A New Take on the Ever Persistent Text Issue
Hello, people. I recently decided to install Freelancer again, and as you’d realise by now, I’m having some trouble. It’s that seemingly common problem with the missing text. I’ve replaced the flconfigdatabase file with the one from Louva-Deus, installed the Quick Fix 1.0c, copied the fonts into the C:\Windows\Fonts directory, changed the compatibility modes, installed the Microsoft Common Redist Pack, installed MSXML3, installed MSXML4MSMS, and installed Fonts809 fix from the guys at the Void.
All this with no change. I also thought perhaps the resolution might be a problem, however I can’t get to the menu screen to fumble around in there because all five options on the Main Menu are apparently “New Game”. The text also doesn’t jump around the screen, like how other people describe, it’s simply not there. Since nothing changed with all of my efforts, I think that maybe my problem might be a little different, especially considering the Main Menu thing.
I use Vista 64x SP2v.113, and an nVidia 8800 GTS 512mb.
Anyone have any ideas?
Try windowed mode
add -w to your command line arguments in a shortcut
if windowed mode works then change your resolution settings in there as the missing text may be a resolution issue.
If windowed mode yields no success then I am unsure to what your problem may be - you may need to update your graphics card drivers.
I have an x64 operating system (windows 7, which for all intents and purposes IS Vista) and I ALSO have the same graphics card so it shouldn’t be an OS or Card issue.
I would also seriously recommend you use MSXML 6.0: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=D21C292C-368B-4CE1-9DAB-3E9827B70604&displaylang=en
Other options are a total reinstall of Freelancer, a download of the 1.1 patch if you haven’t already.
Update windows with all optional and critical updates and a give it a good restart.
Good luck m8
RC at the moment but I will purchase the Release when it is out - believe me mate the operating system is fantastic. I would go as far as to see in time it will be better than XP is, it is certainly more stable and at times I feel it is even more responsive.
I have heard nothing but good things about it, but I was little paranoid over how long it took me to get Vista working (six reinstalls), and wasting all that effort. I heard there was supposed to be an XP virtual machine packaged with it, does it come with the RC?
I too use Windows 7 x64 and I’m loving it. For me 64-bit was rather important (6gb of RAM) and XP x64 sucks, so I was forced to move, but I have to say I like it a lot.
Yes, there is a Windows XP VM available, but it will only be for the overpriced Ultimate edition and I don’t think that’s worth the asking price. The VM is also a bit clunky because it really IS a full-fledged VM, so you need to install stuff on the VM to use them, you don’t have direct access between the VM and the host, etc.
I’d suggest using VirtualBox if you need a VM and already have a copy of XP. It’s free
See if going into your nvidia control panel and restoring defulats does anything. I had had some FPS issues where it wouldnt get past 5 FPS… on anything i was doing lol made the text invisible and partially visible at times restored defaults and well… yay, just something else to try
Just a thought, but from what I saw when I updated the hardware database on my FL install, it could be entirely possible that the entry for your graphics card, or the fact that it may not have one, is the reason for your problem.
I personally have a geforce 8800 GTX and have never had that issue.
Have you updated your hardware from the 1.0 basic? The download is available on this site.
Just a thought, might be wrong, only just delving into this game myself lol.
Must be that your CD is corrupted. Do you see any scratch?
Glad to hear it’s fixed anyhow!