DFM files
Has anyone cracked the .dfm files and/or created new characters/clothing yet?
I’m particularly interested in clothing/uniforms.
open them with utf editor
the structure is nearly like an .cmp file, so you can export the textures. -
Delete those ugly MIP#… convert to .DDS… flip… (hehe) then MIPS it… before working on anything .dfm…
You’ll save about 2 hours wondering “whats up with that” after that… its pretty easy to make new from old… but im still yet to see a new .dfm from scratch… thats a skill i’ve wished for since i began modding…
I’ve done a few extras… but only as a POC really… all photoshop re-hue & stuff… nothing major
**Actually I have been working on exporters for the dfm stuff. Unfortunately with the latest updates for Windows very few are able to run my software. It requires the installation of a 200+ meg update from MS to use them. I may end up removing VS and all of the patches and just start over with it…
The best way would be to export it as a articulated model, problem is, which format? I am currently looking at Milkshape but I have never messed with the skeletal system of Milkshape. Does anyone have a skeletal model in MS format they would like to share?**
Lancer Solurus wrote:
**Actually I have been working on exporters for the dfm stuff. Unfortunately with the latest updates for Windows very few are able to run my software. It requires the installation of a 200+ meg update from MS to use them. I may end up removing VS and all of the patches and just start over with it…The best way would be to export it as a articulated model, problem is, which format? I am currently looking at Milkshape but I have never messed with the skeletal system of Milkshape. Does anyone have a skeletal model in MS format they would like to share?**
theres skeletal presets built into milkshape already, just load up some of them in milkshape? is that what your after lol?
Unfortunately it won’t let me export those as MS3D text format since they do not contain any attached meshes. Thanks anyways…
is this a dead topic or still under consideration? -
Any news here, still interested to make some new character and props
Sorry, haven’t worked on that in a long time. Maybe someone else has done some work in that area…
yep, i hope it
One thing i found lately thats related to the topic. Looks like someone cracked it, but i did´nt found any Tutorial about.
Kool, i will try to contact him, thanks for the link
sorry have just tricked
Terratec wrote:
sorry have just trickedToo bad, hoped somebody cracked it. So you just photoshopped it ?
It looked so real. -
yep, i have reallythink that you have really made it ^^
Good photoshop skills anyway