Nomad Worm model?
Is there a way to get this working where i can see the whole thing? I’m trying to make it a bartender and i’ve added it in
nickname = Li0508_fix_bartender
body = worm
affiliation = fc_n_grp
voice = rvp003Now it shows up but i only get a small part that seems to float about head height. There are supposed to be some animation sections which i’ve tried to add to the mbase file without success. I can’t seem to find other entries for the worm model though its possible i’m missing it if there are other parts that are named something else
Regarding the animation sections, would i add them in at the end of the base file where the other animations are normally for the bartender etc?
I guess it’s difficult/not possible to give the worm model human animations. It was just used for a special scene in the campaign, not for using it on bases or somewhere else. So I think it doesnt have all animation-bones you would need and if, they could have different names.
Starting to realise that. Tried the Niemann worm head as another option, and it didn’t have the glowing eyes and his mouth didn’t move. Oh well, worth a try. Hopefully someone has it working
The glowing eyes are special effects. I think its not possible to attach them to the character without any THN script.
His mouth is maybe fixed because a Nomad is coming out of it, so they changed it.