Animation control.
The animations are in the .cmp file. You can use the utf editor or, I personally use adoxas utf-xml to edit them
Sorry let me clarify my question. I do know the animations are in the cmp. My question is, how does fl know when to use it? Like the bay doors animation doesn’t do anything untill you dock with a base or jesstion loot so on so on. I’m trying to get a cmp to work with a section rotating. So I’ve looked at a base with a rotating section, and copied it into a cmp. Here’s a look at it:
Maybe you guys can take a look as only part of the ship shows up in UTF and Cmp.
In selects_equip you have [InternalFX] elements, these have to be attached like engines to ships/bases (without hardpoint specification). These have animation and sound fx.
For docking bays, the animation is set after the radius of the dock point (see vanilla bases).
For baydoors, they are set in the shiparch. Every fighter has one. -
Ok I’m following what your saying Skotty, but I’m not doing somthing.
I’m using the animation from : station_small_b_lod.cmp : as it has the rotation I’m looking for. It’s the base in the main menu screen with the 2 rotating planets. I followed what you said about the InternalFX. So I believe I have found it here:
[InternalFX] nickname = smallstation_animate2 use_sound = rumble_station_small use_animation = Sc_rotate ring ```This uses the Sc_rotate ring used in the cmp file. So I llooked in the solararch.ini for the station to see how it's connected, see here:
nickname = smallstation1
LODranges = 0, 2000, 4000, 5000, 10000, 20000
ids_name = 60217
ids_info = 60218
type = STATION
DA_archetype = SOLAR\DOCKABLE\station_small_b_lod.cmp
material_library = SOLAR\Solar_mat_dockable02.mat
material_library = FX\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
mass = 10.000000
loadout = smallstation
docking_camera = 0
solar_radius = 600
shape_name = NAV_smallstation
docking_sphere = berth, HpDockMountA, 10.000000, Sc_open dock1
docking_sphere = berth, HpDockMountB, 10.000000, Sc_open dock2
docking_sphere = berth, HpDockMountC, 10.000000, Sc_open dock3
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountD, 10.000000
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountE, 10.000000
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountF, 10.000000
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountG, 5.000000
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountH, 5.000000
docking_sphere = moor_medium, HpDockMountI, 5.000000
docking_sphere = moor_large, HpDockMountJ, 5.000000
hit_pts = 999999961690316250000000000000000000.000000Only problem is I don't see it being added on anywhere in the solararch.ini file to anything. Also the number after the mount, what is that for?
The animations are assigned in this case in solar\loadouts.ini
[Loadout] nickname = smallstation equip = infinite_power equip = ge_s_scanner_02 equip = smallstation_animate1 equip = smallstation_animate2 equip = sfx_rumble_station_small equip = Small_station_turret, HpTurret_S1_01 equip = Large_station_turret, HpTurret_S2_02 equip = Small_station_turret, HpTurret_S1_03 equip = Small_station_turret, HpTurret_S1_04 equip = Small_station_turret, HpTurret_S1_05 equip = Small_station_turret, HpTurret_S1_06 equip = Small_station_turret, HpTurret_S1_07 equip = Large_station_turret, HpTurret_S2_08 equip = Large_station_turret, HpTurret_S2_01 equip = LargeWhite, HpLight01 equip = SlowLargeRed, HpRunningLight01 equip = LargeWhite, HpRunningLight05 equip = LargeWhite, HpRunningLight06 equip = LargeWhite, HpRunningLight10 equip = LargeWhite, HpRunningLight16 equip = SlowXLargeRed, HpRunningLight07 equip = SlowXLargeRed, HpRunningLight08 equip = SlowLargeYellow, HpRunningLight03 equip = SlowLargeYellow, HpRunningLight04 equip = SlowLargeYellow, HpRunningLight09 equip = SlowLargeYellow, HpRunningLight17 equip = SlowLargeYellow, HpRunningLight18 equip = SlowLargeYellow, HpRunningLight20 equip = SlowMediumGreen, HpRunningLight11 equip = SlowMediumGreen, HpRunningLight12 equip = SlowMediumGreen, HpRunningLight13 equip = SlowMediumGreen, HpRunningLight14 equip = LargeWhite, HpRunningLight15 equip = Small_Station_E3_2001, HPDock01 equip = Small_Station_E3_2001, HPDock02 equip = Small_Station_E3_2001, HPDock03
equip = smallstation_animate1
equip = smallstation_animate2the number is the distance at which the animation will start from the docking hp