Changing energy output on weapons.
Dont forget this tool for setting up your weapons….
Howdy, Im still lurking around here
Orubun - this may help, it’s a spreadsheet file listing all of the weapons (but not mines) in plain Freelancer.
They are sorted on 3 spreadsheets by game name, english name and by ids_name (infocard number).
It’s in Excel format when you unzip it. OpenOffice.Org and Libre Office and others can open it.
Ask when you need more info or help.
Did everything again, and this time i used admin ship to harvest some items and implemented thoes on my ship and got this sweet ride, and as some great men use to say: with great powers come great responsebilitys. So i used Freelancer simple save editor and got this:
ship_archetype = 2805431751
equip = 2225053383, , 1
equip = 2227458894, , 1
cargo = 2520964673, 1, , , 0
cargo = 3183993227, 1, , , 0
equip = 2486738757, HpTorpedo01, 1
equip = 2540429962, HpTorpedo02, 1
equip = 2540429962, HpPilot, 1
equip = 2540429962, HpCM01, 1
equip = 2540429962, HpMine01, 1
equip = 2540429962, HpShield01, 1
equip = 2794766404, HpThruster01, 1
equip = 2281020552, HpWeapon01, 1
equip = 2281020552, HpWeapon06, 1
equip = 2281020552, HpWeapon05, 1
equip = 2281020552, HpWeapon04, 1
equip = 2281020552, HpWeapon03, 1
equip = 2281020552, HpWeapon02, 1
equip = 2371124352, HpTurret01, 1
equip = 2679995081, , 1
equip = 2894877573, , 1Try it out for a spinn and feel the wind in your hair…
Thx for all the help i got and ceep doing what you are best on… All thumbs up to you all…
I rebuilt it from scratch a little over a year ago after I ran into some major limitations using the fixed function pipeline of DirectX. I switched over to shaders only and now I have way more graphics features than I could ever of had the previous way.
BTW the tool I posted is so you can adjust your weps properly. FL uses a per second fire rate and energy usage, that tool will allow get the values needed to simply plug in your wep scripts.
I seem to recall that the speed of the projectile had something to do with energy damage on guns. (I know it does with missiles but I seem to recall that it works with guns as well).
Someone once explained to me that the reason the Kraken2 guns are more powerful than you would expect is because they’re the fastest projectile out there in their class. Same principle as the beam weapon mod.
If this is true, does anyone have the formula that factors projectile speed into the equation?
I know the down and dirty formula is hull_damage * refire rate gives you the damage/second.
Can anyone confirm and clarify?
muzzle_velocity = constant speed
thats all for guns.
If you have a missile/torpedo, means a motor, always calculate
acceleration * lifetime of motor + muzzle_velocity = endspeedOf course everytime + ship speed while you are firing.