[Freelancer Mod News]Freeworlds: Tides of War - Normal and Specular Mapping
Welcome back to another Freeworlds: Tides of War update. “Finally!” you might say. We have indeed been very low on developer activity over the last couple of weeks (or even months). Nevertheless, we are still working on the mod and we are committed to actually releasing it. So dont worry, we are here to stay.
For those who have been brave enough to follow us, be prepared for some more eye-candy: We recently got Normal and specular mapping working! Now, being a gamer that keeps up with the industry you might not be impressed at all. However, we are talking about a now 8-years old game engine based on Direct3D8. This and deferred rendering have been huge steps towards bringing the Freelancer engine to current state-of-the-art graphic levels.
On the technical side, implementing normal mapping was really no easy undertaking, since we had to change the existing Freelancer mesh formats to handle the tangent/binormal data that is required for normal mapping. Normal and specular Mapping can greatly enhance existing models, giving them a lot of depth. You can see the difference in the following dev-video where at some points I switch normal and specular mapping on and off:
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Videos & Audio - Freeworlds: Tides of War Mod for Freelancer - Mod DB<object width=“560” height=“349” classid=“clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000” codebase=“http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0”><param name=“allowFullScreen” value=“true”><param name=“allowscriptaccess” value=“always”><param name=“src” value=“http://www.youtube.com/v/TcCJHsYaaZs?fs=1&hl=en_US&hd=1”><embed src=“http://www.youtube.com/v/TcCJHsYaaZs?fs=1&hl=en_US&hd=1” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=“560” height=“349” allowfullscreen=“true” allowscriptaccess=“always”></object>
Normal maps by Dr.Knickers.
Coming back at our developer activity problem, we are actually searching for interested people that would like to help us out. We’ve had multiple developers go AWOL and others just being plain busy in real life. However, I think we’ve shown that we are an ambitious project that is well worth the effort.
Due to our normal/specular mapping breakthrough, we are actively searching for any talented texture artists and/or modelers that can help us out with specular and normal maps.
Also, if any Freelancer developer is listening, we are searching for an .ini coder to help us with mod development in general. We are only looking for experienced Freelancer developers though, since our mod structure has become quite complex.
Finally, we are looking for C++/C# programmers to help us with tools and engine hacks around our mod and Freelancer.
If you’re interested in helping us, simply write a short but informative application to freeworldstidesofwar@gmail.com or contact us via PMs here at ModDB or at our developer website.Stay tuned for more updates!
As always any comments, suggestions or questions are always welcomed!
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Now that is a thing of beauty make no mistake. It’s funny how you raise this subject now, as with the ELITE ships i converted, i have a full set of bump maps, specular maps and probably road maps as well and i know how those ships should look, but am limited by the FL game engine. Truly awesome work guys.
Now I am damn happy that I am a Star Wars fan. If this is not the future of FL than dunno what is. Your team put all other mods in shame. Gigantic KUDOS!!! Meet me at the bat tomorrow all of you and I will but so much bear for you
Holy crap! Sexxxyl!!
Excellent work! I need to jump on the deferred rending bandwagon so I can have that many lights without the frame rate lag (forward shading sucks at multiple lights).
Here is an excellent normal mapping program, you can make them from photos or height maps, I use it exclusively for mapping normal maps in GE….
Wow! You’re making great progress. Very nice. Kudos to you.
great work bro
impressive indeed. sometimes though (at least) the specularity channels were disabled for a moment. is that because you can switch to have them or not for performance or is that a bug yet (WIP)?
You can see the difference in the following dev-video where at some points I switch normal and specular mapping on and off:
sorry, m8, the topic name sounded so exciting, didn’t bother to read first
Gisteron wrote:
sorry, m8, the topic name sounded so exciting, didn’t bother to read firstYour speak the actions of a great many people lmfao XD