot
(you do make backups i hope?)
5 separate places, after my vga gettin ill
Did you modify anything else exept the things for that cruiser? And where do you want to sell it? Make sure you don’t have more than three ship packages to sell on the station/planet.
Just use the cruiser engine
should be ge_lc_engine01 or ge_lc_engine_01. -
<data file="data\ships\shiparch.ini" method="append"><source> [Ship] ids_name = 237031 ids_info = 66565 nickname = li_cruiser_pl LODranges = 0, 200, 400, 600, 1000, 6000 msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_shiparch_Libc cockpit = Cockpits\liberty\l_freighter.ini HpCockpit=DpCntrltwr shield_link=l_freighter_shield01, HpMount, HpEngine01, DpCntrltwr hp_type = hp_freighter_shield_special_10, DpCntrltwr max_bank_angle = 15 camera_offset = 15, 150 ; 25, 180 camera_angular_acceleration = 0.060000 camera_horizontal_turn_angle = 20 camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = 10 camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = 20 camera_turn_look_ahead_slerp_amount = 1.000000 strafe_force = 40000.000000 mission_property = can_use_large_moors ;type = CRUISER type = FREIGHTER ship_class= 2 DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_cruiser\li_cruiser.cmp material_library = ships\liberty\li_capships.mat material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat envmap_material = envmapbasic linear_drag = 1.000000 mass = 5000.000000 hold_size = 1000 hit_pts = 43300 explosion_arch = explosion_instant fuse = li_cruiser_body_fuse, 0.000000, 1 fuse = li_cruiser_burning_fuse01, 0.000000, 10825 fuse = li_cruiser_burning_fuse02, 0.000000, 5413 surface_hit_effects = 0, small_hull_hit_light01, small_hull_hit_light02, small_hull_hit_light03 surface_hit_effects = 150, small_hull_hit_medium01, small_hull_hit_medium02, small_hull_hit_medium03 surface_hit_effects = 300, small_hull_hit_heavy01, small_hull_hit_heavy02, small_hull_hit_heavy03 steering_torque = 20000000.000000, 20000000.000000, 20000000.000000 angular_drag = 132000000.000000, 132000000.000000, 132000000.000000 rotation_inertia = 40000000.000000, 40000000.000000, 40000000.000000 nudge_force = 300000.000000 HP_bay_surface = HpBayDoor01 HP_bay_external = HpBayDoor02 HP_tractor_source = HpTractor_Source num_exhaust_nozzles = 4</data> <data file="DATA\EQUIPMENT\goods.ini" method="append"><source> [Good] nickname = li_cruiser_pl_hull category = shiphull ship = li_cruiser_pl price = 15 ;00 ids_name = 237031 [Good] nickname = li_cruiser_package category = ship hull = li_cruiser_pl_hull addon = infinite_power addon = ge_s_scanner_02 addon = ge_s_tractor_01 addon = ge_lc_engine_01 addon = sfx_rumble_cruiser addon = li_cruiser_forward_gun01, HpWeapon01 addon = li_cruiser_turret01, HpTurret_L5_01 addon = li_cruiser_turret01, HpTurret_L5_02 addon = li_cruiser_missile_turret01, HpTurret_L5_03 addon = li_cruiser_missile_turret01, HpTurret_L5_04 addon = li_cruiser_turret01, HpTurret_L5_05 addon = li_cruiser_turret01, HpTurret_L5_06 addon = li_cruiser_turret01, HpTurret_L5_07 addon = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadLight01 addon = LargeWhiteSpecial, HpHeadLight02 addon = SlowLargeBlue, HpRunningLight03 addon = SlowLargeBlue, HpRunningLight06 addon = SlowLargeBlue, HpRunningLight08 addon = SlowLargeBlue, HpRunningLight09</data> <data file="DATA\EQUIPMENT\misc_equip.ini" method="append"><source> [Power] nickname = my_power_01 ids_name = 0 ;GENERATESTRRES("My Power Converter") ids_info = 0 ;GENERATEXMLRES("<xml><rdl><push><tra data="1" mask="1" def="-2"><just loc="center"><text>My Power Converter</text><para><para><tra data="0" mask="1" def="-1"><just loc="left"><text>CLASSIFIED</text><para><para></para></para></just></tra></para></para></just></tra></push></rdl></xml>") volume = 0.000000 mass = 10 DA_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\li_fusion_reactor.3db material_library = equipment\models\hardware.mat capacity = 18000 charge_rate = 6000 thrust_capacity = 1500 thrust_charge_rate = 100 lootable = false</data>
Stick that in an xml script file in your mod folder, FLMM will read that, and create a player flyable Liberty Cruiser, with a slot for a class 10 freighter shield if you want to buy one.
There is also an example of how you would add a custom power converter if you wanted one for the ship, dont use that one though, not large enough really for a capship.
Just add the market goods entry for the package as you would for any new ship…
<data file="DATA\Equipment\market_ships.ini" method="append"><source> [BaseGood] base = Li01_03_base ;***pittsburgh ; *** New Ships *** marketgood = li_cruiser_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1</data>
Thanks for the info, but all I want to make a new engine entry which is based on the nomad fighter engine (ge_nf_engine_01) but as big as the li_cruiser engine (ge_lc_engine_01) for cruiser class of course. I haven’t played with it for a while so my knowledge is rusty.
Davis wrote:
Thanks for the info, but all I want to make a new engine entry which is based on the nomad fighter engine (ge_nf_engine_01) but as big as the li_cruiser engine (ge_lc_engine_01) for cruiser class of course. I haven’t played with it for a while so my knowledge is rusty.Ahh, well that would mean editing the engine effects ale to make a nomad fighter style engine in a capship size,
the other two nomad engines, are quite large and have additional effects that mean they might not suit, but you could try the nomad gunboat engine as a base
For the start I would just use the original liberty cruiser’s flame effect by replacing the effect reference in your new engine with:
flame_effect = gf_li_largeengine01_fire
As editing effect files is rather difficult.
Quarks wrote:
For the start I would just use the original liberty cruiser’s flame effect by replacing the effect reference in your new engine with:flame_effect = gf_li_largeengine01_fire
As editing effect files is rather difficult.
As I wrote I want to use the li_cruiser engine with flame effect of nomad engine and, of course make a new engine entry for it.
So, make it clear:[Engine]
nickname = ge_lc_engine_01
ids_name = 263887
ids_info = 264887
volume = 400
mass = 10
max_force = 300000
linear_drag = 10000
reverse_fraction = 0.1
flame_effect = gf_li_largeengine01_fire –-> flame_effect = gf_no_smallengine01_fire
trail_effect = gf_li_largeengine01_trail –-> trail_effect = gf_no_smallengine01_trail
cruise_charge_time = 5
cruise_power_usage = 20
rumble_sound = rumble_cruiser
rumble_atten_range = -5, 0
rumble_pitch_range = -25, 25
cruise_start_sound = engine_li_cruise_start
cruise_loop_sound = engine_li_cruise_loop
cruise_stop_sound = engine_li_cruise_stop
indestructible = false
outside_cone_attenuation = -3
inside_sound_cone = 90
outside_sound_cone = 270The red marked entries come from the preferences of ge_nf_engine_01 but they are smaller. I guess I have to resizing them up to the cruiser engine’s size or not I don’t remember. This is my question.
Anyway, adding effects to the engines isn’t difficult you can add weapon effects etc… that’s ok. What I don’t remember: do these effects hold their parameters or they adapt to the engine’s size? Huh I hope you understand what I want to ask, late night here and I barely see the screen. -
well thats how, like the ‘custom power’ example I gave you, custom engines are the same, just a different ini…
; ************* ; Engines ; ************* <data file="DATA\EQUIPMENT\engine_equip.ini" method="append"><source> [Engine] nickname = ad_raptor_dest_engine_01 ids_name = 263887 ids_info = 264887 volume = 000.000000 mass = 10 max_force = 250000 linear_drag = 5000 reverse_fraction = 0.300000 flame_effect = gf_li_largeengine01_fire ;trail_effect = gf_li_largeengine01_trail trail_effect = gf_co_smallengine03_trail cruise_charge_time = 5 cruise_power_usage = 20 rumble_sound = rumble_cruiser rumble_atten_range = -5, 0 rumble_pitch_range = -25, 25 cruise_start_sound = engine_li_cruise_start cruise_loop_sound = engine_li_cruise_loop cruise_stop_sound = engine_li_cruise_stop indestructible = false outside_cone_attenuation = -3 inside_sound_cone = 90 outside_sound_cone = 270</data>
That’s based off a liberty cruiser engine, for a custom liberty destroyer
That s the flmm script to make a new engine, to use it for a player ship, just put your new engine name in theaddon = [enginename], internal, 1
line in the ship package code.
For an npc ship, there is a similar line in the loadouts inis, loadouts.ini for small or player ships
The other loadout ini’s are for npc transports and warships.
the syntax changes to
equip = [enginename], internal, 1
As for your RED highlighted entries, as I said earlier, to resize the engine effects from a nomad fighter engine to fit a cruiser, you would need to edit the ale file with an ale editor, OR use larger effects, such as the ones from the nomad gunboat, however, when using nomad engine effects, be aware that you might need to MOVE the hpengine?? hardpoints forwards, as they dont follow the same setup as regular engine effects, since they were intended to add internal effects to a transparent hull as well as the engine fire/trail.
The gunboats engine effects are in here
[Engine] nickname = ge_ng_engine_01 ids_name = 263905 ids_info = 264905 volume = 400.000000 mass = 10 max_force = 360000 linear_drag = 3000 reverse_fraction = 0.100000 flame_effect = gf_no_largeengine01 cruise_charge_time = 5 cruise_power_usage = 20 rumble_sound = rumble_nomad rumble_atten_range = -5, 0 rumble_pitch_range = -25, 25 cruise_start_sound = engine_no_cruise_start cruise_loop_sound = engine_no_cruise_loop cruise_stop_sound = engine_no_cruise_stop indestructible = false outside_cone_attenuation = -3 inside_sound_cone = 90 outside_sound_cone = 270 lootable = false [Engine] nickname = ge_nb_engine_01 ids_name = 263906 ids_info = 264906 volume = 400.000000 mass = 10 max_force = 3000000 linear_drag = 100000 reverse_fraction = 0.100000 flame_effect = gf_no_largeengine02 cruise_charge_time = 5 cruise_power_usage = 20 rumble_sound = rumble_nomad indestructible = false outside_cone_attenuation = -3 inside_sound_cone = 90 outside_sound_cone = 270 lootable = false
If you decide to move the hardpoints, you will want to clone the original cruiser mesh with the FL model cloner so it doesnt conflict with the original, write your new ship script to use the 'new mesh, and add your new custom engine/power/whatever in the new package file.
If the effect you are using doesnt fit, you will have to edit the ale, there should be tutorials on that somewhere along with links to a working version of the ale editor, if its still available.