Excellent tool, thanks ver much. If I spot an bugs that aren’t already on this thread I’ll let you know, but reall impressed with it.
Rik -
Hi people!
@everyone who is experiencing bugs, please try this version:
I improved the error-handling a lot and worked on better messages, most of your bugs were caused by two big bugs which are fixed now.Thanks for reporting all the bugs!
Could you send me the dll which conains ID 499981?
I’m not familiar with the npc-stuff, sorry@Thaddeus:
These where FLScanII-bugs, fixed. -
Thanks, its going great, the new version will give me another couple of days work, lol
original errors are gone but latest version caught this
[error] Could not parse utf file! Unsupported, file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\data\ships\rheinland\rh_elite\rh_elite_dmg_starboard_engine.sur
thats a standard file, havent touched it myself. still has a 2002 timestamp so hasnt changed since install…
all the system files "LightSource"s seem to be picked up as well
[warning] Unexpected section Ambient in file Systems\Li01\Li01.ini [warning] Unexpected section LightSource in file Systems\Li01\Li01.ini [warning] Unexpected section LightSource in file Systems\Li01\Li01.ini [warning] Unexpected section LightSource in file Systems\Li01\Li01.ini [warning] Unexpected section LightSource in file Systems\Li01\Li01.ini [warning][systems\Br04\Br04.ini:Background:228] Setting not found! basic_stars [warning][systems\Br04\Br04.ini:Background:228] Setting not found! complex_stars
I also use Adoxas EngClass hook so all those pseudo hardpoints are coming up in the spew, not a problem I cant ignore but its a lot of red lines
[error][ships\shiparch.ini:32634:Ship:hp_type] Invalid hardpoint-type! elite_engine 10 [error][ships\shiparch.ini:32635:Ship:hp_type] Invalid hardpoint-type! elite_power 10
I use
elite_power 1 - 10
fighter_power 1 -10
freighter_power 1 - 10
elite_engine 1 - 10
fighter_engine 1 -10
freighter_engine 1 - 10 -
sur-files aren’t referenced in the inis, are they? I think that’s the problem, use the newest version to find out where it is referenced (same link: http://forge.the-starport.net/projects/flscan2/repository/entry/bin/FLScanII.exe)
It was searching for “lighsource”fixed, ambient is fixed as well.
You can filter single messages by using the textbox next to the filter-selection.
I’ll include a feature to change the list of allowed hp-types, ship-types, etc.Thanks!
Fair play, awesome tool. I’ve been trying for months to iron out all the encounter bugs with Itano Circus, but it was like looking for a needle in a haystack once I found all the obvious ones, you’ve put an end to a massive headache guys.
Many thanks!
M1C wrote:
sur-files aren’t referenced in the inis, are they?You’re right, my bad. typo in the shiparch which your tool caught… fantastic!
Version 1.1 is out
See head-post, http://the-starport.net/freelancer/forum/viewtopic.php?topic_id=4726 -
Thx M1C and Cannon!
Very useful especially command-line modeIdea: to add –log command line switch, for example
FLScanII.exe --flpath="C:\Program Files\Freelancer" --log=result.log
New options:
–log-html= <filename>Creates a colored html-log
–log-file= <filename>Creates a simple text-log
–log-console logs to the console as usual (implied when html and file isn’t set)You can also log to a file and to the console like this:
FLScanII.exe --log-html=MyFile.html --log-consolePlease use this link util I release the next version:
http://forge.the-starport.net/projects/flscan2/repository/raw/bin/FLScanII.exe</filename></filename> -
Wow! Thx M1C
All ok except html has two collumns
Hehe : )
Look:FLScanII.exe --flpath="C:\Program Files\Freelancer" --log-html=result.html --log-console
Console tells:
[error][equipment\market_commodities.ini:1638:BaseGood:MarketGood] Invalid multiplier! Has to be a number! 1.003713
But html tells:
ERROR Invalid multiplier! Has to be a number!
I have a report for you
[error] An error happend while parsing. The scan can't continue. 'Value cannot be null. Parameter name: path2' at System.IO.Path.Combine(String path1, String path2) at FLScanIE.UniverseChecks.ParseSystemFile(String file, String system, Dictionary`2& objectNicks) at FLScanIE.UniverseChecks.ParseUniverseFile(String file, List`1& systemNicks, Dictionary`2& baseNicks, Dictionary`2& objectNicks) at FLScanIE.UniverseChecks.ParseUniverseFolder() at FLScanIE.Checker.Parse(String flPath)
digdug83 wrote:
I have a report for you[error] An error happend while parsing. The scan can't continue. 'Value cannot be null. Parameter name: path2' at System.IO.Path.Combine(String path1, String path2) at FLScanIE.UniverseChecks.ParseSystemFile(String file, String system, Dictionary`2& objectNicks) at FLScanIE.UniverseChecks.ParseUniverseFile(String file, List`1& systemNicks, Dictionary`2& baseNicks, Dictionary`2& objectNicks) at FLScanIE.UniverseChecks.ParseUniverseFolder() at FLScanIE.Checker.Parse(String flPath)
Problem is in universe.ini.
Remove all dock group entries, I also removed all beam targets and the system entries at the bottom of the file which are unconventional, i.e liberty, bretonia etc.Scan should run fine then.
Sorry about that, just thought I’d mention how I managed to scan his mod in case it was of use to him, didn’t mean to tread on your toes.
In regards to my last report, I went back through and checked and didn’t find any blank entries in universe.ini (I’m working from a different build Timmy so the file you have isn’t identical) which is wierd. Anyway, figured I’d post this one up as well in case it’s an issue for anyone else.
[fatal] An error happend while checking file: ships\shiparch.ini 'Index was outside the bounds of the array.' at FLScanIE.Util_Functions.FLDataFile.Setting.Str(Int32 index) at FLScanIE.ShipChecks.CheckShip(String file, Section ship) at FLScanIE.ShipChecks.CheckShipFile(String file) at FLScanIE.Util_Functions.Util.RunCheck(CheckFileDelegate check, String file)
getting the same thing with mission solars added to the shiparch
[fatal] An error happend while checking file: ships\shiparch_solar.ini 'Index was outside the bounds of the array.' at FLScanIE.ShipChecks.CheckShip(String file, Section ship) at FLScanIE.ShipChecks.CheckShipFile(String file) at FLScanIE.Util_Functions.Util.RunCheck(CheckFileDelegate check, String file)
sample below a of rm_ solar added to shiparch. [solar] is changed for [ship] and the entry is tagged on the end of shiparch.ini (or another.ini, shiparch_solar in my case) to correct the flspew warning
[Ship] nickname = rm_wplatform_rock ids_name = 329680 ids_info = 329680 type = MISSION_SATELLITE DA_archetype = solar\asteroids\models\ast_rock02_platform.3db material_library = solar\ast_rock.mat material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat envmap_material = envmapbasic LODranges = 0, 5000 mass = 10000.000000 solar_radius = 300 shape_name = NAV_weaponplatform destructible = true explosion_arch = explosion_rock_wplatform fuse = fuse_rock_wplatform, 0.000000, 1 hit_pts = 1600