Freelancer Mod Studio - 1.2
I got 3D editor key shortcuts to work. I used a minor workaround so that you have to click into the 3D editor before key presses are being registered which you usually do anyway.
Version 1.1.1 added special key shortcuts for the 3D editor including much improved walk-around/fly camera movement.
There are also several bug fixes and improvements in this version so be sure to check it out in the changelog!
I added the new key/mouse shortcuts and some nice workflow tricks to the FAQ to speed up your production:)
Download the latest version or use the updater in your Freelancer Mod Studio.
View the changelog
Really, read the FAQ! -
Skotty. wrote:
To be honest, I really didn’t expect you would implement thisThank you very much!
Sure, I hope you like it:) Although I think it is faster/easier to navigate using rotation around point, zoom, object focus, pan + orientation cube it also nice to fly around:)
Skotty. wrote:
For “Move camera up” Q or R is better than Space.Hm not sure, you think so?
The gamer setup would obviously be WASD + space + shift (every finger above one button, middle finger above W+S) however shift alone does not work as it would interfere with other shift key/mouse bindings.
I was also thinking about arrow keys + page up/down but arrow keys also do not work due to limitations mentioned in a recent post.
Anyway I was indeed thinking about WASD+E(up)+Q(down) vs. WASD+SPACE(up)+E(down) but went for the SPACE version as you can use 4 fingers instead of 3 and move into multiple directions at the same time easier.
stfx wrote:
Skotty. wrote:
For “Move camera up” Q or R is better than Space.Hm not sure, you think so?
I didn’t write that
starworld did.
Great, thanks a lot for your work.
But one thing i’d be glad to see in mod studio - writing to related files when adding a base, like freelancer explorer, thats only reason why i have to combine these tools.
For example, when i create a gate in explorer - it adds end-gate automaticly, when i create a base in system - it automaticly creates all other entries in related files. That’d be an amazing addition. -
NovaII wrote:
Great, thanks a lot for your work.
But one thing i’d be glad to see in mod studio - writing to related files when adding a base, like freelancer explorer, thats only reason why i have to combine these tools.
For example, when i create a gate in explorer - it adds end-gate automaticly, when i create a base in system - it automaticly creates all other entries in related files. That’d be an amazing addition.… and about 6 years’ work for one person! lol
FL Explorer was the work of 3 guys over 2 years, or the other way round, if I remember correctly?
Anyway it’s still fun (sometimes) using 10+ tools to make a new mod!
STFX: Fabulous, thank you very much for your work. If there was anything you would add, what would it be? Just to know.
StarTrader wrote:
FL Explorer was the work of 3 guys over 2 years, or the other way round, if I remember correctly?
Anyway it’s still fun (sometimes) using 10+ tools to make a new mod!Don’t know who made this tool, but it’s too old for fresh demands i think, and Mod Studio is good replacement. But it’s useful feautures should fit Mod Studio well.
I don’t see any fun in this… CRC calculators, ALE converter without preview, tons of ini’s opened, fled-ids + Restorator, MS3D, Max, HardCMP, UTF Editor, DSAM, Excel… etc etc. Maybe it may be fun first time, but not as day-to-day work on my stuff…
Hum, I use :
CRC calculators -> CRCTool
ALE converter -> Freelancer XML Project
tons of ini’s opened -> Notepad++
fled-ids + Restorator -> Freelancer Developer, Resource Hacker (freeware)
HardCMP, UTF Editor -> UTFEditor
DSAM -> is not modding toolEach software has a specialty.
A multifunction software is not necessarily best. -
NovaII wrote:
Great, thanks a lot for your work.
But one thing i’d be glad to see in mod studio - writing to related files when adding a base, like freelancer explorer, thats only reason why i have to combine these tools.
For example, when i create a gate in explorer - it adds end-gate automaticly, when i create a base in system - it automaticly creates all other entries in related files. That’d be an amazing addition.I am sorry but this is by design. I always tried to design Freelancer Mod Studio very generic avoiding specific wizards that only work for very special things and the like.
Also Copy/Paste is usually good enough to do the same in almost the same time. Plus you always need to change it anyway even if things were created automatically for you.
Finally as StarTrader said, this is not something I have the time to do
I know that many people want an all-in-one modding application and I am one of them but it simply is not possible to do just for one person.
I hope that you can enjoy Freelancer Mod Studio none the less and build some cool systems or edit other ini files:)
One thing we’ve noticed which has been a little irritating is that any unrecognized parameter in an object’s block is stripped out on saving. This means we constantly need to re-add custom parameters when we use your tool.
I’ve modified it a bit in the past (thanks for sharing your sources!) but you could probably answer faster as to whether it’d be possible to keep all lines in a block regardless of whether they are recognized or not.
@FriendlyFire - Very true! I just need to have a copy on working ini with all commented out stuff.
Please, enable the program to leave them there if possible. -
FriendlyFire wrote:
One thing we’ve noticed which has been a little irritating is that any unrecognized parameter in an object’s block is stripped out on saving. This means we constantly need to re-add custom parameters when we use your tool.I’ve modified it a bit in the past (thanks for sharing your sources!) but you could probably answer faster as to whether it’d be possible to keep all lines in a block regardless of whether they are recognized or not.
Yes that is under the known issues in the FAQ. Unfortunately it is not easy to change that behavior but maybe I can look into it in the future, no promises though.
The more direct, easier and suggested solution is to modify Template.xml in the directory of the .exe to include your preferred sections/entries within the ini files. This way Freelancer Mod Studio will also allow you to edit and work with them just like the vanilla ones. Though this will not work with entries which require custom sorting within a section - see first entry of known issues.
@sumanuti: Ignoring comments is actually the third entry in the known issues and is equally hard to solve. No workarounds exist for comments unfortunately.
Sounds good, I’ll give that a shot then!
Your program is definitely a breath of fresh air compared to FLE
FriendlyFire wrote:
Sounds good, I’ll give that a shot then!Your program is definitely a breath of fresh air compared to FLE
Thanks, please let me know if that still isn’t enough to solve your issue:)
Also feel free to send me your modifications if you think they would be useful for someone else.
It’s taken me a while to actually find back the source and merge it with the latest version but I do have a series of modifications that I could hand over.
Be warned though… I’m really not proud of how hacky they are
I’ve done the following changes (some are personal preference, others new things):
-Allowed mouse look to work while moving the camera with WASD
-Reversed right mouse and ALT+left mouse mouse look
-Holding SHIFT while moving with WASD will increase the step by 10x, which makes movement faster
-Added granular object move keys: anything currently selected can be moved or rotated using the numpad. Various modifier key combinations can be used to increase or decrease the step size. This works while the focus is either in the system editor or the table editor.
-Added drop-downs for archetypes and loadouts, which are determined by scraping the solararch.ini and loadouts.ini files. I’ve made it such that it’ll work as a somewhat “autocomplete”, only showing archetypes which match what’s written in the archetype box at the moment (so “planet_” written in the box will only return archetypes starting with “planet_” ). Furthermore, loadouts are filtered such that only loadouts associated with the current archetype are displayed.
-A few misc bug fixes and workarounds.I’ll send you a patch file momentarily. Do with it as you will
Wow, very nice, thanks a lot.
Could you maybe explain the changes in ViewCubeVisual3D.cs and DockPaneCollection.cs a bit? The first I don’t understand and I think the last one is a crash fix which I have seen once or so but I am not able to reproduce reliably and therefore understand. Maybe you have a bit more info, like which revision was the first you encountered it?
Also why are you setting the culture to en-us? Writing/parsing is done with invariant culture so it should not have any effect on those things. Is it because of your object key move changes? Because there you have double.parse without invariant culture (see Data/Parser.cs::ParseDouble)
I also wanted to allow mouse look to work while moving in fly mode but there is an issue that you speed up considerably when rotating the camera by moving the mouse while flying at the same time which I have not been able to resolve yet.
Also I just went ahead and implemented the faster fly movement using SHIFT slightly different by multiplying with whole delta instead of single step. This gives a more immediate feedback when holding down SHIFT and gives actually any feedback when releasing SHIFT.
Thanks again for your contribution
For the first one, I get three exceptions on this line every time I run the application. I tried to diagnose it (it’s saying the culture “gu” is not installed…) but couldn’t figure it out, and since the program runs fine without it I decided to put a try/catch around it just to stop the constant annoyance.
For the second one, occasionally closing one of those objects also seems to close other objects (either they’re two pointers to the same thing, or they’re inextricably tied together), such that the Count can be reduced by more than one at a time. Hence, the best iteration is to always keep i in sync with Count.
I set the culture to en-us largely to try to debug the “gu” culture thing, but I also tend to do it all the time just in case I forget to set the culture everywhere else. Having a default culture set to something standard tends to help tremendously in the case of FL, where you WANT the culture to be en-US. As someone who uses a foreign language OS where decimals are marked with “,” instead of “.”, I tend to notice issues with culture very often
For the mouse look, I think people will prefer the bug over not having the ability at all. Since the control is very first-person-like, people will expect the ability to move and mouse look at the same time, so not having that ability is very counter-intuitive, as far as I can tell.
Glad you appreciate the rest of it