Freelancer Mod Studio - 1.2
I can now do properly 3D system editing, thanks to this! Hopefully in future versions, we would be able to move objects in the 3D map itself, rather than changing numbers (unless there’s a way to do that, but I haven’t figured it yet).
Either way, it saves a lot of time and nerves. Many thanks, and good luck with it!
- - recompiled 4 XP
Problem was in language i think.
I recompiled it with change of “Crtl”, “Shift” and “Del” button names because by default they are in german.
Well to make it really usable it would be great if you could actually see the models and place them accurately. But that is a huge amount of work so I doubt you’d be willing to implement it ^^
Well due to WPF limitations it would be impossible to load the models without totally killing the framerate.
Well I need some help to order, categorize and describe many ini options as it can be seen in this screenshot: - if someone can do this please tell me
Other than that I might also add a grid to the view so that you can actually see where you are placing it based on the 2d map coordinates.
There is just one thing I need to know: How can we calculate the map size based on NavMapScale of universe.ini?
EDIT: 220 000 / scale according to M1C?
dx tryouts with 2000 random simple objects (if I remember correctly WPF is only able to display 500 with the same speed):
Some progress with DirectX:
PS: Its not that easy
EDIT: It now looks like on UTFEditor:
Depends on your experience but I am glad that I could assist via irc and you did not give up (at least yet :D) ^^
Ya, this is looking great! Keep it up and I can’t wait to use it!!!
ah, i thought this was already done with the FLApi by obstbaum.
if not maybe i could help you, my “editor” was rendering new york at 50 fps last time i checked it with lighting. after adoxa gave me a hint about correct implementation of the Dc node i sorted that as well. i quit before optimizing the transparency stuff, and planets were unfinished as well. i spent most of my time for optimizations thats why the “editing stuff” is near non-existing, except for selecting objects in 3d. -
Actually I don’t get it. You got loading and rendering etc. working and then you stop? This is like aborting a race when you are 100m from the goal…
P.S.: Yes I know you posted this a while back, but I was busy
(and still am).