Why485 fan club
Why485 fanclub? I want in!
Vesko, member since 9th of april 2010
Write me too in the club plz
Anyone who wants to join just type:
“your name”, member since “date” of “month” “year”
Lolz, ok I’ll join
SolCommand, member since 4/9/2010
tai@xD, member since 9th of April 2010
Vesko, member since 30th November 2009.
why rulez!
Gisteron, member since nineth of April 2010 -
i have to say that, these videos are the least he have given to the community … far far far away ^^
so imagine …
member since almost one year now
Mindhunter member since: Ive seen hes bughugefxpack
Edit: No it was since he released his Liberty fleet video with the giant colony ship in it 8-)
We are not worthy….BUT WE WANT MORE!
Count me in too… I love WHY’s work 8-)
That’s from the Freelancer Aces video, right?
It’s a derivative of that old video, yes.
Nice clouds so i will join
He||oween, member since 10.04.10 -
Frank makes crazy missile trails and stuff and doesn’t afraid of anything. Count me in.
Why485 wrote:
http://why485.wordpress.com/2010/02/16/clouds/You have a very cool blog, Why85.
I have been wondering what tools Digital Anvil used to create the cut scenes in Freelancer… especially the on-planet scenes with people. Could they have done it with a tool such as Lightwave or Maya?
Is there any viable approach to making elaborate THN’s for cut scenes?
Your videos rock already, but it would be revolutionary if you could get them into the game (other than as intro movies).
i think they have some tool to convert a scene file of a rendering program to thn. for now, such programs are useful in a massive way to plan thn’s and similar. positions, motions, lightening (without shading ofc as FL also does none), everything is simplier to plan in a visual program and to copy the coordinates later into your thn.