Random missions against Nomads
There are a couple of ways of doing this, but try this tutorial first
First, thanks for the reply.
Well, I not agree with many thinkings in this tutorial, never mind… I also read the whole topic and nothing from there helps at all.Creating new faction not solve this issue, even worst, new factions not offer missions nor yet appear as target in mission vendor at their enemies.
So, I can’t guess where is the problem. You said that there are a couple of ways of doing this, please share another one, thanks.
couple of ways
build a complete new faction - usually fc_no_grp or somesuch as per the tutorial
hack the exe so that fc_n_grp is recognized as a fighting npc faction. With this method you still have to do almost as much work as option 1.If you want to keep the single player campaign as it is I would do the former.
If you having trouble, how are you testing this? If in single player mode then you will have to start a new game and possibly delete restart.fl before you will see a new faction doing what they’re suppose to
Just hacks and mission zones are enough without creating new faction
Thanks to both for the reply.
Just to clarify about mission zones, they’re fine, else I’ll have not missions at all vs other factions.
Well, to be honest, this is so large subject so I not see how to reply short and correct at the same time. In other words, I hope you have the patience to read my large post
Need to say that my last moding was more than 6 years ago. Even when I start to work on existing mod mostly becouse I hasn’t an idea how to encrypt those INI files, and still have no idea how to do that
I’ll appreciate help in that direction. So, for now, I start (recently) to modify existing mod (Discovery) by editing only INI files (for now). This mode required a big rewriting to make it useful for SP.
Ok, back to the subject. There is many “cloning” factions in this mod called “guard” (The Order Guard, Bounty Hunter Guard, IMG Guard, …) so and Nomad Guard. Shortly, a new nomads factions already added. I’m not sure is it properly configured for random missions. I think not, because not see this new faction (fc_n_guardian) in VignetteParams.ini. But as I see the old Nomads (fc_n_grp) are configured. I presume that they’re prepared for missions even in vanilla FL, but at some moment in the dev-process the creators of the game decide to dissable that feature.
Shortly, I wish to enable them, but I have no experience in hacking exe/dll’s.
Adding new faction named “Nomads” looks to me will have some side effects, for example - “Nomads” entry will appear twice in my repo-list ( F8 ).
I remember one interesting example from the vanilla FL, Outcasts and Dragons are neutral and not engage each other. And not remember about the Outcasts, but Dragons for sure offer missions against them. Maybe FL developers planed something and abandon it in the process. Most interesting, logical conclusion, is that we can do such staffs (enable/dissable missions btw factions) by hacking exe/dll. Things like this make me fill that this is the right way to go. Enabling Nomads s’d enable and backward missions, i.e. Nomads will able to offer missions as well, right?
About the Restart.fl, yes, I delete this and start new game a few days ago, and for now I focus on Nomads worlds. What I have so far is no missions against them. That not a weakness in vanilla FL where nomads are isolated, but in this mod… systems like Alaska where real war begin… lack of missions is somehow unnatural.
This was just for example, I have other system like this. As about Alaska, Navy and LSF offer missions vs The Order, and vice versa, but none of this 3 factions care about Nomads.
And if you still not bored reading this large post…
I wish to append something strange… In Omicron Mu ( ST08 ) I have 3 Order bases and encounters: nomads + bounties all around. There also have missions but only vs BH, and… in this mode The Order is hostile only to that new “guard” version (gd_bh_guardian), so logically, this missions s’d be vs this BH-Guard, but… there no encounters of this faction in this system, only “legacy” BH (gd_bh_grp), WOW! How this is ever possible?… This blow out the whole logic we know.
I’m back here with some useful, I hope, info.
As I mention, a lot of years gones from my last active moding, some things I remember quickly, other not.All we know that repo value of -0.65 in InitialWorld.ini make factions hostile to each other. Now I remember that value -0.3 make factions neutral but also enable missions between them.
Let me know if am wrong, but many things in the game proof this. Take for example Junkers, they have -0.3 with all Liberties (navy, polis, companies (IC, DSE, Ageira, …)), and I have missions from them against Junkers and vice versa. That also explain the behaviour between Dragons and Outcasts, and etc. Now I see sense even in my Omicron Mu system, where I have missions from The Order vs BH.
What I still not remember, about this settings, is the reflection of positive repo values. For sure +0.65 make factions allies and they can ask for help each other in space. Also they never demand cargo form allies, maybe they not do that even on value +0.3 (?), but not sure.
Ok, I hope this is useful info
Now back to the subject.Maybe enabling nomads missions is not so cool idea. They need to have only 1 mission type (“kill ships”), and the proper setup for this looks complicated to me as there about 20 entries in VignetteParams.ini that I need to edit, but I have no idea which of them to dissable (for now all are active for Nomads).
Shortly, I thought to delay this task for now. But I still need a bit of help. I see a lot of useful tools you’re using here, but is difficult to find working download links
Most needed tool for me (at the moment) is the editor (not remember it name) that you using to reassemble encrypted INI files.
Can someone share links? Thanks in advance!
sumanuti wrote:
Use adoxa’s Tini to convert .inis to readable text format. Just drop the file on it and magic happens 8-)
Beside this you can find rest of the tools that might help in future modding.
Good luck!Sumanuti, many thanks for the link!
I found FLIX (FreelancerIniExplorer) but by some reason it not work for me, only eat my cpu. Anyway, there is a BINI.exe in this package that do the job, but reading the notes looks like TINI is more robust.
It should probably be hammered home somehow that jflp is the better way to start a mod, not the old sdk 1.3.