FLDev Wishlist?
Many thanks for taking this up again FF.
My input to try to simplify your task:
Since FL-Dev could already show and edit string tables and infocards and open the next empty ones, and we can enter new data manually, then if we can also copy the data for them from another source (even Notepad, or ResHacker or FLEd-Ids) and then right-click… Paste into FL Dev string and infocard entries then I think that would be fine, instead of a full editor?
All the best pal.
I think what NeXoSE is getting at is:
Equipment validation, via matching IDS entry in the main few equipment ini’s to their infocards. There are only a few stats that users can see for each item, so the structures wouldn’t be too time consuming to construct I wouldn’t think. Have an option to batch auto-correct from ini -> infocard after review of discrepancies.
That would be a huge benefit to all these large mods with hundreds of ships and ph4t l3wt items. So many items fall by the wayside, and with new developments arriving, they tend to get forgotten easily.
I don’t deal with this stuff usually, just dealing with modeling mainly. But in nearly every mod I’ve visited it seems a common thread.
I thought only ships had manually entered Infocard data? Weapons and such all have automatically populated infocard stats.
@ST: The amount of different formattings for the copy/paste data would be stupendous, I’m afraid. Have you checked out the Export/Import features? They’re what Discovery people use to create their infocards, since they’re simple text files.
… talking about IDS:
A painless way to add all needed entries for a faction
to proper show in bribes and mission offers. -
It would be lovely if hexadecimal numbers could be entered into the IDS field of the DLL Editor.
Im gonna second that faction IDS request
Magic numbers hurt my brain…
M0tah wrote:
It would be lovely if hexadecimal numbers could be entered into the IDS field of the DLL Editor.Easy enough; it’ll automatically detect hex values if they contain letters between A and F, otherwise you’ll have to prefix them with 0x.
Don’t think that I’ll collect all I can say at once - so here’s the first portion, things that I remember firstly.
- Way how FLDev works with file paths.
I’m somehow unable to store paths to files in the 1st tab of the program. Maybe it’s my local issue, but I found that copying FL installation onto its default location, and copying the mod files I want to edit (dll files in particular) to the same location is the most convenient workaround. But it’s not the most convenient thing to do…
- Infocard import/export: error upon entering numbers that are too large.
Obviously, if you input a number that has 7 digits in it (didn’t do extensive testing of other ways to cause it), the program displays an error message. It should ignore values like that.
- Infocard import/export: Checking integrity of the file that’s being imported
Right now, using ; is impossible, and it’s not very good since it’s needed for formatting. There are some other occasions, usually when the infocard import file is not “formatted” correctly, when the infocards are not processed properly. Since it’s impossible to check each one with hundreds of infocards imported, it would be great if FLDev could report which sections of the import file it cannot use (except for comments). And for what reason.
- Infocard import/export: Reliability of import operation
I have a quad-core so I don’t experience -severe- performance problems, however, to ensure 100% correct import, one must leave the PC alone for the time of import and close all processes that utilize CPU/RAM/disc activity. If this is not done, some infocards are simply ommitted for reasons unknown, and some may be imported incorrectly.
There were cases when I used the very same file to import from, and yet it took several attempts to create a “complete” dll by FLDev. No errors etc. are reported, infocards are simply missing. This can be checked easily by Freelancer Companion after import.
Any chance you can fix those button positions when using FLDev in the non-standard window size (i.e. maximized/full-screen)?
Also, I’m all in favor of the import/export upgrades. I would much rather FLDev be slower but check every import for validity rather than worry if everything got imported right.
How are doing with this, FF old pal, is it shelved for now?
On and off. I’m still unsure about stability but I haven’t had lots of chances to test so far.