Hypergate effect
Not as weapon…
First way, as attachement:
Open select_equip.ini, you’ll find something like this:
[AttachedFX] nickname = mplatform_smoke_red ;nickname particles = gf_manufacturingplatformred ;put the effect's name here ```Then, in the loadout of the station/ship/whatever you want to have it on (from solar\loadouts.ini):
nickname = mplatform_red
equip = infinite_power
equip = ge_s_scanner_02
equip = mplatform_animate1
equip = sfx_rumble_platform
equip = Small_station_turret, HpTurret_S1_01
equip = Small_station_turret, HpTurret_S1_02
equip = SlowLargeWhite, HpRunningLight17
equip = mplatform_smoke_red, HpExhaust01
equip = mplatform_smoke_red, HpExhaust02
equip = mplatform_smoke_red, HpExhaust03 ;put it in there like thisSecond way, fuse: In fx\fuse.ini, create a new fuse like this:
name = my_new_effect_fuse ;the fuse’s nickname
lifetime = 1
death_fuse = false[start_effect]
effect = gf_continuous_sparks ;the effect’s nickname
hardpoint = HpWeapon01 ;the hardpoint
at_t = 0.000000
attached = truesolararch.ini
nickname = wplatform
LODranges = 0, 200, 400, 4000
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
DA_archetype = solar\misc\weapons_platform_lod.cmp
material_library = solar\Solar_mat_dockable03.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
mass = 10000.000000
loadout = weapon_platform
solar_radius = 300
shape_name = NAV_weaponplatform
destructible = true
explosion_arch = explosion_wplatform
hit_pts = 1600
;now add
fuse = my_new_effect_fuse, 0.000000, 1601 -
Oh, didn’t know that it is already defined…
Some effects (place on hpheadlight for example, or other light
- neutron_star - neutron star
- fx_Nomad_battleship_engine - nomad engine effect
- fx_dyson_shieldgen - big lamp, or micro star
- fx_nomadlair_shield - two green stars on top and bottom, between the plasma flows
- fx_nomadwormhole - star bigger than Manhattan ( use it for bad players
- fx_dyson_city_reactorglow - halo
- fx_dyson_city_platformglow - small halo like police lights
- fx_dyson_city_beam - pulsating star with the vertical ray
- outer_sanctum_lightning - frequent lightning strikes around
- outer_sanctum_shield - orange transparent ball with waves rolling on the surface
- outer_sanctum_shieldgen - radiant half-dome
- planet_storm_5000 - lightning strikes around
- jumhole_effect - jumphole corona
- blhazard_effect - hazard
- rtc_mis5view_effect - Fountain of plasma
- gravity_well - small but bright star, almost closing the battleship, but everything can be seen
- contrail01 - plume at cruise speed, you can hang it on all light hardpoints
sdk 1.3b not vanilla?
select_equip.iniTrue Gisteron!! If you don’t want to make own effect
But now i know how to make more than 8 nozzles enabled on big ships.
How do you think - time was wasted for nothing? -
Gisteron wrote:
do we see #15 and #16 in vanilla and where? just to have an idea of what these effects are without wasting time trying and checking14 is the ‘fake jumphole’ in the badlands, near the sp research station (was it´named Benford?)
15 is the one near the second research station you enter in sp (bretonia?)
16 - no idea where…
lol, SDK is pure vanilla… although lil bit buggy the 1.3b version. i’d recommend 1.5
and yes, i’d know where to find the files, i just wanted to be informed where we’ve seen them ingame to have a more precise idea of what they are than a short description. -
It does not downloading here 1.5
In game - dunno. I have played single-player Freelancer long time ago -
No it’s not just the ini files decrypted.
It is just the vanilla FL game, not a mod, but there are many errors fixed too.
FL was an unfinished work, with open threads everywhere. Some of the early modders got down and fixed as many as they could find.
It is a good starting point when you want to make a mod based on the vanilla game, but there are still errors that were not detected even in version 1.5.
But I seem to remember that Lancer Solurus and Adoxa also continued and fixed many more and put the fixes into their own version of the SDK - adoxa will tell you more.
So one of these may be a better starting point if they are both still vanilla, I don’t know this.
My “SDK” is Jason’s Freelancer Patch (aka JFLP - “jay-flip”). It’s based on Buck Danny’s Unofficial FL SP 1.4 patch (itself based on SDK 1.3b), plus most bits from 1.5b15, plus quite a few things I found myself and a few things from other people (a detailed description of changes is provided). An update to JFLP is forthcoming, once I finish off a few other things.
as far as i found, there are only ini’s in both 1.3b and 1.5b SDK archives, so i’d not consider it a mod. moreover, if i let FLScan run above freelancer with SDK files, it detects in the inis most of the dozens of mistakes that it detects without, so… sometimes bini makes mistakes decrypting, this is what the modders have corrected partially, but not too much built in coding mistakes.