Matching NPC toughness to Player
You need to clone yourself
Great job and many thanks Adoxa.
DLL = MatchPlayer.DLL, , NORMAL
or simply
DLL = MatchPlayer.DLL
Trying to run server-side:
crash at content.dll; 1.0.1254.11; 000592f6
rename the file to MatchPlayer.dat and then
use DLL = MatchPlayer.datProblems solved!
adoxa wrote:
look at MatchPlayer.cpp for notes and how to install. -
rsabatino wrote:
yeah i checked out the file after i found out i can open it in note book . did everything it said and it didnt workrename the file to MatchPlayer.dat and then
use DLL = MatchPlayer.dat instead, see if that works for you, it did for me. -
Sure does!
All it does is change the encounter toughness - if your factions don’t have ships to match it, I think they’ll go as high as they can. To see for yourself, try it in vanilla - around Buffalo Base you’ll see Outcasts flying Sabres (if your own level is high enough, of course).
Thx Adoxa not tested yet - see it works at MP
Looks like fun
Got time to test - works for MP !