Untraceable Errors
Help and Request
I’ve had these red errors popping up in my FLServer console for a while now, but CRC decoders don’t recognise them. FLHook detects them as well, leading me to believe it was a broken proxy_base but I can’t find anything wrong:
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CSolar.cpp(109) : *** ERROR: 0xaad6dd0a is dockable, but doesn't have a valid base or system to go to E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CSolar.cpp(109) : *** ERROR: 0xaebaee49 is dockable, but doesn't have a valid base or system to go to E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CSolar.cpp(109) : *** ERROR: 0xbd51d78e is dockable, but doesn't have a valid base or system to go to E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CSolar.cpp(109) : *** ERROR: 0xbd51d78e is dockable, but doesn't have a valid base or system to go to E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CSolar.cpp(109) : *** ERROR: 0x99e2f94f is dockable, but doesn't have a valid base or system to go to E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CSolar.cpp(109) : *** ERROR: 0xbef93a87 is dockable, but doesn't have a valid base or system to go to E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\CSolar.cpp(109) : *** ERROR: 0x9ef94687 is dockable, but doesn't have a valid base or system to go to ```Any way to decode these or could another (non-system) file cause this error?
try this: http://the-starport.net/freelancer/download/singlefile.php?cid=2&lid=2628
When you run it, have it build a new database. Perhaps the hash you’re looking for just isn’t in the database.
^^ current link
This happens sometimes when you have Solars marked as dockable and no base is defined.
14 Dec 2012, 18:33
15 Dec 2012, 04:00