Crash Offsets
Thaddeus wrote:
Thanks, when I run client and server on the same machine I dont get this problem. So I did a file by file comparsion and found an updated .sur file that wasnt matched on server. Re-syncing the files seems to have alleviated the problem, it still happens but back to being random again.Forgive my ignorance but what program do I need to debug this
Could you tell me please what this file was?
I run server and client on the same machine, but through a
LAN(if the LAN is disconnected, you can’t connect to the server) for better test porpouses, and it appears to be quite random as you said. However, no this issue under FLHook 2.0 -
You’re right its not an FLhook2.0 problem. I’ve removed it from the development server and I’m still getting this offset crash occasionally. Mismatched file was a ship .sur I was working on. There was a vanilla .sur on server and a new (Schmacks) .sur on my client. Could be a red herring as I did do a complete reinstall on the server at the time.
so I updated my JFLP from 1.20 to 1.21, tested with 88Flak FLHook(for long time, guess no less than 150 - 200 landings and launches in a row) and had no CTDs so far.
Will inform if I find out anything else.
@Thaddeus: OllyDbg is what I use. If you want to give it a try… If you already have Freelancer running, switch to windowed mode and do File|Attach in OllyDbg; if not, File|Open, browse to Freelancer.exe and add -w to the arguments. (Bear in mind, the first time will take a while as it analyses everything, which will probably cause your connection to timeout.) Select the dump window (Shift+Tab twice), press Ctrl+G and enter 674AA0. Now Shift+Right four times and press Shift+F5, then Down to select Write and Enter (who uses the mouse? ;)). Those four bytes will turn red, indicating there’s a breakpoint there. Press F9 to run and just wait for the break…
Thanks, I’ll give it try next time I’m on the server
Someone knows whats 0006c033 at content.dll means?
06F0C031 8B08 mov ecx, [eax] 06F0C033 8B01 mov eax, [ecx]
Whats the meaning?
Anyway when ecx is null it crashes.Changed 0006c031 8B08->9090
No crashes and no visible side-effects.
I have falls server error server.dll 00017f38 what can this mean?
I shall be grateful to any information -
Seems to be loadout problem when space object respawns.
Thanks. I shall search in this direction
OutCast wrote:
adoxa wrote:
0005e010 - part of function Fuse::UnBurn, if that helpsfirst - probably caused by faulty fuse we had in our cruisers. it crashed several times during tests when nanobots were used while fuse being already ignited.
Did you ever identify a fix for the fuse? We’re using the default fuses found in the jflp files and are experiencing exactly what you’re describing here. When a player with a Kusari Destroyer dies, if the player hits the regens while dying the server crashes.I’m looking at the fuses and nothing is jumping out at me as being an obvious error such as a faulty reference.
Anyone have a fix for this glitch? -
Concerting Kusari Deastroyer and shield - seems to be sur does not have hardpoints which cmp has
confused face*
Our capital ships do not have shields… Or does that matter?
The problem is when a player flying the kusari destroyer uses nanobots while in the death sequence. It’s specific to the Kusari destroyer. -
Maybe try to dump the cargo 1st with the death fuse
and make ‘the rest’ happen a little later. -
not a fix, but a workaround.
At least it’ll keep the server from dumping.I’ll give it a shot.
adoxa wrote:
@Alex: Looks like you have a good without an equipment line.
v1.1 common.dll 10DCE ```This offset's crash is caused by the same error. EDIT: the site's clock is five minutes ahead :-P
The previous post was made on… 7th February 2013! :?
I think this may be flhook related maybe at some server stop/restart point …
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: flserver.exe Application Version: 1.0.1254.11 Application Timestamp: 3ecbb13e Fault Module Name: StackHash_0a9e Fault Module Version: Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 6dffe28b OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 2057 Additional Information 1: 0a9e Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Additional Information 3: 0a9e Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
flhook 2.0.0 plugin with playercontrol, mine control, cargopod, cloak, condata and regarmor plugins
any help gratefully received ty
Solved it. ty for looking -
Just for future reference:
[c]common.dll 62555[/c]
Crash offset when docking with a tradelane that has neither a [c]prev_ring[/c] nor a [c]next_ring[/c] entry (will cause CTD, at tradelane enter).How I found it:
Was playing with tradelanes in 3 dimensions, stumbled onto the fact that trade lane ring rotation messes up in the prev direction. Removed [c]prev_ring[/c] entries, got this crash.EDIT: another one.
[c]freelancer.exe 114764[/c]
Occurs when a [c]next_ring[/c] does not reference to a tradelane ring (the player actually has to pass through this tradelane ring for a CTD to occur). -
Again for future reference:
[c]common.dll F1E32[/c]
No idea yet. Situation:
I gave a tradelane ring [c]spin = 0.01, 0, 0[/c] and bounced upon the ring. The ring started spinning very quickly. Docked at the beginning of this tradelane. Everything went normal, but when I passed through the specified tradelane ring, I was bounced back at exponential increasing speed in some other direction. A while later (when the speed already crossed the speed of light), a CTD occured with this offset.So I tested it with the Starflier having a linear drag of -30 (and setting ANOM_LIMITS_MAX_VELOCITY to a ridiculously high value), again crash when crossing speed of light, this time at another offset:
[c]common.dll F20E3[/c]
Tested it again, changed [c]ANOM_LIMITS_MAX_VELOCITY = 2997924580[/c] to 10 times the speed of light. This time crash at
[c]common.dll F20E7[/c]
Maybe speed over INT_MAX? Nope, because I changed [c]ANOM_LIMITS_MAX_VELOCITY = 2000000000[/c] to 2 billion and got the crash at [c]F20E3[/c].
Maybe distance then? Changed [c]ANOM_LIMITS_MAX_VELOCITY = 299792458[/c] back to the speed of light, this time no crash.
So, reaching speeds over the speed of light might cause a CTD (this is maybe why [c]ANOM_LIMITS_MAX_VELOCITY[/c] is there in the first place – as long as you don’t set it over the speed of light there won’t be any issue).