Coolest Looking Ship
They’re not???
My life…as it has been…is over.
@ KUZE : They can all probably fly under water.
Dont think so
They wouldnt be prepared for the high pressure underwater
They can carry shields and shields can resist to high temperatures and pressure, so they can resist to high pressure! Yes… I use Ionesco Syllogism… Sorry!
Anoobis )
The shields in space are used to protect agaisnt small ammounts of radiation and space debris. (cept when used in combat, and still their drain aint continuous, leaving some time to recharge between shots)
They don’t stand much pressure, they just need to keep the pressure inside, wich is way different than underwater’s.
Underwater, they need to stand the pressure continuously, meaning they will drain fast and your ship, implode.
So depending on how deep, they could stand the pressure or crush your ship and you.
Sorry but the FL ships are as aerodynamical as a WW1 plane
Even “maybe” the most aerodynamic looking ship the Anubis or a Dragon are flying bricks
and there is absolutely no hydrodynamic in their shape. I think only because of their anti-g units are able to fly properly in atmosphere (the underwater idea is just silly).
Good point Fagu Aegeis! But I did only suppositions, so they could or couldn’t be underwater, we don’t know. Let our imagination does its work and make speculations!
It is just useless to pretend they can move underwater. There is no need for it in FL universe, since there not a single underwater habitation on any planet.
Aerodynamic space fighter:
Not aerodynamic:
Anyway I like the FL ships, just they are not designed to look aerodynamic, what is not wrong since in space there is zero need for aerodynamics.
And we all know that, in FL, the only thing we need to fly in the athmosphere of a planete, is anti gravitationnal generator! ^^
Hawk, Falcon and Eagle are AeroDynamic ships.
Edit : Woops Sorry I didn’t see the first post of this page…
Why485 wrote:
My favorite. It’s kind of like Freelancer’s mascot in my eyes.I wish it looked that good in the game!
Yeah. I’m with Why485. I love the Defender. The Avenger is nice to, but I didn’t spend a large portion of the game flying it… Ok, I didn’t spend any time flying it, but that’s beside the point. A close second would be the Patriot. Yeah, it’s a flying torpedo with guns, but she’s manuverable as hell. In the end, however, I’m going to stick with the Defender.
Although, if I had to choose a cap ship, it’d be big mamma, Liberty Dreadnaut. I love how they mixed battleship and submerine to make that ship look so asthetically pleasing. I know alot of people disagree. In fact, I know one person that dislikes the FL ship designs entirely, and after hearing his point on that I’ll respect his taste of ship design. I happen to like it too… Ok, I’m a ship whore, I love all of them, but the Patriot, Defender and Dread stand out the most to me.
just out of curiosity… newtek claims that one can develop graphical engines with LightWave… maybe it’d be possible to rewrite FL’s, so we can have our ancient fav game look like… dunno… Halo or so… somewhat graphically really measurable for the coming ten years^^
At Gisteron : Good new!
At Griff : No the Li Dread is a mix of an Eagle head, a sub marin and a Shark.Speculativ point (again ^^) :
In the FL univers there is probably an Eagle Shark, I will do an Artwork of it. Then, I will rename the li dread, the Eagle Shark class Liberty Dreadnought. Do you think so? -
I remember the lads from Top Gear made an abortion of a car called the “Hammerhead-i Eagle Thrust”