Online Signup Petition for Freelancer 2 "Project Lonestar"
signed 1366, took awhile to find, lol
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but i think a little homework is needed before doing yet another petition.
Firstly, FL2 was going to be for the Xbox only. Secondly yours is about the 2947294749 petition on this subject. It aint going to happen. I admire the attempt but you need to realise that it’s game over with this idea.
maybe we should make a petition to get permission to create an FL2 ourselves based on an advanced FL engine. FW:ToW are just making this engine so why not make a vanilla game with it, custom storyline, and sell it as a sequel to freelancer. ofc nice would be to get a tool to convert character models xD
Gisteron wrote:
maybe we should make a petition to get permission to create an FL2 ourselves based on an advanced FL engine. FW:ToW are just making this engine so why not make a vanilla game with it, custom storyline, and sell it as a sequel to freelancer. ofc nice would be to get a tool to convert character models xDPermission? “Freelancer” is a noun so we can create a other game named “Freelancer” without any permission.
I guess FW:ToW made a plugin for Freelancer to make it call DX9 functions, but it’s not a engine, there is long long way we will can make a new game.
Anybody planned to run a game studio?
dear NeXoSE, there is far more FW:ToW hacked into Freelancer. animation triggering, cinematic view and tactical overview is what you might have heard of already and there is even more announced less brightly. still they use at least the basic FL engine and if we want to make an official indie game or even sell a game based on that we would require permissions, regardless on how we’d call it like.
You’d do better with a petition for FL source code, there is one out there - if someone can find it, i think it is this one - but I am not positive this isn’t a clone - )
Before anyone else starts, yes, MS has previously released Game Code - so it’s not a request without a precedent being set (Allegiance is the one I am thinking of, but apparently also Mech Commander 2, but no idea wtf that is and it may be more to do with their XDA tool).
As for a sequel, the petition would need to demonstrate a sufficient market to make a tidy profit upon their investment. Maybe when the petition hits 1 million sigs (never going to happen
) they’d start to float the idea
I can’t help thinking if more signed the source code one then maybe, just maybe, you could start getting people interested in it (I mean the sorts of places that get people talking, when people talk about stuff, people start to get interested in public image - whereas when no-one cares, MS won’t care).
Of course, there may actually be a huge stack of legal issues to go with it - sounds/voices/music - who knows.
I know the Discovery community had a discussion about this at one point, and something was pointed out which I support.
Why not have a button/icon link on the main site which says “Sign the FL Source Code Petition” ) or something shorter. It’d be nice to take the lead in promoting such stuff to anyone who comes. I remember making a topic about how a sort of attention box like the adverts - FL things such as ModDB could be highlighted there. This’d be a perm fixture:D
If I could do “looks” I would do it for you, but anything html/php I do is ugly as sin, and I can never be arsed checking more than Firefox for the layout (don’t get me started with the varieties of IE and their displaying of html!)
Cheese, you’re here?
Maybe you should re-mail your little friend about the petition, he is at least one of the very few guys who helped us at all there, and it seems he is interested to help us where he can, so it might be worth a try to ask him if he can forward our request to the right people.
maybe we should think about getting the original tools, Maya plugins (ships and terrain), sur builder and ALE and system editors as well as the Source. As many have said before Lonestar was going to be console only, thus not very modable. Apart from playing it once or twice thats where my interest would stop
Well, instead of signing a petition for Microsoft to continue Freelancer (Because we don’t have the money to do so, and neither does Microsoft, despite they have the money to buy 500 private islands thanks to the newest generation of Xbox “gamers” playing CoD). Digital Anvil got the axe because Microsoft had no patience for them and therefore sacked them.
Well look at it this way, the graphics engines for Freelancer people have produced, the massive and expansive mod community and their projects, Freelancer 2 should be in the hands of the community.
Although there may be some negativity at first we can pull this off over time, with some co-ordination and support. And honestly the original Freelancer is not going to stay forever with constant mods and servers being added. It’s like adding clay, you keep adding clay to make whatever your making not collapse, and you keep adding, and adding until it’s just a big mess.
With the expertise of the community we can make Freelancer 2 a reality and show Microsoft that they can get stuffed, because we can actually do a better job than they can…
I do know as a fact that there is legal lawsuits, issues and roadblocks on the way to reviving a great and wonderful game. As Freelancer gets new mods, that’s adding an even greater opportunity to make the sequel realised.
And Xbox can also get stuffed… Were not handing Freelancer over to those hogs :). Petitions can’t help us here unfortunately, that will only infuriate Microsoft as they always think about money, when we create kick-arse mods for free. Only actions can help us here.
We all know this is a massive long-shot, but we never know unless we try. We should base Freelancer 2 on the current Freelancer adding new graphics, textures, sounds and a fresh new look on everything. Also a new System to explore, rather than Sirius and maybe the combined forces of Liberty, Bretonia, Kusari and Rheinland settle their differences and get revenge and redemption on the Coalition.
Also the help of this great site, ModDB and Lancers Reactor we can get more manpower and ideas to make this sequel a reality.
This may seem like i’m preaching to all of you to do it for my own benefit, but I assure you I have experience of my own.
Thanks for reading.
BTW does anybody know what game engine they were using for Freelancer 2
graphics are unbelievable.
Very likely in-house, just like FL.
You guys are right…
Microsoft is focused solely on consoles, yet they still have their “Games for Windows Live!” site up.
Maybe they should change that to tell the truth:
“We don’t care about our Windows OS. XBOX OR NOTHING.”
Because that’s what their thinking is.
Described it perfectly; didn’t I?
Now; I use Windows, and I can tell you RIGHT NOW, this computer’s supposedly IMPROVED Windows OS, 8.1; is actually WORSE than Windows 8.0; and 8.0 was HORRID. Not good.
Microsoft… HA! More like MONEY-soft.
Those necros always crack me up