Converting to Freelancer
If you throw up the model, I can convert it for you and show you step by step how I do it.
CKYRules wrote:
When i export them using the plugins i found(they’re pretty dated i think) The model doesnt show up when i open the cmp with Hardcmp. So im wondering what im doing wrong and if anybody could give me any advice or help? that would be greatly appreciated. -
Remember this:
The CMP Exporter scales the model down to 1/92 of the original size automatically!!!
I don’t know why, it is silly, and so is the default of turning the model upside down. I never found out why this was done, it is wrong for Freelancer.
So if you make your ship in MilkShape then 1 grid unit = 1 metre. When you export it, if you don’t change the scale then your model will be the size of your hand!
REMEMBER: If you set the scale to anything else, the exporter has a bug and DOES NOT SAVE the SCALE.
To Save the Scale, you must Save Settings!!!
Once you have saved them, you can Load Settings for each model you want to export and just change the number of groups to suit your new ship.
It is very easy to use.
SO: Export:
Scale = 1
Set your No.of Groups = your ship’s number of Groups.
Set Group Quantity = no. of parts in each group (each of your Groups can have more than 1 part, but avoid it if you can unless it is just small detail bits that make the group).
Click Save Settings!! and save them somewhere you can find it again easily.You must just know about this bug - some moderator should make a sticky of this and other bugs.
Yes the exporter is dated - we do need a new version.
but has other bugs therefore such as the Cmpnd|Cons|Fixed (wtf here) node which is not to sole without a utf editor (or something else preventing proper cmp creation on first try, dunno anymore what it was). i’d prefer saving cmp settings instead.
So after going through the model, the problem isn’t the .cmp exporter, it’s actually the MSH importer. It incorrectly imports the model so it has quite a number of bad groups. We’ll need to find another version of the MSH importer for either 3DS Max or MS for this to work.