'88 Flak's FLHook
Sorry for using this older topic, but I’ve a question about 1.6.7….is this version with anticheat and other plugins included?
EDIT: and a second question: i’ve added a ship in flhook.ini as a mobile dock, but by docking to this ship hook says there is no mobile base. could anyone help me to this?
This version does not come with any plugin since it was built before the plugin version of FLHook. It provides certain anticheat features, but as far as I know it does not integrate the anticheat plugin.
As for mobile docking, did you add mobile docking bases to all of your systems?
A software is available on the downloaad section, which can create a flmm files to add the mobil proxy bases to all of your systems
Have a look here instead :
http://the-starport.net/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=4015&forum=10&post_id=43284#forumpost43284 -
You want tell that at the moment i may have unlimited count of unmounted items?
There is no this feature but after 99 unmount items your char may corrupt.
AFAIK Flak use their own FLhook.
Check first post in this topic.