80 Years War - Freelancer History Discussion
Well you can gather certain things from the storyline and by speaking with npc’s in bars.
The war was over control sigma 13 as far as I can gather (I could be wrong)
It was due to Rheinland aggression and trying to take control of the gas fields in Sigma 13 (Could be wrong
Therefore that was where majority of battle was, yu can see this from the Rheinland wrecks throughout Sigma 13 and from the Battleship and other ship debris area near the New Berlin - Sigma 13 Jump hole.
Of course you could thoerize on this all you want.
I think it would be a great idea for a new mod actually. Instead of going ahead in time or to another universe, to go back in time and do a mod specially based on it. (not sure if it’s been done before… )
as far as i know, the wrecks in sigma13 are due to the war of rhineland vs. kusari…
for further reference of 80-year-war:
Rich in vital gas resources, the Sigma-13 system has been contested by a number of groups since its discovery in 60 AS. Conflict reached a fever pitch when the system became one of the more fiercely contested prizes during the 80-Years War between the Gas Mining Guild (GMG) and Rheinland. Using speed and a thorough knowledge of the territory, the GMG managed to push back the Rheinland forces, finally obliterating the bulk of the Rheinland Navy at the Battle of the Yanagi Nebula. Since that time the system has been almost exclusively under GMG control, and the Gas Miner Naha has provided support for the GMG’s extensive mining operations.
At the Battle of the Yanagi Nebula, the forces of the Gas Mining Guild managed to obliterate almost the entire Rheinland Navy in a surprise maneuver. The remnant of that great battle is a vast field of Scrap Metal and radioactive cores that has rendered the area a major navigational hazard. Under an agreement brokered by Interspace Commerce (IC), ALG Waste Disposal has been allowed to build Helgoland Station and begin clean-up of the affected area, shipping Scrap Metal and other waste back to Rheinland for re-smelting.
source: www.battleclinic.com/freelancer
I Seem to remember somthing about a Crimminal Group Teaching the GMG Nebula Tactics…
Blood Dragons Maybe? -
as far as i know, the wrecks in sigma13 are due to the war of rhineland vs. kusari…
for further reference of 80-year-war:
Rich in vital gas resources, the Sigma-13 system has been contested by a number of groups since its discovery in 60 AS. Conflict reached a fever pitch when the system became one of the more fiercely contested prizes during the 80-Years War between the Gas Mining Guild (GMG) and Rheinland. Using speed and a thorough knowledge of the territory, the GMG managed to push back the Rheinland forces, finally obliterating the bulk of the Rheinland Navy at the Battle of the Yanagi Nebula. Since that time the system has been almost exclusively under GMG control, and the Gas Miner Naha has provided support for the GMG’s extensive mining operations.
At the Battle of the Yanagi Nebula, the forces of the Gas Mining Guild managed to obliterate almost the entire Rheinland Navy in a surprise maneuver. The remnant of that great battle is a vast field of Scrap Metal and radioactive cores that has rendered the area a major navigational hazard. Under an agreement brokered by Interspace Commerce (IC), ALG Waste Disposal has been allowed to build Helgoland Station and begin clean-up of the affected area, shipping Scrap Metal and other waste back to Rheinland for re-smelting.
source: www.battleclinic.com/freelancer
This really is pretty good information. ;D
im planning 2 make the 80 years war again…this time the outcasts in involved cuz the battle is in omicron beta, sigma 13 and a JH beetween those systems ;D
the colonies are at war due to a second nomad infiltration this time in bretonia and kusari…many bretonia attacks in rheinland and liberty and more attacks from kusari in liberty…and nomad patrols in kusari so its gonna be a exiting mod xD