A couple questions about editing / modifying vanilla FL
So I’ve started playing freelancer again, but I’ve looked into how to edit/modify the vanilla game a little, and I’ve had great success doing so, however I’m a little confused about something that happens because of this and wondering if folks can clear it up for me.
The current ship I have, is the Liberty Defender. I’ve used the SDK and decrypted my ini files, and found the Liberty Defender in the shiparch.ini …. okay, great so far. I modified the cargo hold to 12,000 that works and is successful and I can carry that much cargo. My issue however is I also decided to modify the hit_points = on my ship to 32,600 which is decent, I still take damage in combat but can still take a lot of hits, which is what I wanted. The big problem with this though is that when I’m down only -25% off my total for ship’s HP during combat, when I get back to a station to land and repair, I’m missing a gun, or a turrent, or both. Sometimes my missle I have mounted in a hard point are missing. Sometimes my hard points are completely missing. like I’ll look at my ship and it only has 3 gun hard points listed, then I go repair everything, and mysteriously the hard points re-appear and are empty. I know I’ve been looting stuff in combat every time the little chest icon appears, so if my guns are… maybe getting shot off of my ship and go floating, I could recover them? But that doesn’t seem to be happening. I’m really at a loss… have I broken the game and should lower the ship’s HP to like 24k? 16k? Any input would be appreciated.
edit: I didn’t intend for this to go into the “Save FL” sub-section, I didn’t even click on that before “Create new topic” I have no idea how it got in here… feel free to move it to the correct section.
This happens because your ship can take so much damage that sometimes the hit points of your attached equipment go to zero way before your ship gets destroyed. Almost every piece of equipment has a specific amount of hit points which is displayed by the green bar in your inventory. At your level, these numbers should be around 1000-2000. As you can see, it is quite likely that one piece of equipment takes 2000 damage before you receive a total of 30k. You haven’t broken the game, this is just how the game works.
Missing hardpoints are probably caused by losing a wing during a fight. When the part of the ship is missing, you of course can’t mount anything on it.
Thank you for the information, It’s kind of obsolete now that I’ve completed the story, have the titan (and edited to make it so it doesn’t maneuver like a cow anymore / fast now), I found out how to get the Adv. Champion H. F. class 10 shield (11038 shield capacity), and hardly ever get my shield depleted unless I’m battling nomads.
Thanks for replying anyway, though.
Does anyone know if it’s possible to some how tweak the ini files to modify the hp for my ship’s wing/tail to bring it up close to where I’ve modified the hull?
Or if not that, I’m still trying to at least figure out which mount points correspond to which place on the ship… like on the titan for example, do the two class 9 gun mounts mean the wings? and if that’s true, then is it the first two mount points that will be lost if the wings get shot off?
Grab HardCMP, you’ll be able to see (and move) the hardpoints with that. It’ll be in the downloads section somewhere.
As for the HP of your destructible parts, I believe the magic lies in the hit_points line of the [Collision Group] section of your ship in the shiparch.
But, never editing it myself I could be wrong.
Bobthemanofsteel wrote:
As for the HP of your destructible parts, I believe the magic lies in the hit_points line of the [Collision Group] section of your ship in the shiparch.That is right. And when such a part is destroyed, all equipment mounted on hardpoints attached to this part is lost, too. These parts are definded in shiparch.ini as [Collision Group] entries under the ship itself.
You have to be carefull when modifying the hitpoints in the CollisionGroups, as they share the overall hitpoints for the ship.
A ship with 10k hitpoints and 4 CollisionGroups with 200 hitpoints each, means that the ships hull only has 9200 hitpoints.
So if you go nuts you could end up with a ship with a tissue paper hull that gets killed with 1 shot. -
Bejaymac wrote:
You have to be carefull when modifying the hitpoints in the CollisionGroups, as they share the overall hitpoints for the ship.
A ship with 10k hitpoints and 4 CollisionGroups with 200 hitpoints each, means that the ships hull only has 9200 hitpoints.
So if you go nuts you could end up with a ship with a tissue paper hull that gets killed with 1 shot.Wow, that’s a new info for me.
So if I have a ship with 2 CollisionGroups, the ship with 10000 hitpoints and the 2 CollisionGroups with 3000 hitpoints, that the ship hull only 4000 hitpoints, right?
But those CollisionGroups has many weapon mounted on, if I give those CollisionGroups only 500 hitpoints, when those CollisionGroups get more then 500 hit, it will be destroyed or not?
Yes all, for weapons question.
And for the other question, yes.Odd thing : when you destroy one Kusari Battleship’s rear wing, the battleship get destroyed, Biggest fail of freelancer! And the battleship has all of his other hitpoints. Collision group is buggy!
You could always just add armor_scaling to the loadout of the ship to increase the overall hull strength. I think then you could increase the hit_points of the collision groups and still keep the hull strong.
JONG wrote:
Wow, that’s a new info for me.
So if I have a ship with 2 CollisionGroups, the ship with 10000 hitpoints and the 2 CollisionGroups with 3000 hitpoints, that the ship hull only 4000 hitpoints, right?
JONG wrote:
But those CollisionGroups has many weapon mounted on, if I give those CollisionGroups only 500 hitpoints, when those CollisionGroups get more then 500 hit, it will be destroyed or not?
CollisionGroups are designed so it looks like your ship has been in a fight, ie missing parts and sparks & flame coming from the damaged end, and yes that does mean any equipment on it gets destroyed as well, which is why you’ll find vanilla ships have most of thier equipment attached to the Root.
JONG wrote:
Wow, that’s a new info for me.
You’ll find that it’s more a case of just not being common knowledge, most custom ships don’t have destructable components built in, so there is no need for most to learn about CollisionGroups. It’s only when you try to replicate what Digital Anvil did to their ships that you start to understand these things.
So… if I’m understanding this right, if I want my hull, and all wing points to all have say… 60,000 hp, I would have to set the actual ship’s hp to be… 240,000, if my ship had… 3 collision points, that way each collision point would be 60k each, and the remaining 60k would be the hull’s hp?
Edit: sorry for very late reply on this, I’ve been busy lately.
As I understand it, if you have set your Root to 60K hit points and all your components set to 60K hit points each what will happen is that your ship will die if you loose any one component, vanilla cap ships are set up this way.
The hit points on the ship is still 60K but the components subtract the amount of damage via root_health_proxy, so any damage to a component is passed on to the Root, so you will still die if your wing falls off, even if you haven’t taken any damage to the main body
I suppose you could leave some breathing room after having all your components shot off by making the hull 240K. vanilla ships seem run in the 15-20% range for wings less for fins
It’s been 3 years and I don’t have any of my files handy, but iirc you can change the root_health_proxy so the collisiongroups no longer leech health from the hull, there is a problem with this though, each component’s health is added to the health bar in game, so you could find yourself dead with more than half your health bar still full as you can’t tell when your hull has reached critical.
You’ll be fine as long as you keep the total HP of your collisiongroups to less than 30% of the hulls HP, over that and your hull armor starts to get a little thin
Wait-wait guys. Afaik hitpoints of the collision group do not influence hull.
Say if you have hull of 10000, and 4 collision groups of 2500, you’ll still have to hit 10000 hull points to destroy hull.Ofcourse, the following facts MATTER:
if collision group has root_helth_proxy = true line, then all the damage got by collision_group is transfered to hull. Say if you hit collision group to 1500(took of 1000 hit_pts), your hull will have 9000 hit_pts left).
If all the collision groups will be hit by missile explosion that deals 2500 and more damage, those hit_pts will also apply to hull, that means it will deal 2500*4 = 10000 hull damage and the ship gets destroyed.
If collision_group has(in this case) hit_pts of 10000 and more, destroying it will destroy the ship, as it will deal 10000 or more dmage to hull.
The above will not happen if root_health_proxy = false.If your collision_group has a fuse attached with destroy_root = true line, no matter what other parameters(including hit_pts and root_health_proxy) suggest, it will destroy the hull after destruction.
Collisio_group hitpoints are also influenced by constants.ini(hitpoints scale of player collision_groups adjustment).
We have capships flying on our server and many players like to target a single component (the bow section of the dreadnought for example) because they know that as long as they destroy that piece the whole ship dies.
I’ll have to look in the collision groups to see if that destroy_root = true line is in there, I never paid any attention to it.
It would be funny if the Dread could continue to fly after losing its bow section…
It can. For this you would have to set the hitpoints of the component lower than the ships hitpoints. Besides that you have to remove the death fuse.
Yes, now the question becomes ‘should I do it…’. The fighter pilots are already whining about the fact that they can’t beat a battleship one on one…
Isn’t it this value?
root_health_proxy = true
I guess it is but the other value…
separable = true
…seems to act as a dispatcher when the part is destroyed.
I will make a try with :
root_health_proxy = false
After I have test it, I’ll do an edit.
Edit : that wasn’t it…