ISSUE: I often cannot submit posts for a while
After w0dk4 made some changes, the site is almost (but not 100%) issue-free for me.
Ironically, it hangs on this very post
I had to relog.
Id consider this only a minor issue since the text is still there. With the first failed submission the session should refresh and a 2nd click on submission should finally submit the content.
The other solution is that you simply type faster
SWAT_OP-R8R wrote:
Id consider this only a minor issue since the text is still there. With the first failed submission the session should refresh and a 2nd click on submission should finally submit the content.The other solution is that you simply type faster
The issue is that, sometimes, you get caught in a seemingly endless loop. So, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and Nth time render the ‘submission invalid’ page.
In that case I would suggest to copy the text, refresh the page with F5 and then past it back in.
I cant really tell how complicated it is to increase the session time on this forum software.
I suspect the session’s lifetime is not always (or ever) refreshed when just opening a new page, so the expiry can happen basically at any point and that’s what prompts a refresh.
Yes. Instant submission lock. After relogin it works
Do not want to create another topic, but want to ask, this one seems quite suitable. Whats up with the webiste layout i posted once some time ago? If it looked good for you, i can upgrade it a while (f.e. fix some bad looking blocks and design decisions, add widescreen support) and help with implementing. Or you guys thrown any idea of doing something there as community is almost dead?
Maybe “let’s encrypt” it to make https ?
EDIT: let’s encrypted already
So only links left
Recently I am getting the session problem nearly every time I try to post (PMs+forum). Has anything changed?
Trying to post.
EDIT: works well. -
I think he means the session timeouts which happens when it takes too long between clicking on “reply” and then finally clicking on “submit”.
Increasing the session time in the settings should help.For members it might be best (just to be sure) to copy/paste the text prior posting and refreshing the website on the browser.
Actually last time I was unable to post until I logged out and logged in again (like others described). The other times I had to wait some minutes and it worked then. Trying multiple times without waiting always resulted in the session timeout message. For PMs it is even worse: You just get an empty black window.
Edit: Since I did the logout and login afterwards I did not have any problems (like with this post), but that might just be coincidence.