Want create a shield increaser for regeneration value
im interesting to create a shield increaser to improve the regeneration rate of shields.
My idea is, to buy and mount the increasser if i have the money for that. I’m interestet to make 5 increaser types (Mark 1 to 5) similar like the Armor Increaser.I have uncompressed .INI files to customize the values directly.
I’d try with following entrys, but it dosent work.
where is my mistake? Where i’ve the node in my brain?German:
Ich moechte gerne einen Schield Regenerations erhoeher bauen aehnlich wie der Panzerungs Erhoeher. Je mehr Geld, desto besseres Teil kann eingesetzt werden. Es soll immer nur ein Schield Erhoeherer aktiv sein dürfen. Es soll zur gleichen Zeit jedoch auch der ARMOR Increaser verwendet werden koennen. In den Einstellungen (unten) habe ich es versucht. Leider funktioniert das nicht. Wo habe ich den Knoten im Verstand? Was mache ich falsch?
Kann mir jemand helfen?
Sory, mein Englisch ist eine Katastrophe.Gruß
CouganFilei: select_equip.ini
nickname = ur_shield_regen
hit_pts_scale = 50
nickname = ur_shield01
DA_archetype = Ships\order\or_elite\or_elite_shield.3db
HP_child = SpConnectFile; misc_equip
[SHIELD_REGEN] <- copy of tractor
nickname = ur_schild_regen
ids_name = 1
ids_info = 1
volume = 1.000000
mass = 10
material_library = equipment\models\hardware.mat
DA_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\br_protective_armor.3db
max_length = 1500
reach_speed = 2000
color = 5.000000, 255.000000, 250.000000
operating_effect = tractor_beam
tractor_complete_snd = tractor_complete
lootable = false
Filei: misc_good
nickname = ge_shield_regen
equipment = ge_shield_regen
category = equipment
price = 10
item_icon = equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\EQUIPICON_nanobots.3db
combinable = true
ids_name = 1
ids_info = 1
shop_archetype = equipment\models\commodities\crates\crate_grey.3db
File: market_misc
base = Li01_01_base
MarketGood = ur_schild_regen, 0, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1 -
Zu beginn:
[Armor] ist lediglich für Armor zuständig. Da wird keinerlei Veränderung am Schild erzielt.Einen [Shield] Eintrag benötigst du für diesen Regenerator nicht.
Um den Effekt zu erzielen musst du einen neuen [ShieldGenerator] erzeugen. Also wie ein gewöhnlicher Schild, nur dass du als max_capacity = 0 setzt und dann nur deine beliebige Regenerationsrate angibst.
Außerdem ist es dabei empfehlenswert, dass als hp_type einer gewählt wird, der von keinem anderen Schild benutzt wird (z.B. hp_freighter_shield_special_10 ist standardgemäß ungenutzt).
Dabei ist jedoch nötig, dass alle Schiffe einen weiteren Schildplatz benötigen, z.B. für hp_freighter_shield_special_10.Dein market_misc Eintrag ist korrekt, auch dein misc_good Eintrag ist korrekt, du hast lediglich die Namen vergessen anzupassen.
Hi Scotty,
danke für Deine nette Antwort.
OK, werde mal die aktuelle MOD mal deaktivieren (wegen der viele Schiffe) und dann mal deinen Vorschlag einsetzen.
Macht mir richtig viel Spass.
Was ich noch vermisse ist ein gescheites Tool um Strings in die DLLs anzulegen.FL Explorer arbeitet nicht korrekt, oder ich verstehe es nicht.
Sind ja recht viele Anwendungsbeispiele zu finden. Funzen nur nicht. FLDEV würde ich gerne mal probieren finde aber ums verrecken nicht den DL Link.Alles hat man so geil in die INIs verpackt, nur diese vermalmedeiten IDS da bricht man sich die Ohren.
Für Ideen und Anregungen währe ich sehr dankbar.
Cougan -
Da haste FLDev und FLIDRef (letzteres ist eine Ecke älter, aber hat im Gegensatz zu FLDev einen Bug nicht, bei dem es bei sehr vielen Einträgen plötzlich abschneidet (jedenfalls bei mir)). -
Hallo Scotty,
ganz herzlichen Dank.
Leider kenne ich *.7z nicht. Weder mein UnRar noch der Winzip greift. womit packe ich das aus ?Sorry,
hat sich erledigt.
Hatte zuerst den Entpacker nur für MAC gefunden.
Aber Chip hat alles war benötigt wirdDanke nochmals
Cougan -
1st you might want to check for KNIGHT79 ‘ShipComponentMod’
which is in the archived files.2nd
Skotty. wrote:
…. Um den Effekt zu erzielen musst du einen neuen [ShieldGenerator] erzeugen. ….…Dabei ist jedoch nötig, dass alle Schiffe einen weiteren Schildplatz benötigen, z.B. für hp_freighter_shield_special_10. …
Basically yes - but:
You need
- your [ShieldGenerator] with all necessary entries
- an additional hardpoint in your ship models
- a definition of that hardpoint for each ship in shiparch.ini
- an entry for that hardpoint in each ships shield_link in shiparch.ini
Additional you will NOT want your shield addon to have the same
‘toughness’ as an other [ShieldGenerator], which might be mounted the same time @ any ship.
Having NPCs with multiple [ShieldGenerator] we experienced
regular crashes, when the NPC’s shield was shot down.
Changing the identical toughness values of those [ShieldGenerator] solved this issue.And finally you should be aware, that mounting multiple [ShieldGenerator] might cause issues
with the weapon - shield modifier from weaponmoddb.ini.
Afaik by now the modifier will be influenced by 2 things- the ‘toughness’ of the [ShieldGenerator] and
- the position of the hardpoint in the shield_link
The highest ‘toughness’ and the last entry in the in the shield_link should define the weapon - shield modifier.
Good Luck
Hi folks,
I have a hard time getting through German, but I get about one word in twenty.The 88 Flak site uses some enhancements (Rares) to boost shields and regeneration. There are several levels to these rares so better choices can be found. The only drawback is anything the ship uses takes up cargo space. To me this is like buying a car and it has no trunk space because you optioned the larger engine.
I’m certain that these devices may be what you are looking for. Thanks for your time.
Here is an example out of my mod… hope this helps:
entry in misc_equip.ini:
nickname = ShieldRegenerator
ids_name = <–--------------------- insert your ids_name number
ids_info = <----------------------- insert your ids_info number
DA_archetype = equipment\models\st\li_refractor_shield.3db
material_library = equipment\models\li_equip.mat
HP_child = HpConnect
hit_pts = 5000
explosion_resistance = 0.500000
debris_type = debris_normal
parent_impulse = 20
child_impulse = 80
volume = 0.000000 <------ you can add a volume as a downside for this item.
mass = 10
regeneration_rate = 200 <--------- the wanted additional regen-rate
max_capacity = 0 <--------- no additional capacity
toughness = 100.000000 <---- check this out if it works for you
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_generator <----- I used this slot-type and changed its name in the dll from “Jägerschild” to “Zubehör”
offline_rebuild_time = 0
offline_threshold = 0.250000
constant_power_draw = 100 <--------- draws power constantly to have a little downside for this item
rebuild_power_draw = 0
shield_type = S_Graviton01 <--------- check this out if it works for you
shield_collapse_sound = null
shield_rebuilt_sound = null
separation_explosion = sever_debris
LODranges = 0, 20
lootable = true <--------- check this out if it works for youentry in misc_good.ini:
nickname = ShieldRegenerator
equipment = ShieldRegenerator
category = equipment
price = <–--------------------- insert your price
item_icon = equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\Upgrades\shield_enhancer.3db <----- a custom 3db-file with a custom Icon.
combinable = false
ids_name = <----------------------- insert the ids_name number again
ids_info = <----------------------- insert the ids_info number again
shop_archetype = equipment\models\commodities\crates\crate_white.3dbentry in market_misc.ini at the wanted base_section to sell this item:
MarketGood = ShieldRegenerator, 1, -1, 10, 10, 0, 1To have the item mountable on an additional hp_fighter_shield_generator-slot you have to add those aditional Hps like Thruster_Hps or a name of your choice in the ship-models *.cmp file and they have to be mentioned in ships.ini like:
shield_link = bw_vheavy_shield01, HpMount, HpShield01, HpThruster02 <-------------- your added HP will be recognized as a shield-capacity-link
hp_type = hp_fighter_shield_generator, HpThruster02 <-------- the regenerator will be mountable on this slotNote:
Sure… Since i used this config with “hp_fighter_shield_generator” it is actually “possible” to mount a shieldregenerator on a free MAIN-SHIELD-SLOT but not vice-versa and this is all I wanted to achieve. -
Hi J.R.
thx for your great help. It works pretty good. Now i feel like “han solo” gg
Only in the shiparc.in, i had a diffrent solution implemented.1th
shield_link = generator_Deflector_mark01, HpMount, HpThruster02 (<– my shield regeneration )2nd
shield_link = Shield_Deflector_mark01, HpMount, HpShield01 (<- my new shield based on the posting of Bas named: “Neues Schild und Schild Typen”In this context i think i found a little error made by FL producer.
Try it and make your own mind for this
(We talk about shiparc.ini)
The point is:
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_6, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_5, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_4, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_3, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_2, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_1, HpShield01If you by a normal shield, like “Sconce-Schild, S. J.”
and mount this shield at first, you can mount the eliteshield like
“Adv. Sconce-Schild, S. J.”, on top off the normal shield.
Now you fly with two shields.In your solution i didn’t need an additional HP on my ship.
I Try this, but my hartpoint editor dosen’t works properly. There is no way to generate a own name for the hardpoint.
He generate names like Hp_1_ …I use “HardPointEditor.exe”. If you have a download link for a better or a newer hartpoint editor ?
And last but not least i have a second question.
The point is a ini statement like this:
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_6, HpShield01“hp_type” is a defined keyword in the .3db file.
“HpShield01” is also a defined keyword in the .3db file.Bute where i found the definition of the keyword:
or “hp_gun_special_5” and so on. ???This keywords, i think are verry importend to know.
Can you help again ?Regards
Cougan -
I use this for .cmp-editing:
http://the-starport.net/freelancer/download/singlefile.php?cid=2&lid=16The name of the ADDITIONAL Hardpoint in my solution can be whatever you like (not equal to existing ones). I use HpThruster0* and place them somewhere in the middle of the ship so they are invisible and I dont NEED a fitting model for them. The HP must be defined ADDITIONAL to the normal Hpshield01 in ships.ini to work ADDITIONAL to the other links:
shield_link = bw_vheavy_shield01, HpMount, HpShield01, PLUS HpThruster02 or your HP to be recognized as an ADDITIONAL shield-capacity or shield-regen HP.2. hp_type = “nickname of your REGENERATOR-HP-TYPE”, HpThruster02 or whatever you defined in the .cmp to restrict this HP to be equipable with your item only.
The second question is about plugin/hacking freelancer.exe refer to adoxa´s plugins to define other HP-Types.
Btw. I could not verify your issue with double-mounted shields. I think its because you used 2 shield_link-entrys.
Possibly related to
- ‘hp_fighter_shield_generator’, which allows mounting (at least) in every fighter shield slot
- missing ‘combinable = false’