Did anyone answer the question, or did you get a “Go fish!”.
First - where did you find the screenie? (if you want to know the mod, it may help with a little…help!).
Second - if you’ve not read any weapons tutorials, or anything else, then it may be a place to start. For instance, there’s one from 2007 here: http://www.the-starport.net/archive/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=46224&hilit=weapon+effectIs it useful? I have no clue as i do not know what you know
However, you can search the archive for more threads.
I think this is what they are talking about when they’re saying try to do something, then ask something specific. I know what they are getting at…it is frustrating if someone only says “how do I do x,y,z” for every single thing they wish to put into a mod.
As you improve in knowledge of files etc, you should start exploring. Looking at weapons you could have seen entries for effects, which means you can then search for those effects. Once you find the effects.ini (or whatever it’s called) you can search for the nicknames in there. Then you can create new ones, and play around with the values etc.
Now if you’ve done all that already…I guess post up screenies of your own effects and ask how to change them?
Wolfie wrote:
In my world at least, thats not it. I want you to learn, and you can’t do that without learning yourself. Just open beam_effects.ini and you will see.Human’s brain cant know everything. I dont understand the ALE. I understand a lot of FL stuff, but ALE and SUR are exceptions. And I need a help such as little child needs help with learning the ABC….
Also it is hard for me to understand something special in english: sometimes i have to use google translator, but of course it may give translation in wrong meaning. There are no russian FL modding communities.
Chips, thanks. Link is useful but this effect doesnt look like a laser.
I made some ALE’s for my mod, but all i reached (understood)is changing the effect size and color.Chips wrote:
First - where did you find the screenie?In one russian sute in random image gallery… No info about, just the picture.
Wolfie, i looked in this file of course, but all my tries to make lasers fails, because result really sucks.
So i’m asking fot the example of your own laser effect to understand how it done. In a screenshot i posted first message they’re ideal.
Nova wrote:
Gisteron wrote:
those ale weapons on your screen are no long beams and are vanilla effects of rheinland battleship guns.I meen THIS screen
You are speaking of those green shots, aren’t you? Then try what Gisteron wrote, use the rheinland battleship gun (the defense gun I think) effect a high muzzle velocity on the gun, then make a screenshot of a npc shooting at you with that weapon.
Sorry then, got you wrong. Is something like this okay for you? Thats just a long beam.
Read this, might help.
FriendlyFire wrote:
Those aren’t beam weapons, they’re just elongated single shots. In beam_effects.ini, make some code like this:[BeamSpear] nickname = put_your_name_here tip_length = ; Put a large number there tail_length = ; Put a large number there head_width = ; Play with this, makes the beam wider core_width = ; Play with this, makes the beam wider tip_color = ; RGB color core_color = ; RGB color outter_color = ; RGB color tail_color = ; RGB color head_brightness = ; Play with this, makes the head stuff more apparent trail_brightness = ; Likewise, makes the trail more apparent head_texture = ; Can be star or ball trail_texture = ; Can be thin or wide flash_size = ; Increase to make a big flash when you fire the weapon
Then, you make a new effect in effects.ini, like this:
[Effect] nickname = put_your_name_here effect_type = EFT_WEAPON_PROJ vis_beam = put_your_name_here
And you reference your effect in your gun’s munition definition. Make sure to put a relatively long refire delay between shots.
Of course, that’s just one way of doing it. I did mining lasers using ALEs, but that’s of course slightly more complicated
p.s - if you just type “beam weapon” into the search box then click on show more results in the forum results you will see it has been discussed many times before, I think that’s what people are encouraging you to do more often.
Also, don’t demean yourself by referring to yourself as a stupid annoying faggot, show some pride man.
Timmy51m, thanks, i know what each parameter means. But any result cannot give me a normal laser…
My idea is use 1000 meters lenght _flash ALE with fast invisible particles, but i dont understand how to create my own ALE effects… I want to try to use dyson_city_beam: make it smaller and write as _flash effect, but it is still very hard for me, so i’m asking for solutions here…
Oh come on now, don’t blame someone because you’re being lazy. It’s definitely not being stupid. It’s being a lazy bum who knows that others already know and would rather not spend the effort to do it again.
And guess what? We’ve all been through that at one point, and we often go through it again. Thing is, you can’t learn if you’re always fed by someone else. “Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he’ll eat for a lifetime.” This quote couldn’t be more appropriate here.
You can either ask for someone to entirely do it for you, or you can delve into it and learn how it’s done. I’m afraid ALEs were confusing to EVERYONE when they first begun; the difference between those whom people see as skilled and those who are not is that the former persevered and the latter did not, for whatever reason. It may be that they already had enough on their plate, it may be that they just didn’t care enough. Whatever the case, the point I’m making is that everyone can do anything with some effort, especially ALEs, which by now aren’t as difficult as they once were. I’d argue that making models is far more selective than making ALEs, because the former requires true talent while the latter only requires blood and sweat - trial and error.
Now that I’ve made my rant, I’ll just finish by saying that while you can do beams with simple INI coding, ALE-based beams can be powerful too. I have already dabbled with them and can tell that they, when used properly, can look fantastic. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to circumvent certain issues that greatly limit their scope and possibilities.
What I worry now is that giving out the source for this ALE would help nothing, as most would just rip it entirely and maybe change the color, but be unable - no, not unable, unwilling - to understand how it works. What do you guys think? I don’t want to give you a fish, I’d rather push you into learning how to fish…
First, calm down. Panicking and running around arms flailing won’t do a bit of good to your comprehension.
You don’t understand because you aren’t willing to put the time to understand it. How long have you pondered on how to do it? Have you done any experiments? Have you even tried?
And by try, I don’t mean opening the file, glancing at it, screaming “AHHH I DON’T UNDERSTAND” and close it. I also don’t mean changing random numbers, seeing it crash or fail, and stopping. You must try to understand the underlying structure - it isn’t so hard, but you should try with smaller goals first. Baby steps.
I guess FF that it’s up to you whether you release it or not, unless you’re reserving it for some special purpose then I can’t see why not. Having said that, I’ve no doubt that there would be far greater value in teaching everyone how to fish for themselves, as a once keen fisherman myself though, I know that knowing how to fish and being any good at fishing are two different things! You may just open up a huge can of worms so to speak.
FriendlyFire wrote:
You don’t understand because you aren’t willing to put the time to understand it. How long have you pondered on how to do it? Have you done any experiments? Have you even tried?Yes i tried! I didnt find any lenght of particle parameter. Saw how Gisteron explained me the THN? And i got it from 0. So maybe you really can learn me how to fish?