Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
Alrighty folks, updated the text list with the following:
– Reorganized the categories a little
– Added adoxa’s LODranges double/quadruple hack
– Added adoxa’s show current worth in MP hack
– Added adoxa’s activate missile/torpedo/disruptor purchase / mount hacks
– Added adoxa’s prevent transfer / mounting / selling of various equipment hacks
– Added adoxa’s jump gates / holes reputation test hacks
– Added Helloween’s trade lane speed hacks
– Added Cannon’s formation catchup speed hack
– Added adoxa’s drop cargo timeout hacks
– Added adoxa’s allow 64 simultaneous firings hack
– Added adoxa’s various auto-level / level camera toggling hacks
– Added adoxa’s individual target bracket corner removal hacks
– Added adoxa’s sunspine in nebula/field hacks
– Added adoxa’s drop cruise on 0 power hack
– Added adoxa’s show decimal cargo hackCheck it all out here:
I’ve also cleaned up the tutorial a little for readability and ease-of-use.
Any important hacks I missed?
content.dll 0518C7 34->00 = allow fc_n_grp for randommissions PART 1 ~adoxa content.dll 0519B7 34->00 = allow fc_n_grp for randommissions PART 2 ~adoxa content.dll 0BD2D8 00->01 = allow fc_n_grp to drop (phantom) loot ~adoxa
common.dll 139B74 905332->C0DE26 = use thruster hp_type for cloaking device ~adoxa common.dll 139B74 905332->50DB26 = place cloaking devices on countermeasure hardpoints ~adoxa common.dll 139B74 905332->40172D = use cloaking device as internal equipment ~adoxa, He||oween
I have managed with this by adoxa’s help ))
And …
Freelancer.exe 131D2B 0F94C0->B00190 = activate lightsource_cone ~adoxa
server.dll 06BFA6 E4B4->14B3 = disable encryption on creating MP character server.dll 06E10D E4B4->14B3 = disable encryption on saving character/game server.dll 07399D E4B4->14B3 = disable encryption on creating restart file
Yay for Fox being back! Woot!
Nice work, Fox.
I’m going to try to update the wiki page later.
Surprised this one hasn’t already been posted: Does anyone know what changes are needed for the no-CD patch?
Huh, you may compare two binary files and get offset, but is it l3g@l?
FriendlyFire already posted the no-CD patched freelancer.exe in the downloads section:
So I would assume so, yes.
No-CD patches are a gray area, but considering many bargain bin (yet still official) versions of FL include one, I don’t think they’d bother anymore
Updated. Also, yeah, a hex compare would reveal what’s needed for the no-CD patch, but I’d rather not put that in the offsets list.
Edit: BTW, slick hacks. Didn’t even know fc_n_grp didn’t drop phantom_loot by default. Are there any other factions that do this normally?
Doubtful. As far as I know, the original EXE is encrypted to a certain extent. The No-CD EXE has patches on top of a full decryption of said EXE.
Ha, oh wow, you’re right. The hex dumps are like 95% different.
Just spent the last hour and a half updating the wiki. Pretty sure most things are on there now.
I wrote a simple PHP script to read lines out of a file and convert them into the right format for the wiki. Each one of these lines is assumed to be in the same format as used for Fox’s text file. Obviously, it will not work with Adoxa’s max MP credit hack. Consider it WTFPL licensed.
", "-->", $secondsplit[0]); $comment = substr($secondsplit[1], 0, strpos($secondsplit[1], "~") - 1); $author = substr($secondsplit[1], strpos($secondsplit[1], "~") + 1); echo "|".$defaultvalue."\t||".$file."\t||".$offset."\t||".$author."\t||".$comment."\r\n|-\r\n"; } ?>
@FF & @Fox
No one prevents you to unpack/decrypt the CD dependent version.
There are unpackers/decryptors in bulk at the inet. -
@Fox, Sorry I forgot about credits - copy-pasted as is )) Fix please, it is Adoxa:
server.dll 06BFA6 E4B4->14B3 = disable encryption on creating MP character ~adoxa server.dll 06E10D E4B4->14B3 = disable encryption on saving character/game ~adoxa server.dll 07399D E4B4->14B3 = disable encryption on creating restart file ~adoxa
So has anybody ever been able to find out how to make asteroids spawn more than 130 K from the system centre?
It would be really amazing if someone could publish a working solution.
there are offsets known where you specify ingame distance units. scaling everything down would at least be a workaround.
Considering you yourself have asked for this before and gotten a working solution in return, I’m not exactly sure I’m following you…
Maybe you haven’t considered that the “solution” may not be working at all.
Then why didn’t you follow up on that thread? I’m fairly sure adoxa expected the solution to work, and not replying to a solution tends to be a tacit way of saying it works.
Your apparent aggressiveness is rather misplaced.
Does anyone have a hack that would narrow the window of the player jumpin point when using jumpgates/jump holes?
Right now a player spawns at a random point within +/- 550m of the jumpin point when jumping into a system. I’d like to narrow that window to 50m, or even tighter for a specific jump. I’m going to guess it’s an all or nothing deal, i.e. if you do it for one it will work that way for all, but I can deal with that.
Back on page 24 or 25, there was a hack to remove underscore from names on a server. I applied it and it works fine, now i want to reset it to standard and the hack has been removed. Does anyone know which address to goto and what to change it to again please?