[Freelancer Community News]Freelancer Hardware Support Update
Doesn’t seem to work - “Invalid File”.
I get the same msg, also other downloads don`t seem to work on the EOA Site currently.
The download link should work now.
yup, confirmed, grand
edit: works too, splendid!
Worked for me this time. Thanks for the fix.
adoxa wrote:
Once it’s available, can I include it in JFLP?If I can use JFLP as source material for a new SDK version.
hey Louva, do you happen to have the source for the cmp exporter Milkshape plugin?
For reference, check this thread: http://the-starport.net/freelancer/forum/viewtopic.php?post_id=34960#forumpost34960
@w0dk4: Mario’s original exporter. I asked Colin for his updates; he said he’d make them available, but I haven’t heard back again, and I won’t follow up until I’m ready to work on them. On a related note, I also asked p1p3r for his importer source, but it was on a defunct HD; also haven’t heard back, so I guess it’s gone for good. Kurt’s original importer (using C++Builder) is now GPL.
@Louva: See my profile.
LouvaDeus wrote:
Read Full Article Here**=EOA= Players Consortium
For those of you who requested an update, here it is! We have released a new 3D hardware support update for those with newer computers.
This version of the flconfigdatabase.txt file should be the last one you will ever need because it automatically supports all newer ATI, Intel, nVidia, and SiS hardware whether it is a standalone device or an onboard/integrated chipset. You will never need to update again.
To install it just extract the file to your EXE folder and overwrite the existing file.
If you have any problems please let me know.
Come check us out for this and many other cool, classic Freelancer goodies.
Not working again.
At least, not for me.
We’ll be back. Some problems with our host.
Go ahead.
LouvaDeus wrote:
Read Full Article Here**=EOA= Players Consortium
For those of you who requested an update, here it is! We have released a new 3D hardware support update for those with newer computers.
This version of the flconfigdatabase.txt file should be the last one you will ever need because it automatically supports all newer ATI, Intel, nVidia, and SiS hardware whether it is a standalone device or an onboard/integrated chipset. You will never need to update again.
To install it just extract the file to your EXE folder and overwrite the existing file.
If you have any problems please let me know.
Come check us out for this and many other cool, classic Freelancer goodies.