Ways the freelancer community can bring new players to FL
cough well, one way of getting rid of the “outdated graphics” label would be to change the in-game models cause I’m pretty sure that after 7 years everyone knows them all too well, not just add new models on top of the old, throw the old ones away for good cough
New missions! that’s the way to keep tha game going. Movies have sequils. Why can’t RPGs? If they came up with a new adventure for Eddison Trent to engage in. People who who likd the first version would probaly buy the sceond version. The software makers aren’t thinking long term. What if they had a freelancer two. Then Treny could embark on another crazy and dangerous mission where the fate of the world depends on him and his partners.
tai wrote:
@solcomand: Replacements for these old models would be nice thenWell I did try to make ppl loose the old ships and get new ones but I guess they’re too attached to their Eagles
I mentioned something a wile ago about all of us working together (since we’re already gathered here in one spot) to create an expansion or “Freelancer 2” but I know there’s a lot of competition going on between mods and mod devs so chances for that to happen, for them to work to together, are slim at best
I see some of it as, many of the newly designed ships don’t handle as well as the original Freelancer ships do. Tweaking the 1.0 ships seem to do alright as long as you don’t go overboard with it. I mean some of these guys have the ships that almost go where they want to or turn without knowing it or, they just slide from side to side instead of turning a they should in a banking maneuver. Strafing at cruise speed from side to side( ras, fix that too. this isn’t tron.
), etc…etc… or, not wanting to turn at all, more like a tank instead.
I stay where the ships are more of a reality in handling than just sliding around like playing Air Hockey.
I’m playing on a server now, where they handle beautifully.
As for promoting a mod, I do for many mods and/or compliment on them as being a great mod if, the poster doesn’t claim that that mod is the best there is.
I agree, there are a lot of you that are superb in what you’re doing with freelancer but, is it possible that you CAN get together and come up with something that will knock Freelancer into a New Beginning without going overboard with who’s ideas are the best to offer? Or, going to far out with design?
the last 14 months i have been working alone on freelancer. it was about 2 weeks of that i have joined a development team for an upcoming freelancer mod and several other times i have tried to announce some help to mods who seemed to need it and whose developers even agreed on that but at last never used my work. however, what i learned during this few weeks of trying to help others making a name in the community is, that we have quite a hard concurrence between each other. maybe here, on the starport were talking together, discussing new possibilities but once we have kinda direction to look at we keep all our advantages quiet. most of us, even if we would not declare it here (but i just have to bring it to the point, regardless of how it makes you look down at me), do want to create the best themselves and do not want to share the honor and the names. we see that on that of most greater mods you can download only a client version. we see it on mod thieves and on secrets about technique. of course, the time passes and older features get explained to the community but as long as you are first discoverer you keep your discovery by yourself, we all do, me, too.
i think we forget what we really are after: this ist not GTA, this is not star trek legacy this is not crysis. whatever were after in real, what we are factually working on is not anymore an improvement of the game. we have not that big players count that it makes sense to expand the game doing some exploration challenges. i have started a server about a year ago within a small lan company, no contact to the world wide web ingame. and guess what, i got players to the game, who did not know it before. it is enough to advertise the vanilla as it is in fact a great game. what we need is to improve graphics: models, textures, effects, gfx engine. this is the only thing about freelancer that has really gotten old. this is the reason we have nearly no more players. it is not that the game needs any other improvements to have players. ofc fans of star trek and star wars you can get ingame with mods that have ships and stations from it. but the core should not be ships and systems, not anymore. this generation has passed. new missions are not needed, too, as only the last FL veterans know the original at all.
strange, we can’t get it advertised enough, why not? cuz the magazines are not interested in old games. we don’t need new missions and ambiences for the players at all, but for the magazines. and magazines are honestly good for single countries, not for the world and only for real gamers, not for the usual players, who just go to the stores. we need to get players by talking to our friends and by asking them to talk with their other friends. we need to get microsoft back to produce the game, so players can see it in stores. maybe with replaced files for models and gfx engines and textures. its not expansions the game needs.