Freelancer Mod Studio - 1.2
Well to make it really usable it would be great if you could actually see the models and place them accurately. But that is a huge amount of work so I doubt you’d be willing to implement it ^^
Well due to WPF limitations it would be impossible to load the models without totally killing the framerate.
Well I need some help to order, categorize and describe many ini options as it can be seen in this screenshot: - if someone can do this please tell me
Other than that I might also add a grid to the view so that you can actually see where you are placing it based on the 2d map coordinates.
There is just one thing I need to know: How can we calculate the map size based on NavMapScale of universe.ini?
EDIT: 220 000 / scale according to M1C?
dx tryouts with 2000 random simple objects (if I remember correctly WPF is only able to display 500 with the same speed):
Some progress with DirectX:
PS: Its not that easy
EDIT: It now looks like on UTFEditor:
Depends on your experience but I am glad that I could assist via irc and you did not give up (at least yet :D) ^^
Ya, this is looking great! Keep it up and I can’t wait to use it!!!
ah, i thought this was already done with the FLApi by obstbaum.
if not maybe i could help you, my “editor” was rendering new york at 50 fps last time i checked it with lighting. after adoxa gave me a hint about correct implementation of the Dc node i sorted that as well. i quit before optimizing the transparency stuff, and planets were unfinished as well. i spent most of my time for optimizations thats why the “editing stuff” is near non-existing, except for selecting objects in 3d. -
Actually I don’t get it. You got loading and rendering etc. working and then you stop? This is like aborting a race when you are 100m from the goal…
P.S.: Yes I know you posted this a while back, but I was busy
(and still am).
0.9.7 released
Download the latest version here or use the auto updater of your Freelancer Mod Studio.
- Added selection of farest object in system editor when pressing shift+left mouse button
- Added flat surface display for system paths and universe connections for more clear display
- Improved systems in universe display
- Improved brightness of zones
- Fixed display of exclusion cylinders
- Fixed display of objects getting too big by adding a maximum size
- Fixed minimizing at maximized state on exiting program but cancelling it
This would essentially fix almost all the issues Igiss mentioned. I still cant figure out Freelancer’s way to rotate cylindrical zones so they still cant be rotated in the z-axis