Planet Texture Problem
If anyone’s been following our development, you’ve probably seen the custom texture planets we’ve done. Mostly, they’ve gone fine, but I’ve got a couple that are giving me nothing but headaches. One is Planet Perth. The planet’s files are all fine, the names point to the right places, and the textures are in the right format, but the panel over the north pole isn’t displaying. I’ve been over it a dozen times with a fine toothed comb, and have even rebuilt the planet from the ground up and ran into exactly the same issue. Same panel every time. Help?
Would you post the file and also a good planet’s one too?
Here it is, all packed up. The directory structure is as it is in the mod. Cagliari works, Perth does not.
Anybody having any luck with this one?
It looks all ok, checked with utf editor not ingame, but didn`t spent too much time analyzing .
I’ve been over this one again from top to bottom, and I’m still at a loss as to the problem. Anybody else having any luck?
The spew has a clue. Whatever you used to generate planet_perth.mat didn’t do it properly. Load it with the new UTF Editor and rename each material’s Dt_name (just pressing Ok is enough - you’ll see it’s size becomes one byte more). Save and done.
Yep, that was the problem. I did the MAT manually in UTF editor 2.1, thinking that was the most recent. 3.0’s much better.