Freelancer mods help
Greeting !!! Guys! Please help make the mod for the game Freelancer, I’m here for several months trying to make the game correctly, invisibility, to include a button in the menu given the player, even as the server Procyon or just help me do everything as well as in fashion vanilla Procyon, please I beg you to help do I need it … thanks…translated to English via Google Translator
I think what he is trying to say is he wants to be able to cloak with the press of a button that is listed in the ingame options screen, a feature that the Procyon server’s client, Procyon Hook, offers.
I think at this point there is no public cloaking package that lets you directly map a key to cloaking.
However, until such a thing is released, you could just use a hotkey program, such as , and bind [ENTER - “/cloak” ENTER] to a key.
The download-link does not work for me…