Models giveaway
You can do it Kuze, use the force !
I provided a blank texture so it doesn’t really matter how many polys the models have because they’re already uv-unwrapped thus all you need to do is apply a metal texture over the blank one and do some painting here and there. Sounds easy no ? … too easy, could be a trap
I’ll do something. I need a fun little side project anyways.
I saw the map, and it is a trap hehe. I texture my ships with already made vanilla textures and never did a ship texture from scratch, what means I must learn it asap
Hey, somebody in this thread posted tutorials on just that! I wonder who it could be…
Yeah mea culpa
Hey guys
Can you help me out a bit with something on these ships ?
I just finished making them for a game and I’m not sure what class I should put them in: destroyer, mothership, etc.
Do you have any suggestions ?Also, if you can help me out with a short background story, the kind I always write on my models I’d appreciate it very much
Top one’s a battlecruiser, bottom’s a heavy cruiser.
Well, 1st. they look awesome! 2nd, I think it depends on game, but they look destroyer-ish to me, I see no docks from this angle or windows or something to use as size reference.
Btw the front of the upper ship reminds me of Angel Fall First
The dock can’t be seen in the pics, it’s right at the back of the ship. Thanks for the quick replies, I’ll go ahead and use the “Battlecruiser” and “Heavy Cruiser” classes cause I have too many destroyers already hehe
Cheers guys.
Btw they were inspired by this pic.
Can’t go far wrong using AFF ships for inspiration, love em!
To be honest I wasn’t familiar with this game but now that I googled it I found an older trailer and I think I’ve heard of it before or seen it somewhere but I can’t seem to find their website. Do you guys happen to have their link cause I’d love to keep a closer eye on their project, it looks fantastic.
Well, they killed their original HW2 mod, and have moved to a UDK based squad shooter with some space combat.
Thanks for the link mate.
Btw guys, I’m really bad when it comes to space ships classes because pretty much all I know is “fighter / destroyer / mothership” hehe, so I was wondering if you’d help me with a larger list of sci fi ship type classes, ranging from the smallest up to “planet killers”. I’d use this list to better assign a class to my ships in the future for more “realism”.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions you can make.
I’m a fan of harder mil sci-fi, so I guess I could talk about classifications in the wider arena of that genre. Note, that most of this is an overarching generalization, derived from many different authors, plus some of my own understandings. I will attempt to characterize them by the general tropes that emerge around each class.
-Light Combatants-
Light Combatants tend to be the most numerous of any navy’s forces. They are small, so tend to be very specialized to maximize effectiveness for volume spent. That being the case, there tend to be many variants on each hull size, to fulfill many roles and arms mixes.
Corvette/Gunship - small, fast. Bridges the gap between fighters and proper warships. More often than not, does not feature dedicated FTL in most universes.
Frigate (FF) - usually, the smallest FTL capable warship in most universes. Used for light protection duties in less important zones, and as fleet escort. Possible variations: Guided Missile Frigate (FFG), Battle Frigate (FFB), Escort Frigate (FFE), Light/Fast Frigate (FFL)
Destroyer Leader (DL) - Destroyer sized command vessel designed to lead squadrons of frigates.
Destroyer (DD) - Mid range combatant, typically somewhat larger than a frigate. Essentially a more capable frigate. Possible Variations: Escort Destroyer (DDE), Heavy Destroyer (DDH), Scout Destroyer (DDS)
-Patrol Combatants-
Patrol Combatants, being larger, tend to take a more generalist approach to construction, making them more of a jack of all trades. Very few variants.
Light Cruiser (CL) - Cheaper, less capable cruiser. Typically configured for escort
Heavy Cruiser (CA) - The core of any navy’s maritime patrol forces. Tough enough to travel alone and deal with any pirate or military threat below that of a Capital Ship, a true generalist warship. Typically portrayed as the ‘dream ship’ for many a fictional captain.
Battlecruiser (CB/BC) - Heavy warship that bridges the gap between patrol classes and capital ships. Usually equipped with weapons similar to those mounted on Capital Ships. Faster than anything that can kill it, and nasty enough to wipe the floor with anything smaller than it. Cannot directly engage Capital Ships in combat.
-Capital Ships-
Titans of the stars, Capital Ships form the core of the battle line. Characterized by massive cost, but massive firepower, only the richest nations are able to afford their material and manpower costs. Note, that because of the sheer scale of these vessels, they tend to be specialized, similar to light combatants. They have the opposite problem - too much space. While this seems odd, it makes sense. If one capital ship with a generalized loadout went up against a specialist loadout, the specialist capital would win within its parameter set. The generalist capital usually cant apply damage as effectively as a dedicated set up. This is especially true when a binary weapon paradigm is in place, such as Missiles for range and Lasers for close. A ship heavily biased towards missiles would dominate a mixed weapon ship at long range, and a ship with a laser biased loadout would dominate a mixed ship at close range.
Battleship (BB) - The lightest of capitals, tend to be too small to fight in a proper line of battle, good for holding territory for nations that can afford to divert the construction costs. This is usually either by design, or because they were the first class of Capital developed, now considered small and outdated by comparison.
Dreadnought (DN) - Main combatant of many a sci-fi series. Dreadnoughts combine massive armor with massive batteries of weaponry to dominate the battlespace. Rarely deployed alone, these ships are often supported by squadrons of their kin, and supporting cruiser and destroyer squadrons.
Super Dreadnought (SD) - A true king of battle, the SD is typically the largest warship built. Massive in cost, defense, and firepower.
Monitor (MT) - Depending on the universe, either A) Larger warship than an SD, or B) A more defensive oriented capital. Sometimes sacrifices FTL for more defensive capability or firepower. BBs often could be considered MTs, depending on the universe and author taste.
Not all universes use fighter or carried craft tech, but because of their prevalence in modern navies, they usually make an appearance.
Escort Carrier (CVE) - Small, usually destroyer sized hull. They tend not to have any room for anything but the hangar. Good for staging fighters quickly and cheaply.
Carrier (CV) - The basic all around carrier. Usually cruiser or battlecruiser scale.
Fleet Carrier (CVF) - Usually evolve with capital scale developments. Dreadnought scale monstrosities. Massive flights, but tend to be very vulnerable.
Attack Carrier (CVA) - Usually the last class of carrier developed. Designed with more protection in mind. Sacrifices some of the capacity of the CVF for the survivability of a proper Capital Ship.
Q-Ship - A warship disguised as a freighter, these can range from tramp sized pirate traps to dreadnought sized anti-commerce-raiding bastions. Depending on the universe, may have a mix of capital scale weapons or fighters. Super-freighters converted for the role are more fragile than hulls built from the ground up for the job, so there’s a lot of room to play with for interesting ideas. Because they’re not meant to fight proper warships on fair fighting ground, they can have more ‘exotic’ weapons configurations, designed to take advantage of the fact that all the hostile sees is a helpless freighter.
A quick note on Hull Symbols - Hull symbols tend to be 2 or 3 letter codes used in the registry of a ship as its class marker. Some universe use detailed suffix-based symbols, and others only use general symbols with ships all under one class, with its role simply understood. Some often used suffixes are -
-E : Escort. Usually equipped with massive point defense batteries and advanced sensors to protect a fleet or ship against a fighter or missile bombardment threat
-G : Guided Missile. In a universe where missiles are not a primary weapon system, the -G prefix is used to denote when a ship is heavily biased towards them in its weapons mix. Often features enhanced or more missile control links.
-B : Battle. Often used only on frigates, used to note when a frigate is specifically configured as a brawler, sort of a mini-capital ship. Lots of armor, lots of weapons for its size.
-S : Scout. Pretty self explanatory
-R : Ranged. Sometimes used to denote a ship specifically meant to snipe with various long ranged weapons. Sometimes used in universes where missiles are the primary weapon system to denote ships using missiles a ship class up from what they’d usually have, IE, a destroyer using cruiser sized missiles, or a battlecruiser using dreadnought sized missiles. This creates smaller, fast ships with superior range and firepower, at the sacrifice of magazine space and/or protection.
Now that’s just one epic list ! Cheers for that mate !
I really like the description of every class because that actually gives me better ideas on how to build a specific ship to make it “fit”. Thanks. -
@ SolCommand
Do you have a link for the modular ship pack that doesn’t involve me having to enter my mobile phone number? Check the download link and you’ll see what i mean
@ SolCommand
Great job doing the modelling brader
Can you also do the Tyi fighters from Black Prophecy with other different variations?
That would be cool mate… {>_<}
Dromedary, to be honest it’s the first I’m hearing about such a thing. I just downloaded the files myself to be sure from two different computers and I found no problems at all, no popups, no “new menus” I didn’t knew about, nothing. I also looked into the archive itself and there’s nothing. Are you sure your computer is not infected with a spyware or something that causes this behavior for you ?
Btw, I’m talking here about my official personal server, the link that’s on my site called “Free Download”, so I don’t know about other websites where my models may have been uploaded by other people.
If someone else here can check this out also I’d really appreciate it, just in case. -
Hey mate
Well, I’ve got over a dozen other projects in works right now, requests from other people, so it could be quite some time until I get to start a new project. From what I remember those ships were pretty cool, really complex but cool. I’ll keep this one in mind and I may do something based on them but I make no promises hehe. -
@ SolCommand: All the older AFF ships are in the NSU mod btw.
@ Sizer: Now that is a great list.Ship class varies from universe to universe. Some of them have for example:
Cutters - smaller than corvettes usually. I consider them a true gap between capitals and snubs.
Now for some more specialized ships, they are for example:
Electronic Warfare Ship - equipped with long range sensors, awacs, jammers, emp stuff, you name it.
Minelayers - for laying mines
Blockade Runners - as I understand, they are transports used for breaking blockades to supply the front or planet or station.
When it comes to snubs, Freelancer is poor in classes too. Aside from LFs, HFs and VHFs there are more like…
Medium Fighter - A transition between LF and HF maybe.
Assault Fighter - I understand it as a snub more heavy than a VHF for assault roles but not a bomber.
Bombers - of different size, Light, medium, heavy, form bombing.
Strategic Bomber - I don’t know if such class is used somewhere,
but I use it for a heavy bomber equipped with nuclear or damn devastating missiles and torpedoes for bombing space installations and planets, or just a tender for 1 really big missile (something like a Neutron-S missile from Robotech)