Anyone else played trent the monkey king
Mod can be got here:–-Trent-the-Monkey-King-Mission-14-Mod
Awright here the prequel walkthrough:
Prequel Walkthrough and spoiler (from my mod “Trent the monkey king” downloadable fromabove mentioned link):
This prequel is originally the work of “1001” titled “Before FP7” and is as far as i know the first storyline addition to freelancer.
Thanks 1001, for a great prequel.
Awright Prequel Walkthrough:
Remember to save often
1. You’re on Leeds shipless, go see tobias
2. After listening to tobias’ sermon on your sure death take off
3. check out your “Freeport 7 note”
4. go “south” by “South-East” your new ship has high max speed but low “battery life” so remember to turn stability engine off when running
…you will run…if you wanna live5. Try to keep ship damage to a minimum, you dont have much cash and its a long trek
6. When u get to sigma 13, you will find the jumpgate to sigma-19 in the “north-eastern” part of the system
7. when u get to Sigma 19 you will find the Sigma 17 jumpgate in the “South.eastern” part of the system
8. Get to kurile and save, maybe go loot that nearby wreck for some quick $
9. the Omicron Badlands Jumphole is located to the “North” of Kurile
10. Ok you’re in the right system, fly around until you find Freeport 7
11. on FP7 sell your loot, go to the bar and get the message
12. Get back to Kurile to meet with Kunz
13. on kurile you will need to bribe the local faction to be able to talk to kunz (nice detail 1001) sell some of your non-essential gear if needed.
14. Take off and reland for repchange to take effect
15. Buy the location of the wrecks of kunz, as you see theyre located in the Omicron Badlands, go getthe loot and return it to lonnigan on fp7
16. Sell the code…launch from base
17. COMPLETED…are you ready for the pimped vanilla missions? its goin’ be haaard son!
hey rasauul,thx for the advice i will have to try that and see what happens,i know i cant destroy them all,i already tried… :-x anyway just to say your mod is cool i really liked the prequel part even though i lost my 6 odd mill creds… :lol: i havent had any of the bugs you described yet and hope it stays that way…
i would like to play the vanilla game with the new ships and cargo any idea how that could be done,ie;what files would need to be added to the vanilla file for them to work or would it have to be a whole new mod
Hey mark, you can play all the original 13 missions in my mod, i pimped them up a bit though, making them harder aka more fun
added extra playership loadouts on the way too. you should try em if you havent allready, as a bonus you get to check out all the extra system with my new planet setup
Are you talking about the same version or, have you updated it? -
I tried to explain that there was a problem in it but just didn’t know how to, I guess? I wasn’t looking for a ‘Spoiler’ like you posted for me to use on FLC, but a bug that needed fixing is all.
At the time, the only area that played well, was the first mission with the escort. Once done, you’re still stuck in NY without the jump-gate/hole access. Nowhere else to go. I played that for a few hours and just killing everything that turned up red. :evil:
As for Mission 14, once I received the message that Tobias needed help, I just kept getting pathways directly into the sun all the time. Instantly destroyed once I come through any Jg and it just wasn’t worth the play time having the exact same thing happen over and over again. I’m a much better player than that and have played many a tough mods over the years, but to die constantly, without even the slightest chance of getting around it, sucks.
I was thinking that you may have put too many versions in it that got things confused like;
Mission 14
Before FP-7
The starting multiple choices for factions, personas, etc…etc…
and more that I’ve forgotten about and it was over working itself?I’m not knocking the mod, just saying that it needed a bit more testing first.
When the next version is out, I’ll try it again.
I never flew into the Sun, but it wants me to.