Freelancer Account ID thing: Then I saw it, now I don't.
Testing my mod on an LAN server.
Made some changes, and FLServer wouldn’t start up properly, it would constantly crash.
So I reinstall Freelancer. But when I go to the Multiplayer screen, and it asks me to create my ID, but the section is blank, completely. Reinstalled it multiple times, I’ve tried using most of the programs for FL ID manager, and even gone and looked at the registry keys (Which were of course, blank), but nothing I’ve done has worked.
I’m desperate, I’m not having a good day, and I want to test out my mod.
Please, what’s going on, and how can I fix it? -
install patch 1.1
Worked for half of it. I have an ID now, but I can’t launch a server or run FL with my mod on.
With your mod on? How about with it off?
I don’t want to sound bad, but if it doesn’t work with your mod and it works without, it might be something with your mod
Any log? (FLSpit, FLServer’s error log)
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\Systems.cpp(2889) : *** ERROR: System “Omega-13” has no msg_id_prefix information, which it will need to be referred to by space GCS - See TAYBRO
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\Archetype.cpp(60) : *** ERROR: ArchDB::Get(2181039503) failedThat’s what it says in the console.