Re: Effects showroom!
reminds me of the fact that I´m looking for an “almost” similar Explosion-Effect for my Nuclear Torps and mines. Not THAT HUGE but the Ring of the shockwave in a radius of… lets say 500m to 1k… is the particular thing i´m looking for… (cos the big/huge-effects package doesn´t contain such effect)
If there is somebody out there who is able to ALE-edit (since I´m not familiar to it at all) or lend me a hand to do it by myself…help would be much apprechiated. -
Well done Jeider - just remove http(s) - must work
Fixed. Also excellent work!
WOW!!! Awsome! Epic damn good work!!! Realy great guy!
Here’s one I’ve been working on for Broken Bonds. It’s a black hole with an accretion disk. So far, there’s no custom ALE work, but that might change. The event horizon is actually a planet with all black textures with glow turned up all the way so the light from the star doesn’t act on it. The accretion disk is custom modeled and textured, and has a radius of 20k.
Jeider wrote:
Something like the Death Star in Freelancer. youtube tag don’t works ((
Thad edit: it was interpreting the XD in the youtube tag as a smiley
That was totally awesome! Great work. Now that’s called real imagination and excellent modding there. That’s a first, outside of the Nomad Battleship in the intro movies.
As for Youtube, it says the video does not exist.
@ Capt.Morgan,
That looks great too.
Nice job.
Destroying of bases for random missions. -
@Jeider I think 1 or 2 debrises shoud go away and dissapear like at freeport 7 or vanila capital ships
Oh sages of the mystical arts, this humble supplicant appeals to you….
Oh hell, I need help to find that landing forcefield fx for a full blown redo of Planet Toledo, but I’d like this effect and can’t seem to run it down myself.
Here’s shots of half completed Toledo base and another of one of my own ships with a place holder texture I’m using for positioning. Your help would be appreciated.
Edit: Excuse intruding on the peace of the dead oh great ones. An e-mail oracle explained the secrets of alchemy and how this simple artisan could never penetrate the archana hidden deep in their libraries. I shall slink back into humble obscurity and never more disturb your eternal slumber…