Support for a "Mobile Suit" Modification?
I’m just curious if there would be any interest/support for a Gundam-esque “Mobile Suit” TC mod.
Basic layout would mean around 4-5 factions, faction-specific mobile suits for those factions, many different weapon configurations and equipment types so players can customize their mobile suit to their play style, a few transformable mobile suits that would utilize animations to switch between “modes”, and a few larger carrier-type ships for each faction to use.
Gibbon has graciously given me permission to use his Sol systems from his Galacticum mod, and the mod setting would take place entirely within the Sol system, with about 13-14 “maps” around the primary locations in the solar system. “Jump Gates” would actually be be catapult-type devices designed to accelerate a ship towards another celestial body within the solar system. There would be no actual FTL technology or drives.
What I already have:
- Systems thanks to Gibbon
- Ship Designs
- Mobile suit designs (still open for input on concepts)
- General technology layout for weapons and equipment
What I need:
- Feedback as to if anyone would be up for this…
- SUR Converter (person, not software lol)
- NPC/Mission Editor (again, a person)
- ALE Editor for a few effects (yes, a person)
- Assistant for building of mobile suit designs
- Anyone interested in helping WORK on the mod (testers need not apply)
Note: NO individualized mobile suits. And no means no, period.
So with all that said, takers?
- Systems thanks to Gibbon
Arvis, i haven’t released my Galacticum mod so you don’t have the solar system yet lol. I did release a Sol system mod back in the day which is ready to go and your welcome to use that as you wish, not sure where you would find a copy of that as i’m not sure even i have that anymore
The joys of backups. I made this a long time ago so probably needs updating. This was originally done by some russian dudes who never got it working properly so i fixed it and redid it all.
Download Here:
My only complaint with Mobile Suit ideas in Freelancer is the Mobile Suits are rigid models. If there was a way to get their legs moving with their thrusting direction (the arms can move with modeled turrets), I’d be more excited.
This is not to discourage you from your mod, of course! Just a personal opinion.
It could have wheels! - ??
@Gibbon: I did not mean to imply that your mod was released and I certainly hope that my post did not errantly convey anything as such. I thank you for the DL of the Sol System mod and I’m sure it will work as a great starting point for me.
@Descender: There is a very popular Gundam UC mod for the game Homeworld 2 in which the legs of the mobile suits are rigid and trust me, that mod has a rather large following and fan base. While it is my full intention to have moving arms, heads, and other mountable equipment under this idea, rigid legs are a small price to pay if the rest can be pulled off well. Only time and effort will tell. Trust me, what you’ve said has not discouraged me at all considering that you didn’t tell me anything that I didn’t already know.
Not an issue Arvis, my offer still stands once i release Galacticum. The Solar System mod i posted in this thread will at least get you up and running although i do suggest you make some new sur files for the planets that use them. I think earth has one that def needs redoing. Lancers sur builder will cure any problems for planet surs, makes magnificent ones.