Crash Offsets
I can’t test this for a couple of hours, but we have an entry for:
[Commodity] nickname = commodity_bounty_voucher ids_name = 524505 ids_info = 524506 units_per_container = 1 pod_appearance = cargopod_blue loot_appearance = lootcrate_blue decay_per_second = 0 volume = 0 hit_pts = 250
in st_equip.ini and a goods.ini entry for it. They’re in NPC cargoholds right now (and don’t seem to drop, but perhaps that’s another issue)
Could this be doing it?
Removing reference to the new commodity doesn’t seem to fix the crash. When you say commodities for jobs, do you mean the stuff that npcs drop as mission objectives to capture/destroy or something else?
So I’ve isolated this to rmlootprops.ini. We removed some entries (as various guns are not being used anymore and we don’t want them to drop)
I’m not entirely sure what’s causing it to crash, but it seems if certain things are made unavailable (notably if I change the faction to a placeholder one) the bar crashes the game/server. I guess I’ll adjust drop rates using the lootable flag rather than using this file.
03954990 ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): IServerImpl::DumpPacketStats Source: D:\Games\Aftermath\EXE\SERVER.dll RelExpAddr: 0x702064 ExpCode: 0x3221225477 ExpFlags: 0 ExpAddress: 0x03954990
Triggered by warping to a base that doesn’t have a physical presence, but has an mbase and universe entry, I think.I was warping to st03b_01_base for testing.
One to add from Laz’s crash hopper:
0E99458F ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): IDLL::operator= Unhandled Exception! -- Important Information -- Source: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\dlls\bin\Content.dll RelExpAddr: 0x526961 ExpCode: 0x3221225477 ExpFlags: 0 ExpAddress: 0x0E99458F Please report!
Patrol encounter contains a faction that is not defined in the related base’s [BaseFaction] entries.
Found a pretty weird one
Faulting application name: Freelancer.exe, version: 1.0.1223.11, time stamp: 0x3e401b79 Faulting module name: Common.dll, version: 1.0.1223.11, time stamp: 0x3e401cd3 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x0004aa02 Faulting process id: 0x57c4 Faulting application start time: 0x01d6250f11a08173 Faulting application path: E:\freelancer - Copy\EXE\Freelancer.exe Faulting module path: E:\freelancer - Copy\EXE\Common.dll Report Id: 5f2ff1c2-ff4e-4c35-a15c-8bee5b355791 Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID:
It happened when an NPC that was using a weapon that’s model wasn’t actually set to be a gun model is destroyed.
Instead of the gun set to use the li_rad_launcher it was set to use the li_rad_missile model. -
I’ve done my best to collate the offsets in this thread into a wiki page. Still a bit of a mess, and I’ve probably missed a few. Please feel free to add/adjust stuff as you all see fit! Figured it’d be a bit easier to search through this page than the entire thread.
Looks good. Maybe omitting the 0x prefix as in the Limit Breaking 101 wiki looks nicer?
I’ll have a look at it! There’s a few offsets here that I haven’t put in as I’m not really familiar with converting from relative to absolute/etc and not want to completely muck things up. If anyone who’s a bit more knowledgeable feels like adding stuff I missed that’d be really great.
I like the 0x part for copying to my code purposes. Time saver.
0x00012e10 in content.dll
0x062FFBEB in common.dllRelates to a bad NPC costume (inconsistent gender choices according to IDA) in mBases.ini. Many thanks to Laz for helping pin this one down.
0x0004fe6c in common.dll
CShip::Launch causes a CTD when the client and server don’t have matching base nicknames in the [Object] entry in a system INI. The client is the one that has the CTD.
Reproducible by running a vanilla v1.1 server and a JFLP v1.25 client and undocking from either Ronnenburg Base or Yanagi Depot. Client crashes immediately at undocking cutscene. If the inverse is performed, the same outcome is achieved.Reason:
Vanilla entry for Ronnenburg is nickname = Bw02_02_Base, JFLP v1.25 entry is nickname = Bw02_02
Vanilla entry for Yanagi Depot is nickname = Bw05_03_Base, JFLP v1.25 entry is nickname = Bw05_03Why:
FL multiplayer black magic? -
Just thought I’d drop in and mention that the crash offset database is now available as a json payload through the new TSP wiki!
If you have any automation or scripts that handle Freelancer when it crashes, you can call on this file to try and correlate the offset with your Windows Event logs. A working example of how you might go about doing this can be found here.
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Got a new crash for a new forum! I’ve not been able to pin this one down at all:
Freelancer.exe, PID 12824 has stopped unexpectedly at 20:29:51 after running for 124.8607 seconds. Fetching crash event from Application logs... Source Name: Application Error Event ID: 1000 Exception Code: 0xc0000005 Faulting Application Name: Freelancer.exe, version 0.1.1223.11, PID 12824 Faulting Application Path: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\freelancer-bmod\EXE\Freelancer.exe Faulting Module Name: ntdll.dll, version 10.0.19041.3693 Faulting Module Path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll Fault Offset: 0x0004591f Attempting to fetch JSON crash information from the Starport KnowledgeBase... No crash offset at 0x0004591f in ntdll.dll has been documented previously. Please determine the cause of the crash and submit an update to the Starport KnowledgeBase
Not been able to replicate this one reliably, which is a bit frustrating, and I’m not really sure where to start investigating as it’s a system DLL. Any ideas? Suspect it’s related to NPCs in some way, given what I was doing when this occurred.
Unfortunately I’ve been unable to reliably replicate this one and haven’t been able to get the game to crash in the same area again! I’ve made a note so it should flag up the next time it occurs while I’m testing. If I can reliably get it crashing I’ll try running it with my client hooks w/ the debugger attached, and if that fails, with OllyDbg
I have tried to keep myself out of Freelancer for a time, but I found a way to start story missions in a live server though some weird tricks, I couldnt help myself to finish this thing, in that time I have documented some crash offsets that might be useful
(If anyone wants to see how I did this, I put the source code in the Moddb website in the download link, “Freelancer Co-Op Campaign Mode”, my code is very bad but StartStory() function explains how it is done)
content.dll+1aa9f _SendMessage (Server uses this to communicate with every function) crashes due to following reason; if anyone calls Story mission "Act_State = SUCCEED" server will call DestroyInstance for every story instances are running, it will crash the server if there are more than 1 in action this can be temporarily fixed by altering the function, which prevents DestroyInstance erase Story instances (it will only stop the last instance which Co-Op mod does for 0x1 iClientID) (BIG NOTE: this offset effects even random missions, restart the server as soon as "missions" ends) (Another big note: Act_State = SUCCEED" function itself needs to be changed, in order to have everyone their own instances and make them successfuly finish)
content.dll+49c95 settimer assignment error, unstable instance for unknown reasons
content.dll+89651 reputation based error (happened when SP Story reputation functions are enabled in MP)
content.dll+2d541 story manager tried to submit an order/reputation to a NPC that does not exist documented this bug at SpawnShip within initState = ACTIVE trigger
content.dll+55796 Client crashed during MP base cutscene when server shut down (crash in DestroyInstance)
content.dll+25cc9 Story trigger, Act_LockDock error?, possible nullpointer base? it might be related to other story triggers too(Previous OPjump does initilaize every trigger of story manager)
Content.dll+2FE8F AI logic error, as far as I can tell, 3 different functions use this area, one of them controls their orders as they spawn and the other one upon destruction
Common.dll+6c282 Group formation leader error, unknown
Freelancer.exe+13d55a Client tried to dock to a solar that does not exist from its perspective, either done through SwitchOut or following a formation leader that is docking
Freelancer.exe+1469F6 Client tried to sends its targetting information to the server, but failed (tried to target during SystemSwitchOut)
Freelancer.exe+001aad50 Based on pure speculation, Client tried to switch chars during server froze and it crashed
UNKNOWN/UNKNOWN Observed multiple times, if a Story mission called a [Trigger] but has no Cnd_ condition line
Server.dll+f988 Client and Server failed to sync jump destination system, causes crash in Singleplayer