Minimize mod Reload and Simplify error identification in mod dev
At last i get it.
1. install freelancer
2. Install your WORKING mod with FLMM
3. Run a search on the Freelancer folder searching for filenames that include “flmmbak” and delete them (up to 8000+files or so).
4. Making a “mod-base”:
Make a rar archive of the Freelancer folder now with your mod loaded inside, and drop it in a folder you call “my mod on Freelancer folder Reload”.5. Start making sub-mods by copying the parts of your mod that you wanna work on and setting them up in FLMM as small mods.
Now you can Reload your mod without having to install FL and without Re-FLMM’ing ur mod, just unzip the rar (or winzip) to replace the “microsoft games/ freelancer” folder when it gets corrupted.
Error checking is easier, just unload your sub-mod and check if it was creating the error
or make a sub mod replacing the part of your mod that you think is creating the error.
When you get to finish your mod paste the sub-mods onto ur Mod-base.
Admin sub-mods:
Make a mod of the Universe.ini where you replace all lines saying:
“visit = 0” with “visit = 1”
this makes all systems visible from start, you could name it “ all systems” .Remember to delete the Restart.file located here:
my games/Freelancer/acts/singleplayer
Allways delete this after loading mods.Run FL in Windowed mode helps working on stuff while playing:
1- On your desktop right click on the freelancer shortcut and chose properties.
2- In the line “Target” just add " -w" after the command that’s already there.
Its supposed to go like this:
“C:\Program files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\Freelancer.exe” -wSUB-MODS FOR THE WIN!!
Ah, you finally worked it out for yourself! <sigh!>:D</sigh!>
Hehe only been modding 1k hrs reloading full mod lol