Destructible bases in MP
Partial variant, without destroy_root:
Works at server side tooSystem:
[Object] nickname = ST04_02 pos = -6560, 0, -2900 ids_name = 501054 ids_info = 501055 dock_with = ST04_02_Base base = ST04_02_Base rotate = 0, 90, 0 reputation = gd_z_grp archetype = space_freeport01 behavior = NOTHING voice = atc_leg_m01 space_costume = br_brighton_head, pl_male1_peasant_body difficulty_level = 19 loadout = space_freeport01_co_03 pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
[Solar] nickname = space_freeport01 ... blahblahblah ... type = STATION ... blahblahblah ... destructible = true hit_pts = 3500000 fuse = fuse_gas_collector_burning, 0.000000, 17325 ; fuses without destroy_root fuse = miningbase_small_ice_burning_fuse, 0, 1 ; -//- fuse = station_burning_fuse, 0.000000, 17325 ; -//- fuse = fuse_suprise_drop_loot, 0.000000, 3590 ; -//- fuse = fuse_gas_miner_burning, 0.000000, 17325 ; -//- fuse = fuse_space_arch_burning, 0.000000, 1 ; -//- fuse = freeport7_main_fuse1, 0.000000, 1 ; -//-
Repair mode = repair gun? Respawn timeout?
its needing to default back to that
if it repairing and it get hit again
othere wise it continuse to repair
and you get multiple killswchar_t wszBuf2[1024]; wstring Basename = HkGetWStringFromIDS(Universe::get_base(iID)->iBaseIDS); wstring Playername = Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientIDBy); swprintf(wszBuf2, L"basedestroyed=%s by=%s",(Basename).c_str() ,(Playername).c_str()); HkMsgU(wszBuf2);
add that to the end of void BaseDestroyed
im using 1.6.7
when it starts to repair shoot in you see what i mean -
Which is your serv - i wanna play :)))
Update for total destruction:
All bases can be destroyed - works fine at server-side (i have tested NY)
Each player on non-existent station respawns from the sun x)
Add additional stations to the respawn point like
base = blahblahbase
dock_with = blahblahbase -
and you get multiple kills
Yep. Strange thing - when you try to shoot already dead station by rockets - “basedestroy” event appears again :-E
anduriell wrote:
How can I respawn the base without serverrestart?
Another hex editor will do fine, google turns up plenty of free ones.
Read this tutorial :
Do not temptate newbies - Hexplorer works fine ander x86 and x64, *Comics with Fox’s tutorial will understand any who interested.
*P.S. If you does not understand the text look only at the pictures ))