[Latest] Freelancer: Still Alive Initiative, Itano Circus
Freelancer: Still Alive Initiative, Itano Circus
http://www.youtube.com/v/ZXD4N_Mi1iE&hl=en&fs=1≈=%2526fmt%3D18Hope that got your attention. This is part 1 of the Freelancer: Still Alive Initiative series of videos. Freelancer: Still Alive is to show the world that the Digital Anvil game Freelancer is still going strong after all these years. Thanks to a terrific community that to this day is still making breakthroughs in modding, Freelancer is better than ever.
This is a call to all the Freelancer players and modders to band together and start “spreading the love.” I know we are a somewhat fragmented community huddled together with our respective mods, but Freelancer can come back, and we can make it happen. Start sending these videos to your friends, put them in your signatures for other forums you may frequent, e-mail, anything. If enough people get interested we can make Freelancer last some more good long years.
To modders: Â http://the-starport.net/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=26&topic=967.msg8661#msg8661
Go to that link to find more info on how to setup a camera ship. Start recording footage of your mod and send it over to me. This video is the benchmark. As has been mentioned, random clips put together will just look like random clips put together. Everyone recording videos I stress to make the videos as cinematic as possible. I created this video specifically with the purpose to illustrate all the nonsense I was spouting about exactly how you should go about filming your mod. In the end, the goal is to create a video similar to this, only instead of just one mod, it will contain a wide variety of mods. Freelancer has a mod to cater to every type of person, and a wide variety of mods shows the world that Freelancer is still very much played.
I don’t think pornography is allowed on these forums cheese
take it down before someone see’s!
I don’t think pornography is allowed on these forums cheese
take it down before someone see’s!
the most awesome freelancer video i’ve ever seen!