Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
yawn stretch What year is it?
I’ve been poking around with Flak for the hell of it and realized I hadn’t updated the list in quite some time - so here it is:
It’s on Dropbox for now as I have absolutely no idea how to get back on Memes (I’m amazed it’s still up, and updated(!) - thanks XeNd!)
I’m sure I’ve missed some worthwhile hacks - I only took a cursory run-through of this topic. Hope this is useful to someone.
– Added adoxa’s LODranges multiplier hacks
– Added adoxa’s gamma range hack
– Added adoxa’s continuous missile firing control hack
– Added adoxa’s various Ship Preview hacks
– Added unknown author’s group size hack
– Added FriendlyFire’s server list filter by build default hack
– Added OutCast’s video warning suppression hack
– Added Jolly_Rogger’s remove fighter/freighter from important list hack
– Added starworld’s disable money-based rank hack
– Added adoxa and WhiskasTM’s ridiculous number of NavMap-related hacks
– Added adoxa’s aiming lead on all ships hack
– Added adoxa’s disable F1 in space hack
– Added adoxa’s display sun spines in tradelane hack -
Sure useful
Here’s a couple that may be of interest.
content.dll 12E354 0.2f = min rep needed for lawful factions to show rumors ~adoxa content.dll 12E358 0.4f = min rep needed for unlawful factions to show rumors ~adoxa ```There's also an 0.6 after that, suggesting there may have been plans for a "really unlawful" faction.
I think there is a mistake in the Offset wiki/file of Fox:
common.dll 07637F 1.2d = formation catch up speed multiplier ~Cannon
Shouldn’t be it 1.2**f** ?
foxUnit01 wrote:
I marked mine as useless in a bold red color while being a ghostbuster, eventually i’ve found that square, but it requires to be a dll and those offsets should be touched this way only. Better kill em.
common.dll 37813 E8489F0100->E911000000 allow shooting in cruise common.dll 3A2B3 06->09 allow mine dropping in cruise common.dll 3A011 07->09 allow firing in tradelanes freelancer.exe 8ECE7 0.33f - navmap protect-plane against shooting (height) (set to 0 to shoot through navmap) freelancer.exe 8ECCF 0.35f - navmap protect-plane against shooting (width) (set to 0 to shoot through navmap)
freelancer.exe 1D2EDC 0.4f = navmap fade in/out speed ```Btw, wasn't there a fix for this? On switching to universe map and once back with earlier zoomed in background freelancer shows a blurred large lines: And missed one, Adoxa got it either somewhere: content.dll A9D8E = 28b rank level limit.
Something that is missing in the wiki and fox’ file:
adoxa wrote:
I take it you’re referring to mbases.ini? The prefix there has a dash appended, which is why the faction isn’t working. Here’s a patch to remove the dash, thus providing you with factions (or whatever), but requiring you to add it to all the bases.content.dll 04B101 9090909090909090909090->5B31C05E8304E411C20800 = don't append dash to msg_id_prefix in mbases.ini PART 1 ~adoxa content.dll 04B183 5B33C05EC3->E979FFFFFF = don't append dash to msg_id_prefix in mbases.ini PART 2 ~adoxa
Well, let’s see… Apply the patch, edit market_misc.ini and change Javelin to 1, its ammo to 5 and the Stalker ammo to 0; edit market_ships.ini and change Rhino to 1. Start Freelancer, buy a Javelin and it disappears; go to the ammo, I only have 5, can’t buy more; Stalker is still available. Go to the ships, buy a Rhino, still there. Conclusion: the patch applies to weapons and ammo (but leave the item out rather than set it to 0); it does not apply to ships. Now what stopped you from doing that?
Jason needs a hug
@ adoxa
This patch limits the items in stock,
but I think it just exit the base and go back to buy items not in stock before, this is true?@ foxUnit01
‘disable money-based rank’ is not my hack it comes from adoxa, and not “HUD: Contacts / Weapons List / Wireframe” but “Misc”. -
All my fault mate…
Did the test prior to ships and was wondering if I made a mistake while doing the patch… cause it worked with commodities.
I figured out that I was applying the patch on a wrong exe-path of my new modversion-files I´m currently working on. Sometimes it was working with commodities… sometimes not… switched here and there and so I was a little confused.Thanks anyway and sorry for bothering you folks with this…
freelancer.exe 911D6 65->63 = on "NavMap not available" initially do hide some controls (part 1) freelancer.exe 91233 EB078BCEE874030000->BB01000000EB0231DB = on "NavMap not available" initially do hide some controls (part 2) freelancer.exe { 94652, 94666, 9467A, 9468E, 946A2, 946B6, 946CA, 946DE } 6A01->5390 = on "NavMap not available" initially do hide some controls (part 3)
St02->Open NavMap: top controls visible.
Universe Map->Player Location->St02 : top controls hidden. :? Looks like bug. -
Here’s a game limit that, to my knowledge hasn’t been fixed — I wasn’t even aware of its existence:
There is a limit on where you can place stars on the Universe map
The Universe Map’s usuable area is smaller than it’s visible area.
At least, I run into a left margin, and I presume there might be right, top and bottom margins too, but saw no need to test them, as the left margin is already an annoyance.
Why is this an annoyance? Well, Adoxa’s Territory plugin, especially combined with smallers stars and thinner nav lines, make it possible to create a much more interesting map! But the limit for placing stars falls well withing the visual map, and I actually planned (as in: spend my free time of last week on expanding on my nav map) quite a bunch of systems outside of the margin, of which existence I was not aware.
Example: both these systems are displayed at the same x-coordinate:
;========================{ Sirius A } [system] nickname = Ca01 ;file = pos = -3.00, 3.0 visit = 1 strid_name = 524308 ids_info = 526307 NavMapScale = 1 ; ;========================{ Sirius B } [system] nickname = Ca01 ;file = pos = -2.50, 3.5 visit = 1 strid_name = 524308 ids_info = 526307 NavMapScale = 1
Does someone know what offset(s) should be changed, to expand the useable region on the Universe map?
Adoxa emailed me the solution for the above problem:
Freelancer.exe 0967CD 3C->A0 = allow all positions on Universe map (visible region roughly -2.4,-2.7 to 17.3,17) ~adoxa
Btw good to see the Starport is back online again
This hack is not good :
freelancer.exe 27ADCA 25->1C = filter out incompatible builds on server list by default ~FriendlyFire
Adoxa write solution here.–---------------
How to edit maximum number of characters in “NEW CHARACTER” input box ?
(limit max is 23)-
Another question :
I found that talking about a problem with the hack
(server.dll 08B450 526500000000f = square of distance from the center of the system over which your ship explodes in multiplayer)
A solution to remove vibration on the ship or not(never)? -
Another question
I have a problem with this hack, not work.
server.dll 08B450 526500000000f = square of distance from the center of the system over which your ship explodes in multiplayer
But if I change f to d, this hack work.
What is a good hack?
starworld wrote:
How to edit maximum number of characters in “NEW CHARACTER” input box ?
(limit max is 23)1. Get the source.
2. Find the right define and change it.
3. Compile & release.2 is trivial; 3 might be challenging, but doable; 1 is where it all goes wrong…
I found that talking about a problem with the hack
(server.dll 08B450 526500000000f = square of distance from the center of the system over which your ship explodes in multiplayer)
A solution to remove vibration on the ship or not(never)?It’s only a solution if you make it smaller, so you explode before you shake. See above…
I have a problem with this hack, not work.
server.dll 08B450 526500000000f = square of distance from the center of the system over which your ship explodes in multiplayer
But if I change f to d, this hack work.Yep, it should be double, fixed the wiki.
I do not want more characters, but put the limit “name” to 18 characters. (limit max is 23)
I would kept 5 characters for the Tag of the faction, add with flhook in the player’s name.
Because if the player writes a name of 23 characters, I can not put the Tag…Thank you for all.