Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
AH… So it only changes the kill-messages regarding the weapon-types.
THX a lot mate.
J.R. wrote:
Since there is a “owner_savetime” entry for mines I wonder if its possible to have a HEX-Edit or a plugin.dll to extend this behavior towards group members. -
Simply AWESOME mate !!!
As I PM´ed you… will try it later…
Greetings J.R.
Moved the List to:
Greetings J.R.
According to my install instructions, ShipRange is server-side only (i.e. dacomsrv.ini, not dacom.ini). So yes, the ini is only needed server-side.
JumpOutPt depends on what you provide. If you have no SP option, you only need dacomsrv.ini and a server-side ini; if you do provide SP, you need dacom.ini and a client-side ini.
If a plugin is only loaded in dacom.ini, it (and its ini) is only needed client-side; if it’s only loaded in dacomsrv.ini, it’s only needed server-side; if it’s loaded in both, it’s needed in both.
THX alot to ADOXA.
Post edited and updated.
(ammolimit aswell) -
Ran a couple of tests and updated the LIST once more !
So far all statements there are VERIFIED now !
I just tried a lot with NPC’s dropping cargo.
There I noticed two strange behaviours:
1. Freighters always have 79,999% of their cargo space filled, not more. Transports etc. always have 100% (probably because of cargo pods?)2. No object (cargo pod, NPC etc) can drop more than 6 cargo crates.
I am sure this is an hardcoded limit.
Does anyone know where I can change it? -
It is in DATA\RANDOMMISSIONS\rmlootinfo.ini for random loot drops outside missions, do I remember correctly?
Mission dropped loot is in DATA\MISSIONS\lootprops.ini and there was a tute describing it somewhere.
AFAIK its vice-versa:
\DATA\RandomMissions\rmlootinfo.ini defines the Random-mission Loot and the factions who drops it.
\DATA\MISSIONS\Lootprops defines the Loot normal NPCs carry outside Missions aswell as the PhantomLoot.
There ya go! lol
J.R. wrote:
AFAIK its vice-versa:\DATA\RandomMissions\rmlootinfo.ini defines the Random-mission Loot and the factions who drops it.
\DATA\MISSIONS\Lootprops defines the Loot normal NPCs carry outside Missions aswell as the PhantomLoot.
Yes I know, but this is not the answer to my problem. In Lootprops.ini there is no limit for cargo drops.
I’m not talking about cargo in general. I mean single cargo containers. -
adoxa wrote:
J.R. wrote:
Since there is a “owner_savetime” entry for mines I wonder if its possible to have a HEX-Edit or a plugin.dll to extend this behavior towards group members.@adoxa
Just want to report in that the plugin works EXCELLENT !
This makes it possible to have some really nice tactical options in warfare.Thank you so much
Skotty. wrote:
J.R. wrote:
AFAIK its vice-versa:\DATA\RandomMissions\rmlootinfo.ini defines the Random-mission Loot and the factions who drops it.
\DATA\MISSIONS\Lootprops defines the Loot normal NPCs carry outside Missions aswell as the PhantomLoot.
Yes I know, but this is not the answer to my problem. In Lootprops.ini there is no limit for cargo drops.
I’m not talking about cargo in general. I mean single cargo containers.Ran a couple of tests regarding your issue and have to confirm.
Even when you add cargo in larger amounts to npcs via loadouts in some cases they just drop a specific number of it… (i.e. max. of 12 nano /batts)
No idea how to fix it yet… sorry
For now I just increased the amount of units per cargo container. This works.
Skotty. wrote:
For now I just increased the amount of units per cargo container. This works.long-standing problem. The way you did is the only solution so far
starworld wrote:
Is it possible to change the preview size of the ship?
It is good for small ship but not for large ship…good one! rly annoying :-x
… and what with possibility to zoom-unzoom? 8-) -
I’m sure there was/is a plugin for this, damn my memory, maybe its scroll.dll.
An older version of my mod used it (I think), i’ll check my old pc over the weekend and let ya know if I find out. -
would be really awesome to have a fix for this.