The forum and Opera.
The problem ;D:
Opera/9.50 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Build 10063 Platform Win32 System Windows XP Java Sun Java Runtime Environment version 1.5 XHTML+Voice IBM Multimodal Runtime Environment, Version: 4.1.3, Build: 20050506.01.1
I use Opera at home. When I am home from work I will take a look, but I can normally view the site ok. ???
Indeed, I have the same problem with Opera.
hmm can it be the SEO friendly pages?
I see you just switched it back, problem persists
THan it must be something with Unicode.
And its only on the Forum?Edit: Its the Joomla > SMF Bridge we use. FF changed it last week so that some people didn’t have issues with the editors (java) anymore. But it looks like we traded one problem for a other one.
Is Joomla running on UTF8? My best guess is that the forum runs on UTF8 while Joomla runs on ISO-8859-1…
The forums were pointing to some old parts of the site, and for what ever reason Opera didn’t like that. -
Nicely done Worfeh.