How to make nebulas more mean looking
Hi all,
What i’m after is to make nebulas darker and more mean looking. I’m familiar with some of the settings. Let’s look at Alaska for instance
file = solar\nebula\generic_shapes.ini[Exterior] < –------------------------------ This i think is the exterior of the nebula from a distance
shape = generic_exterior1
shape = generic_exterior2
shape = generic_exterior3
shape = generic_exterior4
shape_weights = 1, 1, 1, 1
fill_shape = nebula_circle2
plane_slices = 1
bit_radius = 10000
bit_radius_random_variation = 0.200000
min_bits = 10
max_bits = 12
move_bit_percent = 0.250000
equator_bias = 0.500000
color = 255, 255, 255[properties]
flag = nebula[NebulaLight] <–----------------------------------- Inside nebula illumination
ambient = 60, 90, 90
sun_burnthrough_intensity = 0.600000
sun_burnthrough_scaler = 4[Exclusion Zones] <–------------------------------------- Exclusion zones so no worries with these
exclusion = Zone_Li05_shipyard_exclusion
fog_far = 8000.000000
zone_shell = solar\nebula\generic_exclusion.3db
shell_scalar = 1
max_alpha = 0.500000
exclusion_tint = 40, 120, 120
exclusion = Zone_Li05_prison_exclusion
fog_far = 10000.000000
zone_shell = solar\nebula\generic_exclusion.3db
shell_scalar = 1.000000
max_alpha = 0.700000
exclusion_tint = 70, 150, 150[Clouds] <–--------------------------------------------------- Clouds inside the nebula
max_distance = 400
puff_count = 10
puff_radius = 100
puff_colora = 255, 255, 255
puff_colorb = 60, 100, 100
puff_shape = generic_cloud1
puff_shape = generic_cloud2
puff_shape = generic_cloud3
puff_shape = generic_cloud4
puff_weights = 1, 1, 1, 1
puff_drift = 2.000000
near_fade_distance = 200, 250
puff_max_alpha = 0.200000[Fog] <–---------------------------------- Think this is like a view thing that throws a fog depending on the distance specified
fog_enabled = 1
near = 125
distance = 1500
color = 20, 60, 60[BackgroundLightning] <–-------------------- Lightning
duration = 0
gap = 2
color = 150, 160, 170[DynamicLightning] <–------------------------- Dynamic lightning
gap = 50
duration = 0
color = 0, 0, 0
ambient_intensity = 0
intensity_increase = 0I’m assuming to make things more dismal, you would either make the colour darker which isn’t really what i need. How about the settings regarding sun burn through, what effect does this have?
I was playing around with these settings when I started to develop 2.0. Sunburn, at least from what I saw, has to do with how the sun will appear in nebula. So, a lower number, will make the sun less visible in the nebula, while a higher number will make it more visible. The scaler, from what I found, is a multiplication factor of the intensity. So, I once used a sunburn factor of 10 (which was too much) and used a scaler of 10. The sun was HUGE in the nebula.
Making the fog’s distance closer can give a claustrophobic feel to it. Having larger, well blended puffs can easily work against a player’s navigational skills and give them the feeling they’ve lost their current location and/or orientation. Dynamic lightning can really help setting off an atmosphere, especially if you tie them up with the background lightning. I’d also suggest trying lightning that isn’t white, for a change. Subtler differences give a totally different impression.
Oh and of course, choosing or making a different cloud texture can have a major impact. Colors are also deeply important, and music is another element to consider.
Did something similar to what FF describes in tohoku when i made the giants causeway for MU. Put a large minefield with a fair few exclusion zones then placed a blue nebula which is very dense and causes you to lose all sense of direction as the sun doesnt burn through it. Its a real nice effect.
Also in other areas i tried different coloured lightning such as green, orange and magenta looks much better than plain old white.