I need tutorials
I need a tutorial for creating custom textures for nebulae
and starspheres that do not involve programs such as 3dmax which I do not have or milkscape.I have searched across the web for tutorials of these kinds and I have not found any. If anyone would provide me with a starshere or nebulae tutorial it would be perfect. The kind of nebulae tut that I need involves using custom nebula textures in order to create a custom nebula to fit a mod I am working on.
nebulae? nebula?
if you need to edit system background(nebulae = ), you can use UTF_Editor to export it, PS it, import back to file.
if you want to make new one, you may use this Starsphere Utility 1.1
EDIT – I just upload a video “tutorial” to show how to edit a starsphere, here it is:
Hope this helps. -
nebulae is the plural version of the word nebula
I’m sorry if I confused you but what I was looking for was a tutorial to create custum nebula texture and use them in systems without replacing the old textures.
your video helped some but it was very blurry. the one part I couldn’t really tell what you were doing was when you exported the cmp files and changed them to targa files and then when you placed them back into the cmp format.
Could you please post an explanation how you did this. Thank you
Sorry but i have no english version Photoshop and 3DSMAX installed, so that may hard to explain and screenshot to make you understand what i do.
I remember someone written a completed tutorial for it, but i cannot found it.Starsphere texture just like Ship texture, but it use TGA not DDS.
So you may try this: http://www.filefront.com/9545916/Drizzt4.0s-Ship-Creating-Tutorial-v1.5/
Remember, TGA use MIP0 node to storage texture, but DDS use MIPS.
Just a little tip… Use DDS/MIPS format on custom starspheres! Makes the file size alot smaller and you don’t have to downscale the same pic several times!
photoshop is the easy part I know how to use it so that shouldn’t be a problem
Is it similar to planet textures because I found a tutorial on creating them with the UTf editor.
oh by the way the starpshere utility does not work on my computer I seem to be missing somthing called .net
any advice…
.NET is a subset of Windows, you can download it from the Microsoft site. There are the stable 3.5 and the Beta 4.0 available. I use 4.0 and it works fine so far.
.NET Framework 3.5
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=333325FD-AE52-4E35-B531-508D977D32A6&displaylang=en.NET Framework 4.0 BETA 1
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=ee2118cc-51cd-46ad-ab17-af6fff7538c9&displaylang=en -
what exactly is .net I haven’t heard of it
.NET Framework on Wikipedia is a good place to learn about that